This structure contains the asynchronous state of the physical link. Unfortunately, just about every .h file is included in every .c file now. Fixing this can be one of the last jobs.
1712 lines
43 KiB
1712 lines
43 KiB
* PPP User command processing module
* Written by Toshiharu OHNO (
* Copyright (C) 1993, Internet Initiative Japan, Inc. All rights reserverd.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
* duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
* advertising materials, and other materials related to such
* distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
* by the Internet Initiative Japan, Inc. The name of the
* IIJ may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
* $Id: command.c,v 1998/02/02 19:32:30 brian Exp $
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <net/route.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#ifndef NOALIAS
#include <alias.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <paths.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "command.h"
#include "mbuf.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "fsm.h"
#include "phase.h"
#include "lcp.h"
#include "iplist.h"
#include "throughput.h"
#include "ipcp.h"
#include "modem.h"
#include "filter.h"
#ifndef NOALIAS
#include "alias_cmd.h"
#include "hdlc.h"
#include "loadalias.h"
#include "vars.h"
#include "systems.h"
#include "chat.h"
#include "bundle.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "route.h"
#include "ccp.h"
#include "ip.h"
#include "slcompress.h"
#include "auth.h"
#include "async.h"
#include "link.h"
#include "physical.h"
struct in_addr ifnetmask;
static const char *HIDDEN = "********";
static int ShowCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int TerminalCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int QuitCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int CloseCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int DialCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int DownCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int AllowCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int SetCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int AddCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int DeleteCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int BgShellCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int FgShellCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg);
#ifndef NOALIAS
static int AliasCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int AliasEnable(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int AliasOption(struct cmdargs const *arg);
static int
HelpCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
struct cmdtab const *cmd;
int n, cmax, dmax, cols;
if (!VarTerm)
return 0;
if (arg->argc > 0) {
for (cmd = arg->cmd; cmd->name; cmd++)
if (strcasecmp(cmd->name, *arg->argv) == 0 &&
(cmd->lauth & VarLocalAuth)) {
fprintf(VarTerm, "%s\n", cmd->syntax);
return 0;
return -1;
cmax = dmax = 0;
for (cmd = arg->cmd; cmd->func; cmd++)
if (cmd->name && (cmd->lauth & VarLocalAuth)) {
if ((n = strlen(cmd->name)) > cmax)
cmax = n;
if ((n = strlen(cmd->helpmes)) > dmax)
dmax = n;
cols = 80 / (dmax + cmax + 3);
n = 0;
for (cmd = arg->cmd; cmd->func; cmd++)
if (cmd->name && (cmd->lauth & VarLocalAuth)) {
fprintf(VarTerm, " %-*.*s: %-*.*s",
cmax, cmax, cmd->name, dmax, dmax, cmd->helpmes);
if (++n % cols == 0)
fprintf(VarTerm, "\n");
if (n % cols != 0)
fprintf(VarTerm, "\n");
return 0;
IsInteractive(int Display)
const char *m = NULL;
if (mode & MODE_DDIAL)
m = "direct dial";
else if (mode & MODE_BACKGROUND)
m = "background";
else if (mode & MODE_AUTO)
m = "auto";
else if (mode & MODE_DIRECT)
m = "direct";
else if (mode & MODE_DEDICATED)
m = "dedicated";
else if (mode & MODE_INTER)
m = "interactive";
if (m) {
if (Display && VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, "Working in %s mode\n", m);
return mode & MODE_INTER;
static int
DialCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
int tries;
int res;
if (LcpInfo.fsm.state > ST_CLOSED) {
if (VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, "LCP state is [%s]\n", StateNames[LcpInfo.fsm.state]);
return 0;
if ((mode & MODE_DAEMON) && !(mode & MODE_AUTO)) {
"Manual dial is only available in auto and interactive mode\n");
return 1;
if (arg->argc > 0 && (res = LoadCommand(arg)) != 0)
return res;
tries = 0;
do {
if (tries) {
LogPrintf(LogPHASE, "Enter pause (%d) for redialing.\n",
if (VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, "Dial attempt %u of %d\n", ++tries, VarDialTries);
if (OpenModem(arg->bundle, pppVars.physical) < 0) {
if (VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, "Failed to open modem.\n");
if ((res = DialModem(arg->bundle, pppVars.physical)) == EX_DONE) {
PacketMode(arg->bundle, VarOpenMode);
} else if (res == EX_SIG)
return 1;
} while (VarDialTries == 0 || tries < VarDialTries);
return 0;
static int
SetLoopback(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (arg->argc == 1)
if (!strcasecmp(*arg->argv, "on")) {
VarLoopback = 1;
return 0;
else if (!strcasecmp(*arg->argv, "off")) {
VarLoopback = 0;
return 0;
return -1;
static int
ShellCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg, int bg)
const char *shell;
pid_t shpid;
int argc;
char *argv[MAXARGS];
/* we're only allowed to shell when we run ppp interactively */
if (mode != MODE_INTER) {
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "Can only start a shell in interactive mode\n");
return 1;
* we want to stop shell commands when we've got a telnet connection to an
* auto mode ppp
if (VarTerm && !(mode & MODE_INTER)) {
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "Shell is not allowed interactively in auto mode\n");
return 1;
if (arg->argc == 0)
if (!(mode & MODE_INTER)) {
if (VarTerm)
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "Can't start an interactive shell from"
" a telnet session\n");
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "Can only start an interactive shell in"
" interactive mode\n");
return 1;
} else if (bg) {
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "Can only start an interactive shell in"
" the foreground mode\n");
return 1;
if ((shell = getenv("SHELL")) == 0)
shell = _PATH_BSHELL;
if ((shpid = fork()) == 0) {
int dtablesize, i, fd;
signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL);
if (VarTerm)
fd = fileno(VarTerm);
else if ((fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR)) == -1) {
LogPrintf(LogALERT, "Failed to open /dev/null: %s\n", strerror(errno));
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
dup2(fd, i);
for (dtablesize = getdtablesize(), i = 3; i < dtablesize; i++)
if (arg->argc > 0) {
/* substitute pseudo args */
argv[0] = strdup(arg->argv[0]);
for (argc = 1; argc < arg->argc; argc++) {
if (strcasecmp(arg->argv[argc], "HISADDR") == 0)
argv[argc] = strdup(inet_ntoa(IpcpInfo.his_ipaddr));
else if (strcasecmp(arg->argv[argc], "INTERFACE") == 0)
argv[argc] = strdup(arg->bundle->ifname);
else if (strcasecmp(arg->argv[argc], "MYADDR") == 0)
argv[argc] = strdup(inet_ntoa(IpcpInfo.want_ipaddr));
argv[argc] = strdup(arg->argv[argc]);
argv[argc] = NULL;
if (bg) {
pid_t p;
p = getpid();
if (daemon(1, 1) == -1) {
LogPrintf(LogERROR, "%d: daemon: %s\n", p, strerror(errno));
} else if (VarTerm)
printf("ppp: Pausing until %s finishes\n", arg->argv[0]);
execvp(argv[0], argv);
} else {
if (VarTerm)
printf("ppp: Pausing until %s finishes\n", shell);
execl(shell, shell, NULL);
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "exec() of %s failed\n",
arg->argc > 0 ? arg->argv[0] : shell);
if (shpid == (pid_t) - 1) {
LogPrintf(LogERROR, "Fork failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
} else {
int status;
waitpid(shpid, &status, 0);
return (0);
static int
BgShellCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (arg->argc == 0)
return -1;
return ShellCommand(arg, 1);
static int
FgShellCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
return ShellCommand(arg, 0);
static struct cmdtab const Commands[] = {
{"accept", NULL, AcceptCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"accept option request", "accept option .."},
{"add", NULL, AddCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"add route", "add dest mask gateway", NULL},
{"add!", NULL, AddCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"add or change route", "add! dest mask gateway", (void *)1},
{"allow", "auth", AllowCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Allow ppp access", "allow users|modes ...."},
{"bg", "!bg", BgShellCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Run a background command", "[!]bg command"},
{"close", NULL, CloseCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Close connection", "close"},
{"delete", NULL, DeleteCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"delete route", "delete dest", NULL},
{"delete!", NULL, DeleteCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"delete a route if it exists", "delete! dest", (void *)1},
{"deny", NULL, DenyCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Deny option request", "deny option .."},
{"dial", "call", DialCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Dial and login", "dial|call [remote]"},
{"disable", NULL, DisableCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Disable option", "disable option .."},
{"display", NULL, DisplayCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Display option configs", "display"},
{"enable", NULL, EnableCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Enable option", "enable option .."},
{"passwd", NULL, LocalAuthCommand, LOCAL_NO_AUTH,
"Password for manipulation", "passwd LocalPassword"},
{"load", NULL, LoadCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Load settings", "load [remote]"},
{"save", NULL, SaveCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Save settings", "save"},
{"set", "setup", SetCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set parameters", "set[up] var value"},
{"shell", "!", FgShellCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Run a subshell", "shell|! [sh command]"},
{"show", NULL, ShowCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show status and stats", "show var"},
{"term", NULL, TerminalCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Enter terminal mode", "term"},
#ifndef NOALIAS
{"alias", NULL, AliasCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"alias control", "alias option [yes|no]"},
{"quit", "bye", QuitCommand, LOCAL_AUTH | LOCAL_NO_AUTH,
"Quit PPP program", "quit|bye [all]"},
{"help", "?", HelpCommand, LOCAL_AUTH | LOCAL_NO_AUTH,
"Display this message", "help|? [command]", Commands},
{NULL, "down", DownCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Generate down event", "down"},
static int
ShowLoopback(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, "Local loopback is %s\n", VarLoopback ? "on" : "off");
return 0;
static int
ShowLogLevel(struct cmdargs const *arg)
int i;
if (!VarTerm)
return 0;
fprintf(VarTerm, "Log: ");
for (i = LogMIN; i <= LogMAX; i++)
if (LogIsKept(i) & LOG_KEPT_SYSLOG)
fprintf(VarTerm, " %s", LogName(i));
fprintf(VarTerm, "\nLocal:");
for (i = LogMIN; i <= LogMAX; i++)
if (LogIsKept(i) & LOG_KEPT_LOCAL)
fprintf(VarTerm, " %s", LogName(i));
fprintf(VarTerm, "\n");
return 0;
static int
ShowEscape(struct cmdargs const *arg)
int code, bit;
if (!VarTerm)
return 0;
if (EscMap[32]) {
for (code = 0; code < 32; code++)
if (EscMap[code])
for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
if (EscMap[code] & (1 << bit))
fprintf(VarTerm, " 0x%02x", (code << 3) + bit);
fprintf(VarTerm, "\n");
return 0;
static int
ShowTimeout(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (VarTerm) {
int remaining;
fprintf(VarTerm, " Idle Timer: %d secs LQR Timer: %d secs"
" Retry Timer: %d secs\n", VarIdleTimeout, VarLqrTimeout,
remaining = RemainingIdleTime();
if (remaining != -1)
fprintf(VarTerm, " %d secs remaining\n", remaining);
return 0;
static int
ShowStopped(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (!VarTerm)
return 0;
fprintf(VarTerm, " Stopped Timer: LCP: ");
if (!LcpInfo.fsm.StoppedTimer.load)
fprintf(VarTerm, "Disabled");
fprintf(VarTerm, "%ld secs", LcpInfo.fsm.StoppedTimer.load / SECTICKS);
fprintf(VarTerm, ", IPCP: ");
if (!IpcpInfo.fsm.StoppedTimer.load)
fprintf(VarTerm, "Disabled");
fprintf(VarTerm, "%ld secs", IpcpInfo.fsm.StoppedTimer.load / SECTICKS);
fprintf(VarTerm, ", CCP: ");
if (!CcpInfo.fsm.StoppedTimer.load)
fprintf(VarTerm, "Disabled");
fprintf(VarTerm, "%ld secs", CcpInfo.fsm.StoppedTimer.load / SECTICKS);
fprintf(VarTerm, "\n");
return 0;
static int
ShowAuthKey(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (!VarTerm)
return 0;
fprintf(VarTerm, "AuthName = %s\n", VarAuthName);
fprintf(VarTerm, "AuthKey = %s\n", HIDDEN);
#ifdef HAVE_DES
fprintf(VarTerm, "Encrypt = %s\n", VarMSChap ? "MSChap" : "MD5" );
return 0;
static int
ShowVersion(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, "%s - %s \n", VarVersion, VarLocalVersion);
return 0;
static int
ShowInitialMRU(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, " Initial MRU: %d\n", VarMRU);
return 0;
static int
ShowPreferredMTU(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (VarTerm)
if (VarPrefMTU)
fprintf(VarTerm, " Preferred MTU: %d\n", VarPrefMTU);
fprintf(VarTerm, " Preferred MTU: unspecified\n");
return 0;
static int
ShowReconnect(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, " Reconnect Timer: %d, %d tries\n",
VarReconnectTimer, VarReconnectTries);
return 0;
static int
ShowRedial(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (!VarTerm)
return 0;
fprintf(VarTerm, " Redial Timer: ");
if (VarRedialTimeout >= 0) {
fprintf(VarTerm, " %d seconds, ", VarRedialTimeout);
} else {
fprintf(VarTerm, " Random 0 - %d seconds, ", REDIAL_PERIOD);
fprintf(VarTerm, " Redial Next Timer: ");
if (VarRedialNextTimeout >= 0) {
fprintf(VarTerm, " %d seconds, ", VarRedialNextTimeout);
} else {
fprintf(VarTerm, " Random 0 - %d seconds, ", REDIAL_PERIOD);
if (VarDialTries)
fprintf(VarTerm, "%d dial tries", VarDialTries);
fprintf(VarTerm, "\n");
return 0;
#ifndef NOMSEXT
static int
ShowMSExt(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (VarTerm) {
fprintf(VarTerm, " MS PPP extention values \n");
fprintf(VarTerm, " Primary NS : %s\n",
fprintf(VarTerm, " Secondary NS : %s\n",
fprintf(VarTerm, " Primary NBNS : %s\n",
fprintf(VarTerm, " Secondary NBNS : %s\n",
return 0;
static struct cmdtab const ShowCommands[] = {
{"afilter", NULL, ShowAfilter, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show keep-alive filters", "show afilter option .."},
{"auth", NULL, ShowAuthKey, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show auth details", "show auth"},
{"ccp", NULL, ReportCcpStatus, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show CCP status", "show cpp"},
{"compress", NULL, ReportCompress, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show compression stats", "show compress"},
{"dfilter", NULL, ShowDfilter, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show Demand filters", "show dfilteroption .."},
{"escape", NULL, ShowEscape, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show escape characters", "show escape"},
{"hdlc", NULL, ReportHdlcStatus, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show HDLC errors", "show hdlc"},
{"ifilter", NULL, ShowIfilter, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show Input filters", "show ifilter option .."},
{"ipcp", NULL, ReportIpcpStatus, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show IPCP status", "show ipcp"},
{"lcp", NULL, ReportLcpStatus, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show LCP status", "show lcp"},
{"loopback", NULL, ShowLoopback, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show loopback setting", "show loopback"},
{"log", NULL, ShowLogLevel, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show log levels", "show log"},
{"mem", NULL, ShowMemMap, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show memory map", "show mem"},
{"modem", NULL, ShowModemStatus, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show modem setups", "show modem"},
{"mru", NULL, ShowInitialMRU, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show Initial MRU", "show mru"},
#ifndef NOMSEXT
{"msext", NULL, ShowMSExt, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show MS PPP extentions", "show msext"},
{"mtu", NULL, ShowPreferredMTU, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show Preferred MTU", "show mtu"},
{"ofilter", NULL, ShowOfilter, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show Output filters", "show ofilter option .."},
{"proto", NULL, ReportProtocolStatus, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show protocol summary", "show proto"},
{"reconnect", NULL, ShowReconnect, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show reconnect timer", "show reconnect"},
{"redial", NULL, ShowRedial, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show Redial timeout", "show redial"},
{"route", NULL, ShowRoute, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show routing table", "show route"},
{"timeout", NULL, ShowTimeout, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show Idle timeout", "show timeout"},
{"stopped", NULL, ShowStopped, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show STOPPED timeout", "show stopped"},
{"version", NULL, ShowVersion, LOCAL_NO_AUTH | LOCAL_AUTH,
"Show version string", "show version"},
{"help", "?", HelpCommand, LOCAL_NO_AUTH | LOCAL_AUTH,
"Display this message", "show help|? [command]", ShowCommands},
static struct cmdtab const *
FindCommand(struct cmdtab const *cmds, const char *str, int *pmatch)
int nmatch;
int len;
struct cmdtab const *found;
found = NULL;
len = strlen(str);
nmatch = 0;
while (cmds->func) {
if (cmds->name && strncasecmp(str, cmds->name, len) == 0) {
if (cmds->name[len] == '\0') {
*pmatch = 1;
return cmds;
found = cmds;
} else if (cmds->alias && strncasecmp(str, cmds->alias, len) == 0) {
if (cmds->alias[len] == '\0') {
*pmatch = 1;
return cmds;
found = cmds;
*pmatch = nmatch;
return found;
static int
FindExec(struct bundle *bundle, struct cmdtab const *cmds, int argc,
char const *const *argv, const char *prefix)
struct cmdtab const *cmd;
int val = 1;
int nmatch;
struct cmdargs arg;
cmd = FindCommand(cmds, *argv, &nmatch);
if (nmatch > 1)
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "%s%s: Ambiguous command\n", prefix, *argv);
else if (cmd && (cmd->lauth & VarLocalAuth)) {
arg.cmd = cmds;
arg.argc = argc-1;
arg.argv = argv+1;
| = cmd->args;
arg.bundle = bundle;
val = (cmd->func) (&arg);
} else
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "%s%s: Invalid command\n", prefix, *argv);
if (val == -1)
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "Usage: %s\n", cmd->syntax);
else if (val)
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "%s%s: Failed %d\n", prefix, *argv, val);
return val;
int aft_cmd = 1;
const char *pconnect, *pauth;
if (!VarTerm || TermMode)
if (!aft_cmd)
fprintf(VarTerm, "\n");
aft_cmd = 0;
if (VarLocalAuth == LOCAL_AUTH)
pauth = " ON ";
pauth = " on ";
if (IpcpInfo.fsm.state == ST_OPENED && phase == PHASE_NETWORK)
pconnect = "PPP";
pconnect = "ppp";
fprintf(VarTerm, "%s%s%s> ", pconnect, pauth, VarShortHost);
InterpretCommand(char *buff, int nb, int *argc, char ***argv)
static char *vector[MAXARGS];
char *cp;
if (nb > 0) {
cp = buff + strcspn(buff, "\r\n");
if (cp)
*cp = '\0';
*argc = MakeArgs(buff, vector, VECSIZE(vector));
*argv = vector;
} else
*argc = 0;
static int
arghidden(int argc, char const *const *argv, int n)
/* Is arg n of the given command to be hidden from the log ? */
/* set authkey xxxxx */
/* set key xxxxx */
if (n == 2 && !strncasecmp(argv[0], "se", 2) &&
(!strncasecmp(argv[1], "authk", 5) || !strncasecmp(argv[1], "ke", 2)))
return 1;
/* passwd xxxxx */
if (n == 1 && !strncasecmp(argv[0], "p", 1))
return 1;
return 0;
RunCommand(struct bundle *bundle, int argc, char const *const *argv,
const char *label)
if (argc > 0) {
if (LogIsKept(LogCOMMAND)) {
static char buf[LINE_LEN];
int f, n;
*buf = '\0';
if (label) {
strncpy(buf, label, sizeof buf - 3);
buf[sizeof buf - 3] = '\0';
strcat(buf, ": ");
n = strlen(buf);
for (f = 0; f < argc; f++) {
if (n < sizeof buf - 1 && f)
buf[n++] = ' ';
if (arghidden(argc, argv, f))
strncpy(buf+n, HIDDEN, sizeof buf - n - 1);
strncpy(buf+n, argv[f], sizeof buf - n - 1);
n += strlen(buf+n);
LogPrintf(LogCOMMAND, "%s\n", buf);
FindExec(bundle, Commands, argc, argv, "");
DecodeCommand(struct bundle *bundle, char *buff, int nb, const char *label)
int argc;
char **argv;
InterpretCommand(buff, nb, &argc, &argv);
RunCommand(bundle, argc, (char const *const *)argv, label);
static int
ShowCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (arg->argc > 0)
FindExec(arg->bundle, ShowCommands, arg->argc, arg->argv, "show ");
else if (VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, "Use ``show ?'' to get a arg->cmd.\n");
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "show command must have arguments\n");
return 0;
static int
TerminalCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (LcpInfo.fsm.state > ST_CLOSED) {
if (VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, "LCP state is [%s]\n", StateNames[LcpInfo.fsm.state]);
return 1;
if (!IsInteractive(1))
return (1);
if (OpenModem(arg->bundle, pppVars.physical) < 0) {
if (VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, "Failed to open modem.\n");
return (1);
if (VarTerm) {
fprintf(VarTerm, "Entering terminal mode.\n");
fprintf(VarTerm, "Type `~?' for help.\n");
return (0);
static int
QuitCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (VarTerm) {
if ((mode & MODE_INTER) ||
(arg->argc > 0 && !strcasecmp(*arg->argv, "all") &&
return 0;
static int
CloseCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
return 0;
static int
DownCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
return 0;
static int
SetModemSpeed(struct cmdargs const *arg)
long speed;
char *end;
if (arg->argc > 0 && **arg->argv) {
if (arg->argc > 1) {
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "SetModemSpeed: Too many arguments");
return -1;
if (strcasecmp(*arg->argv, "sync") == 0) {
return 0;
end = NULL;
speed = strtol(*arg->argv, &end, 10);
if (*end) {
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "SetModemSpeed: Bad argument \"%s\"", *arg->argv);
return -1;
if (Physical_SetSpeed(pppVars.physical, speed))
return 0;
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "%s: Invalid speed\n", *arg->argv);
} else {
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "SetModemSpeed: No speed specified\n");
return -1;
static int
SetReconnect(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (arg->argc == 2) {
VarReconnectTimer = atoi(arg->argv[0]);
VarReconnectTries = atoi(arg->argv[1]);
return 0;
return -1;
static int
SetRedialTimeout(struct cmdargs const *arg)
int timeout;
int tries;
char *dot;
if (arg->argc == 1 || arg->argc == 2) {
if (strncasecmp(arg->argv[0], "random", 6) == 0 &&
(arg->argv[0][6] == '\0' || arg->argv[0][6] == '.')) {
VarRedialTimeout = -1;
} else {
timeout = atoi(arg->argv[0]);
if (timeout >= 0)
VarRedialTimeout = timeout;
else {
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "Invalid redial timeout\n");
return -1;
dot = strchr(arg->argv[0], '.');
if (dot) {
if (strcasecmp(++dot, "random") == 0) {
VarRedialNextTimeout = -1;
} else {
timeout = atoi(dot);
if (timeout >= 0)
VarRedialNextTimeout = timeout;
else {
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "Invalid next redial timeout\n");
return -1;
} else
VarRedialNextTimeout = NEXT_REDIAL_PERIOD; /* Default next timeout */
if (arg->argc == 2) {
tries = atoi(arg->argv[1]);
if (tries >= 0) {
VarDialTries = tries;
} else {
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "Invalid retry value\n");
return 1;
return 0;
return -1;
static int
SetStoppedTimeout(struct cmdargs const *arg)
LcpInfo.fsm.StoppedTimer.load = 0;
IpcpInfo.fsm.StoppedTimer.load = 0;
CcpInfo.fsm.StoppedTimer.load = 0;
if (arg->argc <= 3) {
if (arg->argc > 0) {
LcpInfo.fsm.StoppedTimer.load = atoi(arg->argv[0]) * SECTICKS;
if (arg->argc > 1) {
IpcpInfo.fsm.StoppedTimer.load = atoi(arg->argv[1]) * SECTICKS;
if (arg->argc > 2)
CcpInfo.fsm.StoppedTimer.load = atoi(arg->argv[2]) * SECTICKS;
return 0;
return -1;
#define ismask(x) \
(*x == '0' && strlen(x) == 4 && strspn(x+1, "0123456789.") == 3)
static int
SetServer(struct cmdargs const *arg)
int res = -1;
if (arg->argc > 0 && arg->argc < 4) {
const char *port, *passwd, *mask;
/* What's what ? */
port = arg->argv[0];
if (arg->argc == 2)
if (ismask(arg->argv[1])) {
passwd = NULL;
mask = arg->argv[1];
} else {
passwd = arg->argv[1];
mask = NULL;
else if (arg->argc == 3) {
passwd = arg->argv[1];
mask = arg->argv[2];
if (!ismask(mask))
return -1;
} else
passwd = mask = NULL;
if (passwd == NULL)
VarHaveLocalAuthKey = 0;
else {
strncpy(VarLocalAuthKey, passwd, sizeof VarLocalAuthKey - 1);
VarLocalAuthKey[sizeof VarLocalAuthKey - 1] = '\0';
VarHaveLocalAuthKey = 1;
if (strcasecmp(port, "none") == 0) {
int oserver;
if (mask != NULL || passwd != NULL)
return -1;
oserver = server;
if (oserver != -1)
LogPrintf(LogPHASE, "Disabling server port.\n");
res = 0;
} else if (*port == '/') {
mode_t imask;
if (mask != NULL) {
unsigned m;
if (sscanf(mask, "%o", &m) == 1)
imask = m;
return -1;
} else
imask = (mode_t)-1;
res = ServerLocalOpen(port, imask);
} else {
int iport;
if (mask != NULL)
return -1;
if (strspn(port, "0123456789") != strlen(port)) {
struct servent *s;
if ((s = getservbyname(port, "tcp")) == NULL) {
iport = 0;
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "%s: Invalid port or service\n", port);
} else
iport = ntohs(s->s_port);
} else
iport = atoi(port);
res = iport ? ServerTcpOpen(iport) : -1;
return res;
static int
SetModemParity(struct cmdargs const *arg)
return arg->argc > 0 ? ChangeParity(pppVars.physical, *arg->argv) : -1;
static int
SetLogLevel(struct cmdargs const *arg)
int i;
int res;
int argc;
char const *const *argv, *argp;
void (*Discard)(int), (*Keep)(int);
void (*DiscardAll)(void);
argc = arg->argc;
argv = arg->argv;
res = 0;
if (argc == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[0], "local")) {
Discard = LogDiscard;
Keep = LogKeep;
DiscardAll = LogDiscardAll;
} else {
Discard = LogDiscardLocal;
Keep = LogKeepLocal;
DiscardAll = LogDiscardAllLocal;
if (argc == 0 || (argv[0][0] != '+' && argv[0][0] != '-'))
while (argc--) {
argp = **argv == '+' || **argv == '-' ? *argv + 1 : *argv;
for (i = LogMIN; i <= LogMAX; i++)
if (strcasecmp(argp, LogName(i)) == 0) {
if (**argv == '-')
if (i > LogMAX) {
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "%s: Invalid log value\n", argp);
res = -1;
return res;
static int
SetEscape(struct cmdargs const *arg)
int code;
int argc = arg->argc;
char const *const *argv = arg->argv;
for (code = 0; code < 33; code++)
EscMap[code] = 0;
while (argc-- > 0) {
sscanf(*argv++, "%x", &code);
code &= 0xff;
EscMap[code >> 3] |= (1 << (code & 7));
EscMap[32] = 1;
return 0;
static int
SetInitialMRU(struct cmdargs const *arg)
long mru;
const char *err;
if (arg->argc > 0) {
mru = atol(*arg->argv);
if (mru < MIN_MRU)
err = "Given MRU value (%ld) is too small.\n";
else if (mru > MAX_MRU)
err = "Given MRU value (%ld) is too big.\n";
else {
VarMRU = mru;
return 0;
LogPrintf(LogWARN, err, mru);
return -1;
static int
SetPreferredMTU(struct cmdargs const *arg)
long mtu;
const char *err;
if (arg->argc > 0) {
mtu = atol(*arg->argv);
if (mtu == 0) {
VarPrefMTU = 0;
return 0;
} else if (mtu < MIN_MTU)
err = "Given MTU value (%ld) is too small.\n";
else if (mtu > MAX_MTU)
err = "Given MTU value (%ld) is too big.\n";
else {
VarPrefMTU = mtu;
return 0;
LogPrintf(LogWARN, err, mtu);
return -1;
static int
SetIdleTimeout(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (arg->argc > 0) {
VarIdleTimeout = atoi(arg->argv[0]);
/* If we're connected, restart the idle timer */
if (arg->argc > 1) {
VarLqrTimeout = atoi(arg->argv[1]);
if (VarLqrTimeout < 1)
VarLqrTimeout = 30;
if (arg->argc > 2) {
VarRetryTimeout = atoi(arg->argv[2]);
if (VarRetryTimeout < 1 || VarRetryTimeout > 10)
VarRetryTimeout = 3;
return 0;
return -1;
static struct in_addr
GetIpAddr(const char *cp)
struct hostent *hp;
struct in_addr ipaddr;
if (inet_aton(cp, &ipaddr) == 0) {
hp = gethostbyname(cp);
if (hp && hp->h_addrtype == AF_INET)
memcpy(&ipaddr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);
ipaddr.s_addr = 0;
return (ipaddr);
static int
SetInterfaceAddr(struct cmdargs const *arg)
const char *hisaddr;
hisaddr = NULL;
IpcpInfo.DefMyAddress.ipaddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
IpcpInfo.DefHisAddress.ipaddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (arg->argc > 4)
return -1;
IpcpInfo.HaveTriggerAddress = 0;
ifnetmask.s_addr = 0;
if (arg->argc > 0) {
if (!ParseAddr(arg->argc, arg->argv, &IpcpInfo.DefMyAddress.ipaddr,
&IpcpInfo.DefMyAddress.mask, &IpcpInfo.DefMyAddress.width))
return 1;
if (arg->argc > 1) {
hisaddr = arg->argv[1];
if (arg->argc > 2) {
ifnetmask = GetIpAddr(arg->argv[2]);
if (arg->argc > 3) {
IpcpInfo.TriggerAddress = GetIpAddr(arg->argv[3]);
IpcpInfo.HaveTriggerAddress = 1;
* For backwards compatibility, means any address.
if (IpcpInfo.DefMyAddress.ipaddr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) {
IpcpInfo.DefMyAddress.mask.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
IpcpInfo.DefMyAddress.width = 0;
IpcpInfo.want_ipaddr.s_addr = IpcpInfo.DefMyAddress.ipaddr.s_addr;
if (IpcpInfo.DefHisAddress.ipaddr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) {
IpcpInfo.DefHisAddress.mask.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
IpcpInfo.DefHisAddress.width = 0;
if (hisaddr && !UseHisaddr(arg->bundle, hisaddr, mode & MODE_AUTO))
return 4;
return 0;
#ifndef NOMSEXT
static void
SetMSEXT(struct in_addr * pri_addr,
struct in_addr * sec_addr,
int argc,
char const *const *argv)
int dummyint;
struct in_addr dummyaddr;
pri_addr->s_addr = sec_addr->s_addr = 0L;
if (argc > 0) {
ParseAddr(argc, argv++, pri_addr, &dummyaddr, &dummyint);
if (--argc > 0)
ParseAddr(argc, argv++, sec_addr, &dummyaddr, &dummyint);
sec_addr->s_addr = pri_addr->s_addr;
* if the primary/secondary ns entries are we should set them to
* either the localhost's ip, or the values in /etc/resolv.conf ??
* up to you if you want to implement this...
static int
SetNS(struct cmdargs const *arg)
SetMSEXT(&IpcpInfo.ns_entries[0], &IpcpInfo.ns_entries[1],
arg->argc, arg->argv);
return 0;
static int
SetNBNS(struct cmdargs const *arg)
SetMSEXT(&IpcpInfo.nbns_entries[0], &IpcpInfo.nbns_entries[1],
arg->argc, arg->argv);
return 0;
#endif /* MS_EXT */
SetVariable(struct cmdargs const *arg)
u_long map;
const char *argp;
int param = (int)arg->data;
if (arg->argc > 0)
argp = *arg->argv;
argp = "";
switch (param) {
strncpy(VarAuthKey, argp, sizeof VarAuthKey - 1);
VarAuthKey[sizeof VarAuthKey - 1] = '\0';
strncpy(VarAuthName, argp, sizeof VarAuthName - 1);
VarAuthName[sizeof VarAuthName - 1] = '\0';
case VAR_DIAL:
strncpy(VarDialScript, argp, sizeof VarDialScript - 1);
VarDialScript[sizeof VarDialScript - 1] = '\0';
strncpy(VarLoginScript, argp, sizeof VarLoginScript - 1);
VarLoginScript[sizeof VarLoginScript - 1] = '\0';
if (mode & MODE_INTER)
link_Close(physical2link(pppVars.physical), 0);
if (link_IsActive(physical2link(pppVars.physical)))
"Cannot change device to \"%s\" when \"%s\" is open\n",
argp, Physical_GetDevice(pppVars.physical));
else {
Physical_SetDevice(pppVars.physical, argp);
sscanf(argp, "%lx", &map);
VarAccmap = map;
strncpy(VarPhoneList, argp, sizeof VarPhoneList - 1);
VarPhoneList[sizeof VarPhoneList - 1] = '\0';
strncpy(VarPhoneCopy, VarPhoneList, sizeof VarPhoneCopy - 1);
VarPhoneCopy[sizeof VarPhoneCopy - 1] = '\0';
VarNextPhone = VarPhoneCopy;
VarAltPhone = NULL;
strncpy(VarHangupScript, argp, sizeof VarHangupScript - 1);
VarHangupScript[sizeof VarHangupScript - 1] = '\0';
#ifdef HAVE_DES
case VAR_ENC:
VarMSChap = !strcasecmp(argp, "mschap");
return 0;
static int
SetCtsRts(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (arg->argc > 0) {
if (arg->argc > 1) {
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "SetCtsRts: Too many arguments\n");
return -1;
if (strcmp(*arg->argv, "on") == 0)
Physical_SetRtsCts(pppVars.physical, 1);
else if (strcmp(*arg->argv, "off") == 0)
Physical_SetRtsCts(pppVars.physical, 0);
return -1;
return 0;
return -1;
static int
SetOpenMode(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (arg->argc > 0) {
if (strcasecmp(*arg->argv, "active") == 0)
VarOpenMode = arg->argc > 1 ? atoi(arg->argv[1]) : 1;
else if (strcasecmp(*arg->argv, "passive") == 0)
return -1;
return 0;
return -1;
static struct cmdtab const SetCommands[] = {
{"accmap", NULL, SetVariable, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set accmap value", "set accmap hex-value", (const void *) VAR_ACCMAP},
{"afilter", NULL, SetAfilter, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set keep Alive filter", "set afilter ..."},
{"authkey", "key", SetVariable, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set authentication key", "set authkey|key key", (const void *) VAR_AUTHKEY},
{"authname", NULL, SetVariable, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set authentication name", "set authname name", (const void *) VAR_AUTHNAME},
{"ctsrts", NULL, SetCtsRts, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Use CTS/RTS modem signalling", "set ctsrts [on|off]"},
{"device", "line", SetVariable, LOCAL_AUTH, "Set modem device name",
"set device|line device-name[,device-name]", (const void *) VAR_DEVICE},
{"dfilter", NULL, SetDfilter, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set demand filter", "set dfilter ..."},
{"dial", NULL, SetVariable, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set dialing script", "set dial chat-script", (const void *) VAR_DIAL},
#ifdef HAVE_DES
{"encrypt", NULL, SetVariable, LOCAL_AUTH, "Set CHAP encryption algorithm",
"set encrypt MSChap|MD5", (const void *) VAR_ENC},
{"escape", NULL, SetEscape, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set escape characters", "set escape hex-digit ..."},
{"hangup", NULL, SetVariable, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set hangup script", "set hangup chat-script", (const void *) VAR_HANGUP},
{"ifaddr", NULL, SetInterfaceAddr, LOCAL_AUTH, "Set destination address",
"set ifaddr [src-addr [dst-addr [netmask [trg-addr]]]]"},
{"ifilter", NULL, SetIfilter, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set input filter", "set ifilter ..."},
{"loopback", NULL, SetLoopback, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set loopback facility", "set loopback on|off"},
{"log", NULL, SetLogLevel, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set log level", "set log [local] [+|-]value..."},
{"login", NULL, SetVariable, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set login script", "set login chat-script", (const void *) VAR_LOGIN},
{"mru", NULL, SetInitialMRU, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set Initial MRU value", "set mru value"},
{"mtu", NULL, SetPreferredMTU, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set Preferred MTU value", "set mtu value"},
#ifndef NOMSEXT
"Set NetBIOS NameServer", "set nbns pri-addr [sec-addr]"},
"Set NameServer", "set ns pri-addr [sec-addr]"},
{"ofilter", NULL, SetOfilter, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set output filter", "set ofilter ..."},
{"openmode", NULL, SetOpenMode, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set open mode", "set openmode [active|passive]"},
{"parity", NULL, SetModemParity, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set modem parity", "set parity [odd|even|none]"},
{"phone", NULL, SetVariable, LOCAL_AUTH, "Set telephone number(s)",
"set phone phone1[:phone2[...]]", (const void *) VAR_PHONE},
{"reconnect", NULL, SetReconnect, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set Reconnect timeout", "set reconnect value ntries"},
{"redial", NULL, SetRedialTimeout, LOCAL_AUTH, "Set Redial timeout",
"set redial value|random[.value|random] [dial_attempts]"},
{"stopped", NULL, SetStoppedTimeout, LOCAL_AUTH, "Set STOPPED timeouts",
"set stopped [LCPseconds [IPCPseconds [CCPseconds]]]"},
{"server", "socket", SetServer, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set server port", "set server|socket TcpPort|LocalName|none [mask]"},
{"speed", NULL, SetModemSpeed, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set modem speed", "set speed value"},
{"timeout", NULL, SetIdleTimeout, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set Idle timeout", "set timeout value"},
{"vj", NULL, SetInitVJ, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Set vj values", "set vj slots|slotcomp"},
{"help", "?", HelpCommand, LOCAL_AUTH | LOCAL_NO_AUTH,
"Display this message", "set help|? [command]", SetCommands},
static int
SetCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (arg->argc > 0)
FindExec(arg->bundle, SetCommands, arg->argc, arg->argv, "set ");
else if (VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, "Use `set ?' to get a arg->cmd or `set ? <var>' for"
" syntax help.\n");
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "set command must have arguments\n");
return 0;
static int
AddCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
struct in_addr dest, gateway, netmask;
int gw;
if (arg->argc != 3 && arg->argc != 2)
return -1;
if (arg->argc == 2)
if (strcasecmp(arg->argv[0], "default"))
return -1;
else {
dest.s_addr = netmask.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
gw = 1;
else {
if (strcasecmp(arg->argv[0], "MYADDR") == 0)
dest = IpcpInfo.want_ipaddr;
else if (strcasecmp(arg->argv[0], "HISADDR") == 0)
dest = IpcpInfo.his_ipaddr;
dest = GetIpAddr(arg->argv[0]);
netmask = GetIpAddr(arg->argv[1]);
gw = 2;
if (strcasecmp(arg->argv[gw], "HISADDR") == 0)
gateway = IpcpInfo.his_ipaddr;
else if (strcasecmp(arg->argv[gw], "INTERFACE") == 0)
gateway.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
gateway = GetIpAddr(arg->argv[gw]);
bundle_SetRoute(arg->bundle, RTM_ADD, dest, gateway, netmask,
arg->data ? 1 : 0);
return 0;
static int
DeleteCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
struct in_addr dest, none;
if (arg->argc == 1)
if(strcasecmp(arg->argv[0], "all") == 0)
DeleteIfRoutes(arg->bundle, 0);
else {
if (strcasecmp(arg->argv[0], "MYADDR") == 0)
dest = IpcpInfo.want_ipaddr;
else if (strcasecmp(arg->argv[0], "default") == 0)
dest.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
dest = GetIpAddr(arg->argv[0]);
none.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
bundle_SetRoute(arg->bundle, RTM_DELETE, dest, none, none,
arg->data ? 1 : 0);
return -1;
return 0;
#ifndef NOALIAS
static struct cmdtab const AliasCommands[] =
{"enable", NULL, AliasEnable, LOCAL_AUTH,
"enable IP aliasing", "alias enable [yes|no]"},
{"port", NULL, AliasRedirectPort, LOCAL_AUTH,
"port redirection", "alias port [proto addr_local:port_local port_alias]"},
{"addr", NULL, AliasRedirectAddr, LOCAL_AUTH,
"static address translation", "alias addr [addr_local addr_alias]"},
{"deny_incoming", NULL, AliasOption, LOCAL_AUTH,
"stop incoming connections", "alias deny_incoming [yes|no]",
(const void *) PKT_ALIAS_DENY_INCOMING},
{"log", NULL, AliasOption, LOCAL_AUTH,
"log aliasing link creation", "alias log [yes|no]",
(const void *) PKT_ALIAS_LOG},
{"same_ports", NULL, AliasOption, LOCAL_AUTH,
"try to leave port numbers unchanged", "alias same_ports [yes|no]",
(const void *) PKT_ALIAS_SAME_PORTS},
{"use_sockets", NULL, AliasOption, LOCAL_AUTH,
"allocate host sockets", "alias use_sockets [yes|no]",
(const void *) PKT_ALIAS_USE_SOCKETS},
{"unregistered_only", NULL, AliasOption, LOCAL_AUTH,
"alias unregistered (private) IP address space only",
"alias unregistered_only [yes|no]",
{"help", "?", HelpCommand, LOCAL_AUTH | LOCAL_NO_AUTH,
"Display this message", "alias help|? [command]", AliasCommands},
static int
AliasCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (arg->argc > 0)
FindExec(arg->bundle, AliasCommands, arg->argc, arg->argv, "alias ");
else if (VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, "Use `alias help' to get a arg->cmd or `alias help"
" <option>' for syntax help.\n");
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "alias command must have arguments\n");
return 0;
static int
AliasEnable(struct cmdargs const *arg)
if (arg->argc == 1)
if (strcasecmp(arg->argv[0], "yes") == 0) {
if (!(mode & MODE_ALIAS)) {
if (loadAliasHandlers(&VarAliasHandlers) == 0) {
mode |= MODE_ALIAS;
return 0;
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "Cannot load alias library\n");
return 1;
return 0;
} else if (strcasecmp(arg->argv[0], "no") == 0) {
if (mode & MODE_ALIAS) {
mode &= ~MODE_ALIAS;
return 0;
return -1;
static int
AliasOption(struct cmdargs const *arg)
unsigned param = (unsigned)arg->data;
if (arg->argc == 1)
if (strcasecmp(arg->argv[0], "yes") == 0) {
if (mode & MODE_ALIAS) {
VarPacketAliasSetMode(param, param);
return 0;
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "alias not enabled\n");
} else if (strcmp(arg->argv[0], "no") == 0) {
if (mode & MODE_ALIAS) {
VarPacketAliasSetMode(0, param);
return 0;
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "alias not enabled\n");
return -1;
#endif /* #ifndef NOALIAS */
static struct cmdtab const AllowCommands[] = {
{"users", "user", AllowUsers, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Allow users access to ppp", "allow users logname..."},
{"modes", "mode", AllowModes, LOCAL_AUTH,
"Only allow certain ppp modes", "allow modes mode..."},
{"help", "?", HelpCommand, LOCAL_AUTH | LOCAL_NO_AUTH,
"Display this message", "allow help|? [command]", AllowCommands},
static int
AllowCommand(struct cmdargs const *arg)
/* arg->bundle may be NULL (see ValidSystem()) ! */
if (arg->argc > 0)
FindExec(arg->bundle, AllowCommands, arg->argc, arg->argv, "allow ");
else if (VarTerm)
fprintf(VarTerm, "Use `allow ?' to get a arg->cmd or `allow ? <cmd>' for"
" syntax help.\n");
LogPrintf(LogWARN, "allow command must have arguments\n");
return 0;