loaded, the tick interrupt enabled and a handler that resets the tick counter on every tick interrupt. While this isn't documented this can cause DELAY() to wait for a value the tick counter will not reach when used in early boot, i.e. before cpu_initclocks() is called, depending on when in the cycle DELAY() is called, the delay value and the value the tick compare register is set to. The excessive use of DELAY() in uart(4) when probing Sun keyboards seems to always manage to trigger this, resulting in a hang during boot. Disable the tick interrupt in tick_init(), which is called early in sparc64_init(), until the interrupt is enabled again in tick_start(), called by cpu_initclocks(), with our own handler. This fixes the hang during probing Sun keyboards on AXi boards and Ultra 10, with other machines like Ultra 5 probably being affected but not tested. Additional testing by: Matthias Muthmann MFC after: 1 week