1997-02-22 14:13:04 +00:00

579 lines
25 KiB

Copyright (c) 1994
Open Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify and freely distribute
the software in this file and its documentation for any purpose without
fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
supporting documentation. Further, provided that the name of Open
Software Foundation, Inc. ("OSF") not be used in advertising or
publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without prior
written permission from OSF. OSF makes no representations about the
suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
without express or implied warranty.
SDATA entity mappings to TeX instructions.
sgmls outputs sdata references in the form: \|[mdash ]\|
I found most of these from the LaTeX and TeX books. I found a few on
various places around the net.
J.Bowe, 1993
<!-- Numeric and Special Graphic -->
<map from="[half ]" to="$\scriptstyle{1\over2}$">
<map from="[frac12]" to="$\frac{1}{2}$">
<map from="[frac14]" to="$\frac{1}{4}$">
<map from="[frac34]" to="$\frac{3}{4}$">
<map from="[frac18]" to="$\frac{1}{8}$">
<map from="[frac38]" to="$\frac{3}{8}$">
<map from="[frac58]" to="$\frac{5}{8}$">
<map from="[frac78]" to="$\frac{7}{8}$">
<map from="[sup1 ]" to="$^1$">
<map from="[sup2 ]" to="$^2$">
<map from="[sup3 ]" to="$^3$">
<map from="[plus ]" to="$+$">
<map from="[plusmn]" to="$\pm$">
<map from="[lt ]" to="$<$">
<map from="[equals]" to="$=$">
<map from="[gt ]" to="$>$">
<map from="[divide]" to="$\div$">
<map from="[times ]" to="$\times$">
<map from="[curren]" to="[curren]">
<map from="[pound ]" to="\pounds{}">
<map from="[dollar]" to="\$">
<map from="[cent ]" to="\hbox{\rm\rlap\/c}">
<map from="[yen ]" to="[yen]">
<map from="[num ]" to="\#{}">
<map from="[percnt]" to="\%">
<map from="[amp ]" to="\&">
<map from="[ast ]" to="{*}">
<map from="[commat]" to="@">
<map from="[lsqb ]" to="$\lbrack$">
<map from="[bsol ]" to="$\backslash$">
<map from="[rsqb ]" to="$\rbrack$">
<map from="[lcub ]" to="$\lbrace$">
<map from="[horbar]" to="{--}">
<map from="[verbar]" to="$|$">
<map from="[rcub ]" to="$\rbrace$">
<map from="[micro ]" to="$\mu$">
<map from="[ohm ]" to="$\Omega$">
<map from="[deg ]" to="$^\circ$">
<map from="[ordm ]" to="[ordm]">
<map from="[ordf ]" to="[ordf]">
<map from="[sect ]" to="\S{}">
<map from="[para ]" to="\P{}">
<map from="[middot]" to="$\cdot$">
<map from="[larr ]" to="$\leftarrow$">
<map from="[rarr ]" to="$\rightarrow$">
<map from="[uarr ]" to="$\uparrrow$">
<map from="[darr ]" to="$\downarrrow$">
<map from="[copy ]" to="\copyright{}">
<map from="[reg ]" to="\ooalign{\hfil\raise.07ex\hbox{r}\hfil\crcr\mathhexbox20D}">
<map from="[trade ]" to="{$\sp{TM}$}">
<map from="[brvbar]" to="[brvbar]">
<map from="[not ]" to="$\neg$">
<map from="[sung ]" to="[sung]">
<map from="[excl ]" to="!">
<map from="[iexcl ]" to="{!`}">
<map from="[quot ]" to='{\tt\char`\"}'>
<map from="[apos ]" to="'">
<map from="[lpar ]" to="(">
<map from="[rpar ]" to=")">
<map from="[comma ]" to=",">
<map from="[lowbar]" to="\_">
<map from="[hyphen]" to="-">
<map from="[period]" to=".">
<map from="[sol ]" to="\/">
<map from="[colon ]" to=":">
<map from="[semi ]" to=";">
<map from="[quest ]" to="?">
<map from="[iquest]" to="{?`}">
<map from="[laquo ]" to="\laquo{}">
<map from="[raquo ]" to="\raquo{}">
<map from="[lsquo ]" to="{`}">
<map from="[rsquo ]" to="{'}">
<map from="[ldquo ]" to="{``}">
<map from="[rdquo ]" to="{''}">
<map from="[nbsp ]" to="~">
<map from="[shy ]" to="\-">
<!-- Publishing -->
<map from="[emsp ]" to="\hskip1em">
<map from="[ensp ]" to="\hskip0.5em">
<map from="[emsp3 ]" to="\hskip0.33333em">
<map from="[emsp4 ]" to="\hskip0.25em">
<map from="[numsp ]" to="\hskip0.5em">
<map from="[puncsp]" to="\hskip0.25em">
<map from="[thinsp]" to="\hskip0.16667em">
<map from="[hairsp]" to="\hskip0.08333em">
<map from="[mdash ]" to="{---}">
<map from="[ndash ]" to="{--}">
<map from="[dash ]" to="{-}">
<map from="[blank ]" to="\ ">
<map from="[hellip]" to="$\ldots$">
<map from="[nldr ]" to="[nldr]">
<map from="[frac13]" to="$\frac{1}{3}$">
<map from="[frac23]" to="$\frac{2}{3}$">
<map from="[frac15]" to="$\frac{1}{5}$">
<map from="[frac25]" to="$\frac{2}{5}$">
<map from="[frac35]" to="$\frac{3}{5}$">
<map from="[frac45]" to="$\frac{4}{5}$">
<map from="[frac16]" to="$\frac{1}{6}$">
<map from="[frac56]" to="$\frac{5}{6}$">
<map from="[incar ]" to="[incar ]"> <!-- =in-care-of symbol -->
<map from="[block ]" to="[block ]"> <!-- =full block -->
<map from="[uhblk ]" to="[uhblk ]"> <!-- =upper half block -->
<map from="[lhblk ]" to="[lhblk ]"> <!-- =lower half block -- >
<map from="[blk14 ]" to="[blk14 ]"> <!-- =25% shaded block -- >
<map from="[blk12 ]" to="[blk12 ]"> <!-- =50% shaded block -- >
<map from="[blk34 ]" to="[blk34 ]"> <!-- =75% shaded block -- >
<map from="[marker]" to="[marker]"> <!-- =histogram marker -- >
<map from="[cir ]" to="$\bigcirc$">
<map from="[squ ]" to="[squ ]"> <!-- =square, open -->
<map from="[rect ]" to="[rect ]"> <!-- =rectangle, open -->
<map from="[utri ]" to="$\bigtriangleup$">
<map from="[dtri ]" to="$\bigtriangledown$">
<map from="[star ]" to="[star ]"> <!-- =star, open -->
<map from="[bull ]" to="$\bullet$">
<map from="[squf ]" to="{\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex}">
<map from="[utrif ]" to="[utrif ]"> <!-- /blacktriangle =up tri, filled -->
<map from="[dtrif ]" to="[dtrif ]"> <!-- /blacktriangledown =dn tri, filled -->
<map from="[ltrif ]" to="[ltrif ]"> <!-- /blacktriangleleft R: =l tri, filled -->
<map from="[rtrif ]" to="[rtrif ]"> <!-- /blacktriangleright R: =r tri, filled -->
<map from="[clubs ]" to="$\clubsuit$">
<map from="[diams ]" to="$\diamondsuit$">
<map from="[hearts]" to="$\heartsuit$">
<map from="[spades]" to="$\spadesuit$">
<map from="[malt ]" to="[malt ]"> <!-- /maltese =maltese cross -->
<map from="[dagger]" to="$\daggar$">
<map from="[Dagger]" to="$\ddaggar$">
<map from="[check ]" to="$\surd$">
<map from="[ballot]" to="$\times$">
<map from="[sharp ]" to="$\sharp$">
<map from="[flat ]" to="$\flat$">
<map from="[male ]" to="$\bigcirc^{\mkern-5.5mu\raise.5ex\hbox{$\nearrow$}}$">
<map from="[female]" to="$\bigcirc\mkern-15.64mu\lower1.75ex\hbox{+}$">
<map from="[phone ]" to="[phone]">
<map from="[telrec]" to="[telrec]"> <!-- =telephone recorder symbol -->
<map from="[copysr]" to="[copysr]"> <!-- =sound recording copyright sign -->
<map from="[caret ]" to="\char94">
<map from="[lsquor]" to="\lsquor{}">
<map from="[ldquor]" to="\lsquor{}">
<map from="[fflig ]" to="{ff}">
<map from="[filig ]" to="{fi}">
<map from="[fjlig ]" to="{fj}">
<map from="[ffilig]" to="{ffi}">
<map from="[ffllig]" to="{ffl}">
<map from="[fllig ]" to="{fl}">
<map from="[mldr ]" to="[mldr]">
<map from="[rdquor]" to="{''}">
<map from="[rsquor]" to="{'}">
<map from="[vellip]" to="$\vdots$">
<map from="[hybull]" to="{\vrule height .6ex width .8ex depth -.4ex}">
<map from="[loz ]" to="[loz ]"> <!-- /lozenge - lozenge or total mark -->
<map from="[lozf ]" to="[lozf ]"> <!-- /blacklozenge - lozenge, filled -->
<map from="[ltri ]" to="$\triangleleft$">
<map from="[rtri ]" to="$\triangleright$">
<map from="[starf ]" to="$\star$">
<map from="[natur ]" to="$\natural$">
<map from="[rx ]" to="[Rx]">
<map from="[sext ]" to="[sext ]"> <!-- sextile (6-pointed star) -->
<map from="[target]" to='$\mathchar"2208$'>
<map from="[dlcrop]" to="[dlcrop]"> <!-- downward left crop mark -->
<map from="[drcrop]" to="[drcrop]"> <!-- downward right crop mark -->
<map from="[ulcrop]" to="[ulcrop]"> <!-- upward left crop mark -->
<map from="[urcrop]" to="[urcrop]"> <!-- upward right crop mark -->
<!-- Added Latin 1 -->
<map from="[aacute]" to="\'{a}">
<map from="[Aacute]" to="\'{A}">
<map from="[acirc ]" to="\^{a}">
<map from="[Acirc ]" to="\^{A}">
<map from="[agrave]" to="\`{a}">
<map from="[Agrave]" to="\`{A}">
<map from="[aring ]" to="\aa{}">
<map from="[Aring ]" to="\AA{}">
<map from="[atilde]" to="\~{a}">
<map from="[Atilde]" to="\~{A}">
<map from="[auml ]" to='\"{a}'>
<map from="[Auml ]" to='\"{A}'>
<map from="[aelig ]" to="\ae{}">
<map from="[AElig ]" to="\AE{}">
<map from="[ccedil]" to="\c{c}">
<map from="[Ccedil]" to="\c{C}">
<map from="[eth ]" to="$\partial$">
<map from="[ETH ]" to="\hbox{\rlap{\raise.3ex\hbox{--}}D}">
<map from="[eacute]" to="\'{e}">
<map from="[Eacute]" to="\'{E}">
<map from="[ecirc ]" to="\^{e}">
<map from="[Ecirc ]" to="\^{E}">
<map from="[egrave]" to="\`{e}">
<map from="[Egrave]" to="\`{E}">
<map from="[euml ]" to='\"{e}'>
<map from="[Euml ]" to='\"{E}'>
<map from="[iacute]" to="\'{\i}">
<map from="[Iacute]" to="\'{I}">
<map from="[icirc ]" to="\^{\i}">
<map from="[Icirc ]" to="\^{I}">
<map from="[igrave]" to="\`{\i}">
<map from="[Igrave]" to="\`{I}">
<map from="[iuml ]" to='\"{\i}'>
<map from="[Iuml ]" to='\"{I}'>
<map from="[ntilde]" to="\~{n}">
<map from="[Ntilde]" to="\~{N}">
<map from="[oacute]" to="\'{o}">
<map from="[Oacute]" to="\'{O}">
<map from="[ocirc ]" to="\^{o}">
<map from="[Ocirc ]" to="\^{O}">
<map from="[ograve]" to="\`{o}">
<map from="[Ograve]" to="\`{O}">
<map from="[oslash]" to="\o{}">
<map from="[Oslash]" to="\O{}">
<map from="[otilde]" to="\~{o}">
<map from="[Otilde]" to="\~{O}">
<map from="[ouml ]" to='\"{o}'>
<map from="[Ouml ]" to='\"{O}'>
<map from="[szlig ]" to="\ss{}">
<map from="[thorn ]" to="th">
<map from="[THORN ]" to="Th">
<map from="[uacute]" to="\'{u}">
<map from="[Uacute]" to="\'{U}">
<map from="[ucirc ]" to="\^{u}">
<map from="[Ucirc ]" to="\^{U}">
<map from="[ugrave]" to="\`{u}">
<map from="[Ugrave]" to="\`{U}">
<map from="[uuml ]" to='\"{u}'>
<map from="[Uuml ]" to='\"{U}'>
<map from="[yacute]" to="\'{y}">
<map from="[Yacute]" to="\'{Y}">
<map from="[yuml ]" to='\"{y}'>
<!-- Added Latin 2 -->
<map from="[abreve]" to="[abreve]"> <!-- =small a, breve -->
<map from="[Abreve]" to="[Abreve]"> <!-- =capital A, breve -->
<map from="[amacr ]" to="[amacr ]"> <!-- =small a, macron -->
<map from="[Amacr ]" to="[Amacr ]"> <!-- =capital A, macron -->
<map from="[aogon ]" to="[aogon ]"> <!-- =small a, ogonek -->
<map from="[Aogon ]" to="[Aogon ]"> <!-- =capital A, ogonek -->
<map from="[cacute]" to="[cacute]"> <!-- =small c, acute accent -->
<map from="[Cacute]" to="[Cacute]"> <!-- =capital C, acute accent -->
<map from="[ccaron]" to="[ccaron]"> <!-- =small c, caron -->
<map from="[Ccaron]" to="[Ccaron]"> <!-- =capital C, caron -->
<map from="[ccirc ]" to="[ccirc ]"> <!-- =small c, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[Ccirc ]" to="[Ccirc ]"> <!-- =capital C, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[cdot ]" to="[cdot ]"> <!-- =small c, dot above -->
<map from="[Cdot ]" to="[Cdot ]"> <!-- =capital C, dot above -->
<map from="[dcaron]" to="[dcaron]"> <!-- =small d, caron -->
<map from="[Dcaron]" to="[Dcaron]"> <!-- =capital D, caron -->
<map from="[dstrok]" to="[dstrok]"> <!-- =small d, stroke -->
<map from="[Dstrok]" to="[Dstrok]"> <!-- =capital D, stroke -->
<map from="[ecaron]" to="[ecaron]"> <!-- =small e, caron -->
<map from="[Ecaron]" to="[Ecaron]"> <!-- =capital E, caron -->
<map from="[edot ]" to="[edot ]"> <!-- =small e, dot above -->
<map from="[Edot ]" to="[Edot ]"> <!-- =capital E, dot above -->
<map from="[emacr ]" to="[emacr ]"> <!-- =small e, macron -->
<map from="[Emacr ]" to="[Emacr ]"> <!-- =capital E, macron -->
<map from="[eogon ]" to="[eogon ]"> <!-- =small e, ogonek -->
<map from="[Eogon ]" to="[Eogon ]"> <!-- =capital E, ogonek -->
<map from="[gacute]" to="[gacute]"> <!-- =small g, acute accent -->
<map from="[gbreve]" to="[gbreve]"> <!-- =small g, breve -->
<map from="[Gbreve]" to="[Gbreve]"> <!-- =capital G, breve -->
<map from="[Gcedil]" to="[Gcedil]"> <!-- =capital G, cedilla -->
<map from="[gcirc ]" to="[gcirc ]"> <!-- =small g, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[Gcirc ]" to="[Gcirc ]"> <!-- =capital G, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[gdot ]" to="[gdot ]"> <!-- =small g, dot above -->
<map from="[Gdot ]" to="[Gdot ]"> <!-- =capital G, dot above -->
<map from="[hcirc ]" to="[hcirc ]"> <!-- =small h, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[Hcirc ]" to="[Hcirc ]"> <!-- =capital H, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[hstrok]" to="[hstrok]"> <!-- =small h, stroke -->
<map from="[Hstrok]" to="[Hstrok]"> <!-- =capital H, stroke -->
<map from="[Idot ]" to="[Idot ]"> <!-- =capital I, dot above -->
<map from="[Imacr ]" to="[Imacr ]"> <!-- =capital I, macron -->
<map from="[imacr ]" to="[imacr ]"> <!-- =small i, macron -->
<map from="[ijlig ]" to="[ijlig ]"> <!-- =small ij ligature -->
<map from="[IJlig ]" to="[IJlig ]"> <!-- =capital IJ ligature -->
<map from="[inodot]" to="[inodot]"> <!-- =small i without dot -->
<map from="[iogon ]" to="[iogon ]"> <!-- =small i, ogonek -->
<map from="[Iogon ]" to="[Iogon ]"> <!-- =capital I, ogonek -->
<map from="[itilde]" to="[itilde]"> <!-- =small i, tilde -->
<map from="[Itilde]" to="[Itilde]"> <!-- =capital I, tilde -->
<map from="[jcirc ]" to="[jcirc ]"> <!-- =small j, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[Jcirc ]" to="[Jcirc ]"> <!-- =capital J, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[kcedil]" to="[kcedil]"> <!-- =small k, cedilla -->
<map from="[Kcedil]" to="[Kcedil]"> <!-- =capital K, cedilla -->
<map from="[kgreen]" to="[kgreen]"> <!-- =small k, Greenlandic -->
<map from="[lacute]" to="[lacute]"> <!-- =small l, acute accent -->
<map from="[Lacute]" to="[Lacute]"> <!-- =capital L, acute accent -->
<map from="[lcaron]" to="[lcaron]"> <!-- =small l, caron -->
<map from="[Lcaron]" to="[Lcaron]"> <!-- =capital L, caron -->
<map from="[lcedil]" to="[lcedil]"> <!-- =small l, cedilla -->
<map from="[Lcedil]" to="[Lcedil]"> <!-- =capital L, cedilla -->
<map from="[lmidot]" to="[lmidot]"> <!-- =small l, middle dot -->
<map from="[Lmidot]" to="[Lmidot]"> <!-- =capital L, middle dot -->
<map from="[lstrok]" to="\l{}">
<map from="[Lstrok]" to="\L{}">
<map from="[nacute]" to="[nacute]"> <!-- =small n, acute accent -->
<map from="[Nacute]" to="[Nacute]"> <!-- =capital N, acute accent -->
<map from="[eng ]" to="[eng ]"> <!-- =small eng, Lapp -->
<map from="[ENG ]" to="[ENG ]"> <!-- =capital ENG, Lapp -->
<map from="[napos ]" to="[napos ]"> <!-- =small n, apostrophe -->
<map from="[ncaron]" to="[ncaron]"> <!-- =small n, caron -->
<map from="[Ncaron]" to="[Ncaron]"> <!-- =capital N, caron -->
<map from="[ncedil]" to="[ncedil]"> <!-- =small n, cedilla -->
<map from="[Ncedil]" to="[Ncedil]"> <!-- =capital N, cedilla -->
<map from="[odblac]" to="[odblac]"> <!-- =small o, double acute accent -->
<map from="[Odblac]" to="[Odblac]"> <!-- =capital O, double acute accent -->
<map from="[Omacr ]" to="[Omacr ]"> <!-- =capital O, macron -->
<map from="[omacr ]" to="[omacr ]"> <!-- =small o, macron -->
<map from="[oelig ]" to="$\oe$">
<map from="[OElig ]" to="$\OE$">
<map from="[racute]" to="[racute]"> <!-- =small r, acute accent -->
<map from="[Racute]" to="[Racute]"> <!-- =capital R, acute accent -->
<map from="[rcaron]" to="[rcaron]"> <!-- =small r, caron -->
<map from="[Rcaron]" to="[Rcaron]"> <!-- =capital R, caron -->
<map from="[rcedil]" to="[rcedil]"> <!-- =small r, cedilla -->
<map from="[Rcedil]" to="[Rcedil]"> <!-- =capital R, cedilla -->
<map from="[sacute]" to="[sacute]"> <!-- =small s, acute accent -->
<map from="[Sacute]" to="[Sacute]"> <!-- =capital S, acute accent -->
<map from="[scaron]" to="[scaron]"> <!-- =small s, caron -->
<map from="[Scaron]" to="[Scaron]"> <!-- =capital S, caron -->
<map from="[scedil]" to="[scedil]"> <!-- =small s, cedilla -->
<map from="[Scedil]" to="[Scedil]"> <!-- =capital S, cedilla -->
<map from="[scirc ]" to="[scirc ]"> <!-- =small s, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[Scirc ]" to="[Scirc ]"> <!-- =capital S, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[tcaron]" to="[tcaron]"> <!-- =small t, caron -->
<map from="[Tcaron]" to="[Tcaron]"> <!-- =capital T, caron -->
<map from="[tcedil]" to="[tcedil]"> <!-- =small t, cedilla -->
<map from="[Tcedil]" to="[Tcedil]"> <!-- =capital T, cedilla -->
<map from="[tstrok]" to="[tstrok]"> <!-- =small t, stroke -->
<map from="[Tstrok]" to="[Tstrok]"> <!-- =capital T, stroke -->
<map from="[ubreve]" to="[ubreve]"> <!-- =small u, breve -->
<map from="[Ubreve]" to="[Ubreve]"> <!-- =capital U, breve -->
<map from="[udblac]" to="[udblac]"> <!-- =small u, double acute accent -->
<map from="[Udblac]" to="[Udblac]"> <!-- =capital U, double acute accent -->
<map from="[umacr ]" to="[umacr ]"> <!-- =small u, macron -->
<map from="[Umacr ]" to="[Umacr ]"> <!-- =capital U, macron -->
<map from="[uogon ]" to="[uogon ]"> <!-- =small u, ogonek -->
<map from="[Uogon ]" to="[Uogon ]"> <!-- =capital U, ogonek -->
<map from="[uring ]" to="[uring ]"> <!-- =small u, ring -->
<map from="[Uring ]" to="[Uring ]"> <!-- =capital U, ring -->
<map from="[utilde]" to="[utilde]"> <!-- =small u, tilde -->
<map from="[Utilde]" to="[Utilde]"> <!-- =capital U, tilde -->
<map from="[wcirc ]" to="[wcirc ]"> <!-- =small w, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[Wcirc ]" to="[Wcirc ]"> <!-- =capital W, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[ycirc ]" to="[ycirc ]"> <!-- =small y, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[Ycirc ]" to="[Ycirc ]"> <!-- =capital Y, circumflex accent -->
<map from="[Yuml ]" to="[Yuml ]"> <!-- =capital Y, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<map from="[zacute]" to="[zacute]"> <!-- =small z, acute accent -->
<map from="[Zacute]" to="[Zacute]"> <!-- =capital Z, acute accent -->
<map from="[zcaron]" to="[zcaron]"> <!-- =small z, caron -->
<map from="[Zcaron]" to="[Zcaron]"> <!-- =capital Z, caron -->
<map from="[zdot ]" to="[zdot ]"> <!-- =small z, dot above -->
<map from="[Zdot ]" to="[Zdot ]"> <!-- =capital Z, dot above -->
<!-- Greek Letters -->
<map from="[agr ]" to="$\alpha$">
<map from="[Agr ]" to="[Agr ]"> <!-- =capital Alpha, Greek -->
<map from="[bgr ]" to="$\beta$">
<map from="[Bgr ]" to="[Bgr ]"> <!-- =capital Beta, Greek -->
<map from="[ggr ]" to="$\gamma$">
<map from="[Ggr ]" to="$\Gamma$">
<map from="[dgr ]" to="$\delta$">
<map from="[Dgr ]" to="$\Delta$">
<map from="[egr ]" to="$\epsilon$">
<map from="[Egr ]" to="[Egr ]"> <!-- =capital Epsilon, Greek -->
<map from="[zgr ]" to="$\zeta$">
<map from="[Zgr ]" to="[Zgr ]"> <!-- =capital Zeta, Greek -->
<map from="[eegr ]" to="$\eta$">
<map from="[EEgr ]" to="[EEgr ]"> <!-- =capital Eta, Greek -->
<map from="[thgr ]" to="$\theta$">
<map from="[THgr ]" to="[THgr ]"> <!-- =capital Theta, Greek -->
<map from="[igr ]" to="$\iota$">
<map from="[Igr ]" to="[Igr ]"> <!-- =capital Iota, Greek -->
<map from="[kgr ]" to="$\kappa$">
<map from="[Kgr ]" to="[Kgr ]"> <!-- =capital Kappa, Greek -->
<map from="[lgr ]" to="$\lamda$">
<map from="[Lgr ]" to="$\Lambda$">
<map from="[mgr ]" to="$\mu$">
<map from="[Mgr ]" to="[Mgr ]"> <!-- =capital Mu, Greek -->
<map from="[ngr ]" to="$\nu$">
<map from="[Ngr ]" to="[Ngr ]"> <!-- =capital Nu, Greek -->
<map from="[xgr ]" to="$\xi$">
<map from="[Xgr ]" to="$\Xi$">
<map from="[ogr ]" to="$o$">
<map from="[Ogr ]" to="[Ogr ]"> <!-- =capital Omicron, Greek -->
<map from="[pgr ]" to="$\pi$">
<map from="[Pgr ]" to="$\Pi$">
<map from="[rgr ]" to="$\rho$">
<map from="[Rgr ]" to="[Rgr ]"> <!-- =capital Rho, Greek -->
<map from="[sgr ]" to="$\sigma$">
<map from="[Sgr ]" to="$\Sigma$">
<map from="[sfgr ]" to="[sfgr ]"> <!-- =final small sigma, Greek -->
<map from="[tgr ]" to="$\tau$">
<map from="[Tgr ]" to="[Tgr ]"> <!-- =capital Tau, Greek -->
<map from="[ugr ]" to="$\upsilon$">
<map from="[Ugr ]" to="$\Upsilon$">
<map from="[phgr ]" to="$\phi$">
<map from="[PHgr ]" to="$\Phi$">
<map from="[khgr ]" to="$\chi$">
<map from="[KHgr ]" to="[KHgr ]"> <!-- =capital Chi, Greek -->
<map from="[psgr ]" to="$\psi$">
<map from="[PSgr ]" to="$\Psi$">
<map from="[ohgr ]" to="$\omega$">
<map from="[OHgr ]" to="$\Omega$">
<!-- Greek Symbols -->
<map from="[alpha ]" to="$\alpha$">
<map from="[beta ]" to="$\beta$">
<map from="[gamma ]" to="$\gamma$">
<map from="[Gamma ]" to="$\Gamma$">
<map from="[gammad]" to="[gammad]"> <!-- /digamma -->
<map from="[delta ]" to="$\delta$">
<map from="[Delta ]" to="$\Delta$">
<map from="[epsi ]" to="$\epsilon$">
<map from="[epsiv ]" to="$\varepsilon$">
<map from="[epsis ]" to="$\epsilon$">
<map from="[zeta ]" to="$\zeta$">
<map from="[eta ]" to="$\eta$">
<map from="[thetas]" to="$\theta$">
<map from="[Theta ]" to="$\Theta$">
<map from="[thetav]" to="$\vartheta$">
<map from="[iota ]" to="$\iota$">
<map from="[kappa ]" to="$\kappa$">
<map from="[kappav]" to="[kappav]"> <!-- /varkappa -->
<map from="[lambda]" to="$\lamda$">
<map from="[Lambda]" to="$\Lambda$">
<map from="[mu ]" to="$\mu$">
<map from="[nu ]" to="$\nu$">
<map from="[xi ]" to="$\zi$">
<map from="[Xi ]" to="$\Xi$">
<map from="[pi ]" to="$\pi$">
<map from="[piv ]" to="$\varpi$">
<map from="[Pi ]" to="$\Pi$">
<map from="[rho ]" to="$\rho$">
<map from="[rhov ]" to="$\varrho$">
<map from="[sigma ]" to="$\sigma$">
<map from="[Sigma ]" to="$\Sigma$">
<map from="[sigmav]" to="$\varsigma$">
<map from="[tau ]" to="$\tau$">
<map from="[upsi ]" to="$\upsilon$">
<map from="[Upsi ]" to="$\Upsilon$">
<map from="[phis ]" to="$\phi$">
<map from="[Phi ]" to="$\phi$">
<map from="[phiv ]" to="$\varphi$">
<map from="[chi ]" to="$\chi$">
<map from="[psi ]" to="$\psi$">
<map from="[Psi ]" to="$\Psi$">
<map from="[omega ]" to="$\omega$">
<map from="[Omega ]" to="$\Omega$">
<!-- General Technical -->
<map from="[aleph ]" to="$\aleph$">
<map from="[and ]" to="$\wedge$">
<map from="[ang90 ]" to="[ang90 ]"> <!-- =right (90 degree) angle -->
<map from="[angsph]" to="[angsph]"> <!-- /sphericalangle =angle-spherical -->
<map from="[ap ]" to="$\approx$">
<map from="[becaus]" to="[becaus]"> <!-- /because R: =because -->
<map from="[bottom]" to="[bottom]"> <!-- /bot B: =perpendicular -->
<map from="[cap ]" to="$\cap$">
<map from="[cong ]" to="[cong ]"> <!-- /cong R: =congruent with -->
<map from="[conint]" to="[conint]"> <!-- /oint L: =contour integral operator -->
<map from="[cup ]" to="$\cup$">
<map from="[equiv ]" to="$\equiv$">
<map from="[exist ]" to="$\exists$">
<map from="[forall]" to="$\forall$">
<map from="[fnof ]" to="[fnof ]"> <!-- =function of (italic small f) -->
<map from="[ge ]" to="$\ge$">
<map from="[iff ]" to="$\iff$">
<map from="[infin ]" to="$\infty$">
<map from="[int ]" to="$\int$">
<map from="[isin ]" to="$\in$">
<map from="[lang ]" to="$\langle$">
<map from="[lArr ]" to="$\Leftarrow$">
<map from="[le ]" to="$\le$">
<map from="[minus ]" to="$\-$">
<map from="[mnplus]" to="$\mp$">
<map from="[nabla ]" to="$\nabla$">
<map from="[ne ]" to="$\ne$">
<map from="[ni ]" to="$\ni$">
<map from="[or ]" to="$\vee$">
<map from="[par ]" to="$\vert$">
<map from="[part ]" to="$\partial$">
<map from="[permil]" to="[permil]"> <!-- =per thousand -->
<map from="[perp ]" to="$\perp$">
<map from="[prime ]" to="\prime{}">
<map from="[Prime ]" to="[Prime ]"> <!-- =double prime or second -->
<map from="[prop ]" to="[prop ]"> <!-- /propto R: =is proportional to -->
<map from="[radic ]" to="[radic ]"> <!-- /surd =radical -->
<map from="[rang ]" to="[rang ]"> <!-- /rangle C: =right angle bracket -->
<map from="[rArr ]" to="$\Rightarrow$">
<map from="[sim ]" to="$\sim$">
<map from="[sime ]" to="$\simeq$">
<map from="[square]" to="[square]"> <!-- /square B: =square -->
<map from="[sub ]" to="$\subset$">
<map from="[sube ]" to="$\subseteq$">
<map from="[sup ]" to="$\supset$">
<map from="[supe ]" to="$\supseteq$">
<map from="[there4]" to="[there4]"> <!-- /therefore R: =therefore -->
<map from="[Verbar]" to="$\|$">
<map from="[angst ]" to="[angst ]"> <!-- Angstrom =capital A, ring -->
<map from="[bernou]" to="[bernou]"> <!-- Bernoulli function (script capital B) -->
<map from="[compfn]" to="[compfn]"> <!-- B: composite function (small circle) -->
<map from="[Dot ]" to="[Dot ]"> <!-- =dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<map from="[DotDot]" to="[DotDot]"> <!-- four dots above -->
<map from="[hamilt]" to="[hamilt]"> <!-- Hamiltonian (script capital H) -->
<map from="[lagran]" to="[lagran]"> <!-- Lagrangian (script capital L) -->
<map from="[lowast]" to="[lowast]"> <!-- low asterisk -->
<map from="[notin ]" to="[notin ]"> <!-- N: negated set membership -->
<map from="[order ]" to="[order ]"> <!-- order of (script small o) -->
<map from="[phmmat]" to="[phmmat]"> <!-- physics M-matrix (script capital M) -->
<map from="[tdot ]" to="[tdot ]"> <!-- three dots above -->
<map from="[tprime]" to="[tprime]"> <!-- triple prime -->
<map from="[wedgeq]" to="[wedgeq]"> <!-- R: corresponds to (wedge, equals) -->
<!-- Diacritical Marks -->
<map from="[acute ]" to="\'{}">
<map from="[breve ]" to="\u{}">
<map from="[caron ]" to="[caron ]"> <!-- =caron -- >
<map from="[cedil ]" to="\c{}">
<map from="[circ ]" to="\^{}">
<map from="[dblac ]" to="[dblac ]"> <!-- =double acute accent -->
<map from="[die ]" to='\"{}'>
<map from="[dot ]" to="\.{}">
<map from="[grave ]" to="\`{}">
<map from="[macr ]" to="\={}">
<map from="[ogon ]" to="[ogon ]"> <!-- =ogonek -->
<map from="[ring ]" to="\accent23">
<map from="[tilde ]" to="\~{}">
<map from="[uml ]" to='\"{}'>