Php - DTracing PHP These scripts trace the PHP programming language, and require the PHP DTrace extension module to be installed and enabled. The PHP DTrace provider was written by Wes Furlong, and is available for download both as source and in binary form. The easiest instructions are currently at, http://blogs.sun.com/shanti/entry/dtrace_support_for_php which were written for Solaris and the coolstack distribution of PHP. The steps are roughly, 1. Download the extension library from the URL above 2. Copy the library to your php/extensions/* directory 3. Edit your php.ini and add, extension="dtrace.so" The website with the PHP DTrace provider source is, http://pecl.php.net/package/DTrace Here you can fetch the source to build the library yourself, especially if Solaris binaries from the previous URL aren't going to work for you. Since the DTrace PHP provider may be developed further, there is a chance that it has changed slightly by the time you are reading this, causing these scripts to either break or behave oddly. Firstly, check for newer versions of the DTraceToolkit; if it hasn't been updated and you need to use these scripts immediately, then updating them shouldn't take too long. The following was the state of the provider when these scripts were written - check for changes and update the scripts accordingly, provider php { probe function-entry(function, file, lineno) probe function-return(function, file, lineno) };