adding (weak definitions to) stubs for some of the pthread functions. If the threads library is linked in, the real pthread functions will pulled in. Use the following convention for system calls wrapped by the threads library: __sys_foo - actual system call _foo - weak definition to __sys_foo foo - weak definition to __sys_foo Change all libc uses of system calls wrapped by the threads library from foo to _foo. In order to define the prototypes for _foo(), we introduce namespace.h and un-namespace.h (suggested by bde). All files that need to reference these system calls, should include namespace.h before any standard includes, then include un-namespace.h after the standard includes and before any local includes. <db.h> is an exception and shouldn't be included in between namespace.h and un-namespace.h namespace.h will define foo to _foo, and un-namespace.h will undefine foo. Try to eliminate some of the recursive calls to MT-safe functions in libc/stdio in preparation for adding a mutex to FILE. We have recursive mutexes, but would like to avoid using them if possible. Remove uneeded includes of <errno.h> from a few files. Add $FreeBSD$ to a few files in order to pass commitprep. Approved by: -arch
1741 lines
41 KiB
1741 lines
41 KiB
** This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
** June 5, 1996 by Arthur David Olson (
** $FreeBSD$
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char elsieid[] = "@(#)localtime.c 7.57";
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */
** Leap second handling from Bradley White (
** POSIX-style TZ environment variable handling from Guy Harris
** (
#include "namespace.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "private.h"
#include "un-namespace.h"
#include "tzfile.h"
#include "libc_private.h"
#define _MUTEX_LOCK(x) if (__isthreaded) _pthread_mutex_lock(x)
#define _MUTEX_UNLOCK(x) if (__isthreaded) _pthread_mutex_unlock(x)
** SunOS 4.1.1 headers lack O_BINARY.
#ifdef O_BINARY
#endif /* defined O_BINARY */
#ifndef O_BINARY
#endif /* !defined O_BINARY */
#ifndef WILDABBR
** Someone might make incorrect use of a time zone abbreviation:
** 1. They might reference tzname[0] before calling tzset (explicitly
** or implicitly).
** 2. They might reference tzname[1] before calling tzset (explicitly
** or implicitly).
** 3. They might reference tzname[1] after setting to a time zone
** in which Daylight Saving Time is never observed.
** 4. They might reference tzname[0] after setting to a time zone
** in which Standard Time is never observed.
** 5. They might reference tm.TM_ZONE after calling offtime.
** What's best to do in the above cases is open to debate;
** for now, we just set things up so that in any of the five cases
** WILDABBR is used. Another possibility: initialize tzname[0] to the
** string "tzname[0] used before set", and similarly for the other cases.
** And another: initialize tzname[0] to "ERA", with an explanation in the
** manual page of what this "time zone abbreviation" means (doing this so
** that tzname[0] has the "normal" length of three characters).
#define WILDABBR " "
#endif /* !defined WILDABBR */
static char wildabbr[] = "WILDABBR";
static const char gmt[] = "GMT";
struct ttinfo { /* time type information */
long tt_gmtoff; /* GMT offset in seconds */
int tt_isdst; /* used to set tm_isdst */
int tt_abbrind; /* abbreviation list index */
int tt_ttisstd; /* TRUE if transition is std time */
int tt_ttisgmt; /* TRUE if transition is GMT */
struct lsinfo { /* leap second information */
time_t ls_trans; /* transition time */
long ls_corr; /* correction to apply */
#define BIGGEST(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#endif /* defined TZNAME_MAX */
#ifndef TZNAME_MAX
#define MY_TZNAME_MAX 255
#endif /* !defined TZNAME_MAX */
struct state {
int leapcnt;
int timecnt;
int typecnt;
int charcnt;
time_t ats[TZ_MAX_TIMES];
unsigned char types[TZ_MAX_TIMES];
struct ttinfo ttis[TZ_MAX_TYPES];
char chars[BIGGEST(BIGGEST(TZ_MAX_CHARS + 1, sizeof gmt),
(2 * (MY_TZNAME_MAX + 1)))];
struct lsinfo lsis[TZ_MAX_LEAPS];
struct rule {
int r_type; /* type of rule--see below */
int r_day; /* day number of rule */
int r_week; /* week number of rule */
int r_mon; /* month number of rule */
long r_time; /* transition time of rule */
#define JULIAN_DAY 0 /* Jn - Julian day */
#define DAY_OF_YEAR 1 /* n - day of year */
#define MONTH_NTH_DAY_OF_WEEK 2 /* Mm.n.d - month, week, day of week */
** Prototypes for static functions.
static long detzcode P((const char * codep));
static const char * getzname P((const char * strp));
static const char * getnum P((const char * strp, int * nump, int min,
int max));
static const char * getsecs P((const char * strp, long * secsp));
static const char * getoffset P((const char * strp, long * offsetp));
static const char * getrule P((const char * strp, struct rule * rulep));
static void gmtload P((struct state * sp));
static void gmtsub P((const time_t * timep, long offset,
struct tm * tmp));
static void localsub P((const time_t * timep, long offset,
struct tm * tmp));
static int increment_overflow P((int * number, int delta));
static int normalize_overflow P((int * tensptr, int * unitsptr,
int base));
static void settzname P((void));
static time_t time1 P((struct tm * tmp,
void(*funcp) P((const time_t *,
long, struct tm *)),
long offset));
static time_t time2 P((struct tm *tmp,
void(*funcp) P((const time_t *,
long, struct tm*)),
long offset, int * okayp));
static void timesub P((const time_t * timep, long offset,
const struct state * sp, struct tm * tmp));
static int tmcomp P((const struct tm * atmp,
const struct tm * btmp));
static time_t transtime P((time_t janfirst, int year,
const struct rule * rulep, long offset));
static int tzload P((const char * name, struct state * sp));
static int tzparse P((const char * name, struct state * sp,
int lastditch));
#ifdef ALL_STATE
static struct state * lclptr;
static struct state * gmtptr;
#endif /* defined ALL_STATE */
#ifndef ALL_STATE
static struct state lclmem;
static struct state gmtmem;
#define lclptr (&lclmem)
#define gmtptr (&gmtmem)
#endif /* State Farm */
#define TZ_STRLEN_MAX 255
#endif /* !defined TZ_STRLEN_MAX */
static char lcl_TZname[TZ_STRLEN_MAX + 1];
static int lcl_is_set;
static int gmt_is_set;
static pthread_mutex_t lcl_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t gmt_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
char * tzname[2] = {
** Section 4.12.3 of X3.159-1989 requires that
** Except for the strftime function, these functions [asctime,
** ctime, gmtime, localtime] return values in one of two static
** objects: a broken-down time structure and an array of char.
** Thanks to Paul Eggert ( for noting this.
static struct tm tm;
time_t timezone = 0;
int daylight = 0;
#endif /* defined USG_COMPAT */
#ifdef ALTZONE
time_t altzone = 0;
#endif /* defined ALTZONE */
static long
const char * const codep;
register long result;
register int i;
result = (codep[0] & 0x80) ? ~0L : 0L;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
result = (result << 8) | (codep[i] & 0xff);
return result;
static void
settzname P((void))
register struct state * sp = lclptr;
register int i;
tzname[0] = wildabbr;
tzname[1] = wildabbr;
daylight = 0;
timezone = 0;
#endif /* defined USG_COMPAT */
#ifdef ALTZONE
altzone = 0;
#endif /* defined ALTZONE */
#ifdef ALL_STATE
if (sp == NULL) {
tzname[0] = tzname[1] = gmt;
#endif /* defined ALL_STATE */
for (i = 0; i < sp->typecnt; ++i) {
register const struct ttinfo * const ttisp = &sp->ttis[i];
tzname[ttisp->tt_isdst] =
if (ttisp->tt_isdst)
daylight = 1;
if (i == 0 || !ttisp->tt_isdst)
timezone = -(ttisp->tt_gmtoff);
#endif /* defined USG_COMPAT */
#ifdef ALTZONE
if (i == 0 || ttisp->tt_isdst)
altzone = -(ttisp->tt_gmtoff);
#endif /* defined ALTZONE */
** And to get the latest zone names into tzname. . .
for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i) {
register const struct ttinfo * const ttisp =
tzname[ttisp->tt_isdst] =
static int
tzload(name, sp)
register const char * name;
register struct state * const sp;
register const char * p;
register int i;
register int fid;
/* XXX The following is from OpenBSD, and I'm not sure it is correct */
if (name != NULL && issetugid() != 0)
if ((name[0] == ':' && name[1] == '/') ||
name[0] == '/' || strchr(name, '.'))
name = NULL;
if (name == NULL && (name = TZDEFAULT) == NULL)
return -1;
register int doaccess;
struct stat stab;
** Section 4.9.1 of the C standard says that
** "FILENAME_MAX expands to an integral constant expression
** that is the size needed for an array of char large enough
** to hold the longest file name string that the implementation
** guarantees can be opened."
char fullname[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
if (name[0] == ':')
doaccess = name[0] == '/';
if (!doaccess) {
if ((p = TZDIR) == NULL)
return -1;
if ((strlen(p) + 1 + strlen(name) + 1) >= sizeof fullname)
return -1;
(void) strcpy(fullname, p);
(void) strcat(fullname, "/");
(void) strcat(fullname, name);
** Set doaccess if '.' (as in "../") shows up in name.
if (strchr(name, '.') != NULL)
doaccess = TRUE;
name = fullname;
if (doaccess && access(name, R_OK) != 0)
return -1;
if ((fid = _open(name, OPEN_MODE)) == -1)
return -1;
if ((_fstat(fid, &stab) < 0) || !S_ISREG(stab.st_mode))
return -1;
struct tzhead * tzhp;
char buf[sizeof *sp + sizeof *tzhp];
int ttisstdcnt;
int ttisgmtcnt;
i = _read(fid, buf, sizeof buf);
if (_close(fid) != 0)
return -1;
p = buf;
p += (sizeof tzhp->tzh_magic) + (sizeof tzhp->tzh_reserved);
ttisstdcnt = (int) detzcode(p);
p += 4;
ttisgmtcnt = (int) detzcode(p);
p += 4;
sp->leapcnt = (int) detzcode(p);
p += 4;
sp->timecnt = (int) detzcode(p);
p += 4;
sp->typecnt = (int) detzcode(p);
p += 4;
sp->charcnt = (int) detzcode(p);
p += 4;
if (sp->leapcnt < 0 || sp->leapcnt > TZ_MAX_LEAPS ||
sp->typecnt <= 0 || sp->typecnt > TZ_MAX_TYPES ||
sp->timecnt < 0 || sp->timecnt > TZ_MAX_TIMES ||
sp->charcnt < 0 || sp->charcnt > TZ_MAX_CHARS ||
(ttisstdcnt != sp->typecnt && ttisstdcnt != 0) ||
(ttisgmtcnt != sp->typecnt && ttisgmtcnt != 0))
return -1;
if (i - (p - buf) < sp->timecnt * 4 + /* ats */
sp->timecnt + /* types */
sp->typecnt * (4 + 2) + /* ttinfos */
sp->charcnt + /* chars */
sp->leapcnt * (4 + 4) + /* lsinfos */
ttisstdcnt + /* ttisstds */
ttisgmtcnt) /* ttisgmts */
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i) {
sp->ats[i] = detzcode(p);
p += 4;
for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i) {
sp->types[i] = (unsigned char) *p++;
if (sp->types[i] >= sp->typecnt)
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < sp->typecnt; ++i) {
register struct ttinfo * ttisp;
ttisp = &sp->ttis[i];
ttisp->tt_gmtoff = detzcode(p);
p += 4;
ttisp->tt_isdst = (unsigned char) *p++;
if (ttisp->tt_isdst != 0 && ttisp->tt_isdst != 1)
return -1;
ttisp->tt_abbrind = (unsigned char) *p++;
if (ttisp->tt_abbrind < 0 ||
ttisp->tt_abbrind > sp->charcnt)
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < sp->charcnt; ++i)
sp->chars[i] = *p++;
sp->chars[i] = '\0'; /* ensure '\0' at end */
for (i = 0; i < sp->leapcnt; ++i) {
register struct lsinfo * lsisp;
lsisp = &sp->lsis[i];
lsisp->ls_trans = detzcode(p);
p += 4;
lsisp->ls_corr = detzcode(p);
p += 4;
for (i = 0; i < sp->typecnt; ++i) {
register struct ttinfo * ttisp;
ttisp = &sp->ttis[i];
if (ttisstdcnt == 0)
ttisp->tt_ttisstd = FALSE;
else {
ttisp->tt_ttisstd = *p++;
if (ttisp->tt_ttisstd != TRUE &&
ttisp->tt_ttisstd != FALSE)
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < sp->typecnt; ++i) {
register struct ttinfo * ttisp;
ttisp = &sp->ttis[i];
if (ttisgmtcnt == 0)
ttisp->tt_ttisgmt = FALSE;
else {
ttisp->tt_ttisgmt = *p++;
if (ttisp->tt_ttisgmt != TRUE &&
ttisp->tt_ttisgmt != FALSE)
return -1;
return 0;
static const int mon_lengths[2][MONSPERYEAR] = {
{ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 },
{ 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }
static const int year_lengths[2] = {
** Given a pointer into a time zone string, scan until a character that is not
** a valid character in a zone name is found. Return a pointer to that
** character.
static const char *
register const char * strp;
register char c;
while ((c = *strp) != '\0' && !is_digit(c) && c != ',' && c != '-' &&
c != '+')
return strp;
** Given a pointer into a time zone string, extract a number from that string.
** Check that the number is within a specified range; if it is not, return
** NULL.
** Otherwise, return a pointer to the first character not part of the number.
static const char *
getnum(strp, nump, min, max)
register const char * strp;
int * const nump;
const int min;
const int max;
register char c;
register int num;
if (strp == NULL || !is_digit(c = *strp))
return NULL;
num = 0;
do {
num = num * 10 + (c - '0');
if (num > max)
return NULL; /* illegal value */
c = *++strp;
} while (is_digit(c));
if (num < min)
return NULL; /* illegal value */
*nump = num;
return strp;
** Given a pointer into a time zone string, extract a number of seconds,
** in hh[:mm[:ss]] form, from the string.
** If any error occurs, return NULL.
** Otherwise, return a pointer to the first character not part of the number
** of seconds.
static const char *
getsecs(strp, secsp)
register const char * strp;
long * const secsp;
int num;
** `HOURSPERDAY * DAYSPERWEEK - 1' allows quasi-Posix rules like
** "M10.4.6/26", which does not conform to Posix,
** but which specifies the equivalent of
** ``02:00 on the first Sunday on or after 23 Oct''.
strp = getnum(strp, &num, 0, HOURSPERDAY * DAYSPERWEEK - 1);
if (strp == NULL)
return NULL;
*secsp = num * (long) SECSPERHOUR;
if (*strp == ':') {
strp = getnum(strp, &num, 0, MINSPERHOUR - 1);
if (strp == NULL)
return NULL;
*secsp += num * SECSPERMIN;
if (*strp == ':') {
/* `SECSPERMIN' allows for leap seconds. */
strp = getnum(strp, &num, 0, SECSPERMIN);
if (strp == NULL)
return NULL;
*secsp += num;
return strp;
** Given a pointer into a time zone string, extract an offset, in
** [+-]hh[:mm[:ss]] form, from the string.
** If any error occurs, return NULL.
** Otherwise, return a pointer to the first character not part of the time.
static const char *
getoffset(strp, offsetp)
register const char * strp;
long * const offsetp;
register int neg = 0;
if (*strp == '-') {
neg = 1;
} else if (*strp == '+')
strp = getsecs(strp, offsetp);
if (strp == NULL)
return NULL; /* illegal time */
if (neg)
*offsetp = -*offsetp;
return strp;
** Given a pointer into a time zone string, extract a rule in the form
** date[/time]. See POSIX section 8 for the format of "date" and "time".
** If a valid rule is not found, return NULL.
** Otherwise, return a pointer to the first character not part of the rule.
static const char *
getrule(strp, rulep)
const char * strp;
register struct rule * const rulep;
if (*strp == 'J') {
** Julian day.
rulep->r_type = JULIAN_DAY;
strp = getnum(strp, &rulep->r_day, 1, DAYSPERNYEAR);
} else if (*strp == 'M') {
** Month, week, day.
rulep->r_type = MONTH_NTH_DAY_OF_WEEK;
strp = getnum(strp, &rulep->r_mon, 1, MONSPERYEAR);
if (strp == NULL)
return NULL;
if (*strp++ != '.')
return NULL;
strp = getnum(strp, &rulep->r_week, 1, 5);
if (strp == NULL)
return NULL;
if (*strp++ != '.')
return NULL;
strp = getnum(strp, &rulep->r_day, 0, DAYSPERWEEK - 1);
} else if (is_digit(*strp)) {
** Day of year.
rulep->r_type = DAY_OF_YEAR;
strp = getnum(strp, &rulep->r_day, 0, DAYSPERLYEAR - 1);
} else return NULL; /* invalid format */
if (strp == NULL)
return NULL;
if (*strp == '/') {
** Time specified.
strp = getsecs(strp, &rulep->r_time);
} else rulep->r_time = 2 * SECSPERHOUR; /* default = 2:00:00 */
return strp;
** Given the Epoch-relative time of January 1, 00:00:00 GMT, in a year, the
** year, a rule, and the offset from GMT at the time that rule takes effect,
** calculate the Epoch-relative time that rule takes effect.
static time_t
transtime(janfirst, year, rulep, offset)
const time_t janfirst;
const int year;
register const struct rule * const rulep;
const long offset;
register int leapyear;
register time_t value;
register int i;
int d, m1, yy0, yy1, yy2, dow;
leapyear = isleap(year);
switch (rulep->r_type) {
** Jn - Julian day, 1 == January 1, 60 == March 1 even in leap
** years.
** In non-leap years, or if the day number is 59 or less, just
** add SECSPERDAY times the day number-1 to the time of
** January 1, midnight, to get the day.
value = janfirst + (rulep->r_day - 1) * SECSPERDAY;
if (leapyear && rulep->r_day >= 60)
value += SECSPERDAY;
** n - day of year.
** Just add SECSPERDAY times the day number to the time of
** January 1, midnight, to get the day.
value = janfirst + rulep->r_day * SECSPERDAY;
** Mm.n.d - nth "dth day" of month m.
value = janfirst;
for (i = 0; i < rulep->r_mon - 1; ++i)
value += mon_lengths[leapyear][i] * SECSPERDAY;
** Use Zeller's Congruence to get day-of-week of first day of
** month.
m1 = (rulep->r_mon + 9) % 12 + 1;
yy0 = (rulep->r_mon <= 2) ? (year - 1) : year;
yy1 = yy0 / 100;
yy2 = yy0 % 100;
dow = ((26 * m1 - 2) / 10 +
1 + yy2 + yy2 / 4 + yy1 / 4 - 2 * yy1) % 7;
if (dow < 0)
** "dow" is the day-of-week of the first day of the month. Get
** the day-of-month (zero-origin) of the first "dow" day of the
** month.
d = rulep->r_day - dow;
if (d < 0)
for (i = 1; i < rulep->r_week; ++i) {
if (d + DAYSPERWEEK >=
mon_lengths[leapyear][rulep->r_mon - 1])
** "d" is the day-of-month (zero-origin) of the day we want.
value += d * SECSPERDAY;
** "value" is the Epoch-relative time of 00:00:00 GMT on the day in
** question. To get the Epoch-relative time of the specified local
** time on that day, add the transition time and the current offset
** from GMT.
return value + rulep->r_time + offset;
** Given a POSIX section 8-style TZ string, fill in the rule tables as
** appropriate.
static int
tzparse(name, sp, lastditch)
const char * name;
register struct state * const sp;
const int lastditch;
const char * stdname;
const char * dstname;
size_t stdlen;
size_t dstlen;
long stdoffset;
long dstoffset;
register time_t * atp;
register unsigned char * typep;
register char * cp;
register int load_result;
stdname = name;
if (lastditch) {
stdlen = strlen(name); /* length of standard zone name */
name += stdlen;
if (stdlen >= sizeof sp->chars)
stdlen = (sizeof sp->chars) - 1;
stdoffset = 0;
} else {
name = getzname(name);
stdlen = name - stdname;
if (stdlen < 3)
return -1;
if (*name == '\0')
return -1; /* was "stdoffset = 0;" */
else {
name = getoffset(name, &stdoffset);
if (name == NULL)
return -1;
load_result = tzload(TZDEFRULES, sp);
if (load_result != 0)
sp->leapcnt = 0; /* so, we're off a little */
if (*name != '\0') {
dstname = name;
name = getzname(name);
dstlen = name - dstname; /* length of DST zone name */
if (dstlen < 3)
return -1;
if (*name != '\0' && *name != ',' && *name != ';') {
name = getoffset(name, &dstoffset);
if (name == NULL)
return -1;
} else dstoffset = stdoffset - SECSPERHOUR;
if (*name == ',' || *name == ';') {
struct rule start;
struct rule end;
register int year;
register time_t janfirst;
time_t starttime;
time_t endtime;
if ((name = getrule(name, &start)) == NULL)
return -1;
if (*name++ != ',')
return -1;
if ((name = getrule(name, &end)) == NULL)
return -1;
if (*name != '\0')
return -1;
sp->typecnt = 2; /* standard time and DST */
** Two transitions per year, from EPOCH_YEAR to 2037.
sp->timecnt = 2 * (2037 - EPOCH_YEAR + 1);
if (sp->timecnt > TZ_MAX_TIMES)
return -1;
sp->ttis[0].tt_gmtoff = -dstoffset;
sp->ttis[0].tt_isdst = 1;
sp->ttis[0].tt_abbrind = stdlen + 1;
sp->ttis[1].tt_gmtoff = -stdoffset;
sp->ttis[1].tt_isdst = 0;
sp->ttis[1].tt_abbrind = 0;
atp = sp->ats;
typep = sp->types;
janfirst = 0;
for (year = EPOCH_YEAR; year <= 2037; ++year) {
starttime = transtime(janfirst, year, &start,
endtime = transtime(janfirst, year, &end,
if (starttime > endtime) {
*atp++ = endtime;
*typep++ = 1; /* DST ends */
*atp++ = starttime;
*typep++ = 0; /* DST begins */
} else {
*atp++ = starttime;
*typep++ = 0; /* DST begins */
*atp++ = endtime;
*typep++ = 1; /* DST ends */
janfirst += year_lengths[isleap(year)] *
} else {
register long theirstdoffset;
register long theirdstoffset;
register long theiroffset;
register int isdst;
register int i;
register int j;
if (*name != '\0')
return -1;
if (load_result != 0)
return -1;
** Initial values of theirstdoffset and theirdstoffset.
theirstdoffset = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i) {
j = sp->types[i];
if (!sp->ttis[j].tt_isdst) {
theirstdoffset =
theirdstoffset = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i) {
j = sp->types[i];
if (sp->ttis[j].tt_isdst) {
theirdstoffset =
** Initially we're assumed to be in standard time.
isdst = FALSE;
theiroffset = theirstdoffset;
** Now juggle transition times and types
** tracking offsets as you do.
for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i) {
j = sp->types[i];
sp->types[i] = sp->ttis[j].tt_isdst;
if (sp->ttis[j].tt_ttisgmt) {
/* No adjustment to transition time */
} else {
** If summer time is in effect, and the
** transition time was not specified as
** standard time, add the summer time
** offset to the transition time;
** otherwise, add the standard time
** offset to the transition time.
** Transitions from DST to DDST
** will effectively disappear since
** POSIX provides for only one DST
** offset.
if (isdst && !sp->ttis[j].tt_ttisstd) {
sp->ats[i] += dstoffset -
} else {
sp->ats[i] += stdoffset -
theiroffset = -sp->ttis[j].tt_gmtoff;
if (sp->ttis[j].tt_isdst)
theirdstoffset = theiroffset;
else theirstdoffset = theiroffset;
** Finally, fill in ttis.
** ttisstd and ttisgmt need not be handled.
sp->ttis[0].tt_gmtoff = -stdoffset;
sp->ttis[0].tt_isdst = FALSE;
sp->ttis[0].tt_abbrind = 0;
sp->ttis[1].tt_gmtoff = -dstoffset;
sp->ttis[1].tt_isdst = TRUE;
sp->ttis[1].tt_abbrind = stdlen + 1;
} else {
dstlen = 0;
sp->typecnt = 1; /* only standard time */
sp->timecnt = 0;
sp->ttis[0].tt_gmtoff = -stdoffset;
sp->ttis[0].tt_isdst = 0;
sp->ttis[0].tt_abbrind = 0;
sp->charcnt = stdlen + 1;
if (dstlen != 0)
sp->charcnt += dstlen + 1;
if (sp->charcnt > sizeof sp->chars)
return -1;
cp = sp->chars;
(void) strncpy(cp, stdname, stdlen);
cp += stdlen;
*cp++ = '\0';
if (dstlen != 0) {
(void) strncpy(cp, dstname, dstlen);
*(cp + dstlen) = '\0';
return 0;
static void
struct state * const sp;
if (tzload(gmt, sp) != 0)
(void) tzparse(gmt, sp, TRUE);
static void
if (lcl_is_set < 0)
lcl_is_set = -1;
#ifdef ALL_STATE
if (lclptr == NULL) {
lclptr = (struct state *) malloc(sizeof *lclptr);
if (lclptr == NULL) {
settzname(); /* all we can do */
#endif /* defined ALL_STATE */
if (tzload((char *) NULL, lclptr) != 0)
tzsetwall P((void))
static void
register const char * name;
name = getenv("TZ");
if (name == NULL) {
if (lcl_is_set > 0 && strcmp(lcl_TZname, name) == 0)
lcl_is_set = (strlen(name) < sizeof(lcl_TZname));
if (lcl_is_set)
(void) strcpy(lcl_TZname, name);
#ifdef ALL_STATE
if (lclptr == NULL) {
lclptr = (struct state *) malloc(sizeof *lclptr);
if (lclptr == NULL) {
settzname(); /* all we can do */
#endif /* defined ALL_STATE */
if (*name == '\0') {
** User wants it fast rather than right.
lclptr->leapcnt = 0; /* so, we're off a little */
lclptr->timecnt = 0;
lclptr->ttis[0].tt_gmtoff = 0;
lclptr->ttis[0].tt_abbrind = 0;
(void) strcpy(lclptr->chars, gmt);
} else if (tzload(name, lclptr) != 0)
if (name[0] == ':' || tzparse(name, lclptr, FALSE) != 0)
(void) gmtload(lclptr);
tzset P((void))
** The easy way to behave "as if no library function calls" localtime
** is to not call it--so we drop its guts into "localsub", which can be
** freely called. (And no, the PANS doesn't require the above behavior--
** but it *is* desirable.)
** The unused offset argument is for the benefit of mktime variants.
static void
localsub(timep, offset, tmp)
const time_t * const timep;
const long offset;
struct tm * const tmp;
register struct state * sp;
register const struct ttinfo * ttisp;
register int i;
const time_t t = *timep;
sp = lclptr;
#ifdef ALL_STATE
if (sp == NULL) {
gmtsub(timep, offset, tmp);
#endif /* defined ALL_STATE */
if (sp->timecnt == 0 || t < sp->ats[0]) {
i = 0;
while (sp->ttis[i].tt_isdst)
if (++i >= sp->typecnt) {
i = 0;
} else {
for (i = 1; i < sp->timecnt; ++i)
if (t < sp->ats[i])
i = sp->types[i - 1];
ttisp = &sp->ttis[i];
** To get (wrong) behavior that's compatible with System V Release 2.0
** you'd replace the statement below with
** t += ttisp->tt_gmtoff;
** timesub(&t, 0L, sp, tmp);
timesub(&t, ttisp->tt_gmtoff, sp, tmp);
tmp->tm_isdst = ttisp->tt_isdst;
tzname[tmp->tm_isdst] = &sp->chars[ttisp->tt_abbrind];
#ifdef TM_ZONE
tmp->TM_ZONE = &sp->chars[ttisp->tt_abbrind];
#endif /* defined TM_ZONE */
struct tm *
localtime_r(timep, p_tm)
const time_t * const timep;
struct tm *p_tm;
localsub(timep, 0L, p_tm);
struct tm *
const time_t * const timep;
static pthread_mutex_t localtime_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_key_t localtime_key = -1;
struct tm *p_tm;
if (__isthreaded != 0) {
if (localtime_key < 0) {
if (_pthread_key_create(&localtime_key, free) < 0) {
p_tm = _pthread_getspecific(localtime_key);
if (p_tm == NULL) {
if ((p_tm = (struct tm *)malloc(sizeof(struct tm)))
== NULL)
_pthread_setspecific(localtime_key, p_tm);
localsub(timep, 0L, p_tm);
} else {
localsub(timep, 0L, &tm);
** gmtsub is to gmtime as localsub is to localtime.
static void
gmtsub(timep, offset, tmp)
const time_t * const timep;
const long offset;
struct tm * const tmp;
if (!gmt_is_set) {
gmt_is_set = TRUE;
#ifdef ALL_STATE
gmtptr = (struct state *) malloc(sizeof *gmtptr);
if (gmtptr != NULL)
#endif /* defined ALL_STATE */
timesub(timep, offset, gmtptr, tmp);
#ifdef TM_ZONE
** Could get fancy here and deliver something such as
** "GMT+xxxx" or "GMT-xxxx" if offset is non-zero,
** but this is no time for a treasure hunt.
if (offset != 0)
tmp->TM_ZONE = wildabbr;
else {
#ifdef ALL_STATE
if (gmtptr == NULL)
tmp->TM_ZONE = gmt;
else tmp->TM_ZONE = gmtptr->chars;
#endif /* defined ALL_STATE */
#ifndef ALL_STATE
tmp->TM_ZONE = gmtptr->chars;
#endif /* State Farm */
#endif /* defined TM_ZONE */
struct tm *
const time_t * const timep;
static pthread_mutex_t gmtime_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_key_t gmtime_key = -1;
struct tm *p_tm;
if (__isthreaded != 0) {
if (gmtime_key < 0) {
if (_pthread_key_create(&gmtime_key, free) < 0) {
* Changed to follow POSIX.1 threads standard, which
* is what BSD currently has.
if ((p_tm = _pthread_getspecific(gmtime_key)) == NULL) {
if ((p_tm = (struct tm *)malloc(sizeof(struct tm)))
== NULL) {
_pthread_setspecific(gmtime_key, p_tm);
gmtsub(timep, 0L, p_tm);
else {
gmtsub(timep, 0L, &tm);
struct tm *
gmtime_r(const time_t * timep, struct tm * tm)
gmtsub(timep, 0L, tm);
struct tm *
offtime(timep, offset)
const time_t * const timep;
const long offset;
gmtsub(timep, offset, &tm);
return &tm;
#endif /* defined STD_INSPIRED */
static void
timesub(timep, offset, sp, tmp)
const time_t * const timep;
const long offset;
register const struct state * const sp;
register struct tm * const tmp;
register const struct lsinfo * lp;
register long days;
register long rem;
register int y;
register int yleap;
register const int * ip;
register long corr;
register int hit;
register int i;
corr = 0;
hit = 0;
#ifdef ALL_STATE
i = (sp == NULL) ? 0 : sp->leapcnt;
#endif /* defined ALL_STATE */
#ifndef ALL_STATE
i = sp->leapcnt;
#endif /* State Farm */
while (--i >= 0) {
lp = &sp->lsis[i];
if (*timep >= lp->ls_trans) {
if (*timep == lp->ls_trans) {
hit = ((i == 0 && lp->ls_corr > 0) ||
lp->ls_corr > sp->lsis[i - 1].ls_corr);
if (hit)
while (i > 0 &&
sp->lsis[i].ls_trans ==
sp->lsis[i - 1].ls_trans + 1 &&
sp->lsis[i].ls_corr ==
sp->lsis[i - 1].ls_corr + 1) {
corr = lp->ls_corr;
days = *timep / SECSPERDAY;
rem = *timep % SECSPERDAY;
#ifdef mc68k
if (*timep == 0x80000000) {
** A 3B1 muffs the division on the most negative number.
days = -24855;
rem = -11648;
#endif /* defined mc68k */
rem += (offset - corr);
while (rem < 0) {
while (rem >= SECSPERDAY) {
tmp->tm_hour = (int) (rem / SECSPERHOUR);
rem = rem % SECSPERHOUR;
tmp->tm_min = (int) (rem / SECSPERMIN);
** A positive leap second requires a special
** representation. This uses "... ??:59:60" et seq.
tmp->tm_sec = (int) (rem % SECSPERMIN) + hit;
tmp->tm_wday = (int) ((EPOCH_WDAY + days) % DAYSPERWEEK);
if (tmp->tm_wday < 0)
tmp->tm_wday += DAYSPERWEEK;
#define LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(y) ((y) / 4 - (y) / 100 + (y) / 400)
while (days < 0 || days >= (long) year_lengths[yleap = isleap(y)]) {
register int newy;
newy = y + days / DAYSPERNYEAR;
if (days < 0)
days -= (newy - y) * DAYSPERNYEAR +
LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(newy - 1) -
y = newy;
tmp->tm_year = y - TM_YEAR_BASE;
tmp->tm_yday = (int) days;
ip = mon_lengths[yleap];
for (tmp->tm_mon = 0; days >= (long) ip[tmp->tm_mon]; ++(tmp->tm_mon))
days = days - (long) ip[tmp->tm_mon];
tmp->tm_mday = (int) (days + 1);
tmp->tm_isdst = 0;
#ifdef TM_GMTOFF
tmp->TM_GMTOFF = offset;
#endif /* defined TM_GMTOFF */
char *
const time_t * const timep;
** Section of X3.159-1989 requires that
** The ctime funciton converts the calendar time pointed to by timer
** to local time in the form of a string. It is equivalent to
** asctime(localtime(timer))
return asctime(localtime(timep));
char *
ctime_r(timep, buf)
const time_t * const timep;
char *buf;
struct tm tm;
return asctime_r(localtime_r(timep, &tm), buf);
** Adapted from code provided by Robert Elz, who writes:
** The "best" way to do mktime I think is based on an idea of Bob
** Kridle's (so its said...) from a long time ago.
** [ as of 1996-01-16.]
** It does a binary search of the time_t space. Since time_t's are
** just 32 bits, its a max of 32 iterations (even at 64 bits it
** would still be very reasonable).
#ifndef WRONG
#define WRONG (-1)
#endif /* !defined WRONG */
** Simplified normalize logic courtesy Paul Eggert (
static int
increment_overflow(number, delta)
int * number;
int delta;
int number0;
number0 = *number;
*number += delta;
return (*number < number0) != (delta < 0);
static int
normalize_overflow(tensptr, unitsptr, base)
int * const tensptr;
int * const unitsptr;
const int base;
register int tensdelta;
tensdelta = (*unitsptr >= 0) ?
(*unitsptr / base) :
(-1 - (-1 - *unitsptr) / base);
*unitsptr -= tensdelta * base;
return increment_overflow(tensptr, tensdelta);
static int
tmcomp(atmp, btmp)
register const struct tm * const atmp;
register const struct tm * const btmp;
register int result;
if ((result = (atmp->tm_year - btmp->tm_year)) == 0 &&
(result = (atmp->tm_mon - btmp->tm_mon)) == 0 &&
(result = (atmp->tm_mday - btmp->tm_mday)) == 0 &&
(result = (atmp->tm_hour - btmp->tm_hour)) == 0 &&
(result = (atmp->tm_min - btmp->tm_min)) == 0)
result = atmp->tm_sec - btmp->tm_sec;
return result;
static time_t
time2(tmp, funcp, offset, okayp)
struct tm * const tmp;
void (* const funcp) P((const time_t*, long, struct tm*));
const long offset;
int * const okayp;
register const struct state * sp;
register int dir;
register int bits;
register int i, j ;
register int saved_seconds;
time_t newt;
time_t t;
struct tm yourtm, mytm;
*okayp = FALSE;
yourtm = *tmp;
if (normalize_overflow(&yourtm.tm_hour, &yourtm.tm_min, MINSPERHOUR))
return WRONG;
if (normalize_overflow(&yourtm.tm_mday, &yourtm.tm_hour, HOURSPERDAY))
return WRONG;
if (normalize_overflow(&yourtm.tm_year, &yourtm.tm_mon, MONSPERYEAR))
return WRONG;
** Turn yourtm.tm_year into an actual year number for now.
** It is converted back to an offset from TM_YEAR_BASE later.
if (increment_overflow(&yourtm.tm_year, TM_YEAR_BASE))
return WRONG;
while (yourtm.tm_mday <= 0) {
if (increment_overflow(&yourtm.tm_year, -1))
return WRONG;
i = yourtm.tm_year + (1 < yourtm.tm_mon);
yourtm.tm_mday += year_lengths[isleap(i)];
while (yourtm.tm_mday > DAYSPERLYEAR) {
i = yourtm.tm_year + (1 < yourtm.tm_mon);
yourtm.tm_mday -= year_lengths[isleap(i)];
if (increment_overflow(&yourtm.tm_year, 1))
return WRONG;
for ( ; ; ) {
i = mon_lengths[isleap(yourtm.tm_year)][yourtm.tm_mon];
if (yourtm.tm_mday <= i)
yourtm.tm_mday -= i;
if (++yourtm.tm_mon >= MONSPERYEAR) {
yourtm.tm_mon = 0;
if (increment_overflow(&yourtm.tm_year, 1))
return WRONG;
if (increment_overflow(&yourtm.tm_year, -TM_YEAR_BASE))
return WRONG;
if (yourtm.tm_year + TM_YEAR_BASE < EPOCH_YEAR) {
** We can't set tm_sec to 0, because that might push the
** time below the minimum representable time.
** Set tm_sec to 59 instead.
** This assumes that the minimum representable time is
** not in the same minute that a leap second was deleted from,
** which is a safer assumption than using 58 would be.
if (increment_overflow(&yourtm.tm_sec, 1 - SECSPERMIN))
return WRONG;
saved_seconds = yourtm.tm_sec;
yourtm.tm_sec = SECSPERMIN - 1;
} else {
saved_seconds = yourtm.tm_sec;
yourtm.tm_sec = 0;
** Divide the search space in half
** (this works whether time_t is signed or unsigned).
bits = TYPE_BIT(time_t) - 1;
** If time_t is signed, then 0 is just above the median,
** assuming two's complement arithmetic.
** If time_t is unsigned, then (1 << bits) is just above the median.
t = TYPE_SIGNED(time_t) ? 0 : (((time_t) 1) << bits);
for ( ; ; ) {
(*funcp)(&t, offset, &mytm);
dir = tmcomp(&mytm, &yourtm);
if (dir != 0) {
if (bits-- < 0)
return WRONG;
if (bits < 0)
--t; /* may be needed if new t is minimal */
else if (dir > 0)
t -= ((time_t) 1) << bits;
else t += ((time_t) 1) << bits;
if (yourtm.tm_isdst < 0 || mytm.tm_isdst == yourtm.tm_isdst)
** Right time, wrong type.
** Hunt for right time, right type.
** It's okay to guess wrong since the guess
** gets checked.
** The (void *) casts are the benefit of SunOS 3.3 on Sun 2's.
sp = (const struct state *)
(((void *) funcp == (void *) localsub) ?
lclptr : gmtptr);
#ifdef ALL_STATE
if (sp == NULL)
return WRONG;
#endif /* defined ALL_STATE */
for (i = sp->typecnt - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (sp->ttis[i].tt_isdst != yourtm.tm_isdst)
for (j = sp->typecnt - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
if (sp->ttis[j].tt_isdst == yourtm.tm_isdst)
newt = t + sp->ttis[j].tt_gmtoff -
(*funcp)(&newt, offset, &mytm);
if (tmcomp(&mytm, &yourtm) != 0)
if (mytm.tm_isdst != yourtm.tm_isdst)
** We have a match.
t = newt;
goto label;
return WRONG;
newt = t + saved_seconds;
if ((newt < t) != (saved_seconds < 0))
return WRONG;
t = newt;
(*funcp)(&t, offset, tmp);
*okayp = TRUE;
return t;
static time_t
time1(tmp, funcp, offset)
struct tm * const tmp;
void (* const funcp) P((const time_t *, long, struct tm *));
const long offset;
register time_t t;
register const struct state * sp;
register int samei, otheri;
int okay;
if (tmp->tm_isdst > 1)
tmp->tm_isdst = 1;
t = time2(tmp, funcp, offset, &okay);
#ifdef PCTS
** PCTS code courtesy Grant Sullivan (
if (okay)
return t;
if (tmp->tm_isdst < 0)
tmp->tm_isdst = 0; /* reset to std and try again */
#endif /* defined PCTS */
#ifndef PCTS
if (okay || tmp->tm_isdst < 0)
return t;
#endif /* !defined PCTS */
** We're supposed to assume that somebody took a time of one type
** and did some math on it that yielded a "struct tm" that's bad.
** We try to divine the type they started from and adjust to the
** type they need.
** The (void *) casts are the benefit of SunOS 3.3 on Sun 2's.
sp = (const struct state *) (((void *) funcp == (void *) localsub) ?
lclptr : gmtptr);
#ifdef ALL_STATE
if (sp == NULL)
return WRONG;
#endif /* defined ALL_STATE */
for (samei = sp->typecnt - 1; samei >= 0; --samei) {
if (sp->ttis[samei].tt_isdst != tmp->tm_isdst)
for (otheri = sp->typecnt - 1; otheri >= 0; --otheri) {
if (sp->ttis[otheri].tt_isdst == tmp->tm_isdst)
tmp->tm_sec += sp->ttis[otheri].tt_gmtoff -
tmp->tm_isdst = !tmp->tm_isdst;
t = time2(tmp, funcp, offset, &okay);
if (okay)
return t;
tmp->tm_sec -= sp->ttis[otheri].tt_gmtoff -
tmp->tm_isdst = !tmp->tm_isdst;
return WRONG;
struct tm * const tmp;
time_t mktime_return_value;
mktime_return_value = time1(tmp, localsub, 0L);
struct tm * const tmp;
tmp->tm_isdst = -1; /* in case it wasn't initialized */
return mktime(tmp);
struct tm * const tmp;
tmp->tm_isdst = 0;
return time1(tmp, gmtsub, 0L);
timeoff(tmp, offset)
struct tm * const tmp;
const long offset;
tmp->tm_isdst = 0;
return time1(tmp, gmtsub, offset);
#endif /* defined STD_INSPIRED */
#ifdef CMUCS
** The following is supplied for compatibility with
** previous versions of the CMUCS runtime library.
struct tm * const tmp;
const time_t t = mktime(tmp);
if (t == WRONG)
return -1;
return t;
#endif /* defined CMUCS */
** XXX--is the below the right way to conditionalize??
** IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 (POSIX) legislates that 536457599
** shall correspond to "Wed Dec 31 23:59:59 GMT 1986", which
** is not the case if we are accounting for leap seconds.
** So, we provide the following conversion routines for use
** when exchanging timestamps with POSIX conforming systems.
static long
time_t * timep;
register struct state * sp;
register struct lsinfo * lp;
register int i;
sp = lclptr;
i = sp->leapcnt;
while (--i >= 0) {
lp = &sp->lsis[i];
if (*timep >= lp->ls_trans)
return lp->ls_corr;
return 0;
time_t t;
return t - leapcorr(&t);
time_t t;
time_t x;
time_t y;
** For a positive leap second hit, the result
** is not unique. For a negative leap second
** hit, the corresponding time doesn't exist,
** so we return an adjacent second.
x = t + leapcorr(&t);
y = x - leapcorr(&x);
if (y < t) {
do {
y = x - leapcorr(&x);
} while (y < t);
if (t != y)
return x - 1;
} else if (y > t) {
do {
y = x - leapcorr(&x);
} while (y > t);
if (t != y)
return x + 1;
return x;
#endif /* defined STD_INSPIRED */