256 lines
18 KiB
256 lines
18 KiB
The following are examples of py_calltime.d.
This script traces the elapsed time of Python functions and prints a report.
Here it traces the example program, Code/Python/func_abc.py
# py_calltime.d
Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
UserDict.py func ? 1
UserDict.py func DictMixin 1
UserDict.py func IterableUserDict 1
UserDict.py func UserDict 1
UserDict.py func __init__ 1
__init__.py func ? 1
__init__.py func CodecRegistryError 1
__init__.py func normalize_encoding 1
__init__.py func search_function 1
aliases.py func ? 1
ascii.py func ? 1
ascii.py func Codec 1
ascii.py func StreamConverter 1
ascii.py func StreamReader 1
ascii.py func StreamWriter 1
ascii.py func getregentry 1
codecs.py func ? 1
codecs.py func Codec 1
codecs.py func StreamReader 1
codecs.py func StreamReaderWriter 1
codecs.py func StreamRecoder 1
codecs.py func StreamWriter 1
copy_reg.py func ? 1
func_abc.py func ? 1
func_abc.py func func_a 1
func_abc.py func func_b 1
func_abc.py func func_c 1
linecache.py func ? 1
os.py func ? 1
os.py func _Environ 1
os.py func __init__ 1
os.py func _get_exports_list 1
posixpath.py func ? 1
posixpath.py func basename 1
posixpath.py func dirname 1
site.py func ? 1
site.py func _Helper 1
site.py func _Printer 1
site.py func _init_pathinfo 1
site.py func abs__file__ 1
site.py func addsitepackages 1
site.py func aliasmbcs 1
site.py func execsitecustomize 1
site.py func main 1
site.py func removeduppaths 1
site.py func setcopyright 1
site.py func setencoding 1
site.py func sethelper 1
site.py func setquit 1
stat.py func ? 1
types.py func ? 1
types.py func _C 1
warnings.py func ? 1
warnings.py func _OptionError 1
warnings.py func _processoptions 1
posixpath.py func exists 2
posixpath.py func split 2
site.py func addsitedir 2
warnings.py func simplefilter 2
copy_reg.py func constructor 3
copy_reg.py func pickle 3
site.py func __init__ 3
site.py func addpackage 3
stat.py func S_IFMT 6
stat.py func S_ISDIR 6
posixpath.py func isdir 8
os.py func _exists 10
<string> func ? 11
posixpath.py func normcase 14
site.py func makepath 14
posixpath.py func join 20
posixpath.py func abspath 22
posixpath.py func isabs 22
posixpath.py func normpath 22
- total - 230
Exclusive function elapsed times (us),
ascii.py func StreamWriter 2
ascii.py func StreamReader 2
site.py func setencoding 2
UserDict.py func IterableUserDict 2
__init__.py func CodecRegistryError 2
ascii.py func getregentry 2
site.py func aliasmbcs 2
warnings.py func _OptionError 3
types.py func _C 3
site.py func sethelper 3
warnings.py func _processoptions 3
ascii.py func StreamConverter 3
ascii.py func Codec 3
site.py func _Helper 3
site.py func setquit 4
codecs.py func StreamWriter 4
UserDict.py func __init__ 4
site.py func _Printer 4
codecs.py func Codec 4
os.py func _Environ 4
codecs.py func StreamRecoder 5
codecs.py func StreamReaderWriter 6
codecs.py func StreamReader 6
copy_reg.py func constructor 7
__init__.py func normalize_encoding 9
site.py func __init__ 10
warnings.py func simplefilter 11
linecache.py func ? 11
posixpath.py func split 13
stat.py func ? 14
stat.py func S_IFMT 14
posixpath.py func dirname 16
posixpath.py func basename 24
os.py func __init__ 26
posixpath.py func normcase 29
UserDict.py func UserDict 32
posixpath.py func exists 37
aliases.py func ? 46
<string> func ? 56
copy_reg.py func pickle 59
UserDict.py func ? 84
site.py func addsitepackages 85
posixpath.py func isabs 87
site.py func setcopyright 94
stat.py func S_ISDIR 98
posixpath.py func join 105
types.py func ? 106
site.py func removeduppaths 115
ascii.py func ? 122
os.py func _get_exports_list 136
site.py func _init_pathinfo 155
site.py func abs__file__ 158
codecs.py func ? 182
UserDict.py func DictMixin 184
__init__.py func search_function 205
site.py func main 218
posixpath.py func normpath 231
copy_reg.py func ? 239
posixpath.py func isdir 285
site.py func addpackage 419
site.py func addsitedir 473
warnings.py func ? 500
posixpath.py func ? 546
site.py func execsitecustomize 558
site.py func makepath 608
posixpath.py func abspath 646
os.py func _exists 925
__init__.py func ? 1289
os.py func ? 1473
site.py func ? 1510
func_abc.py func ? 1517
func_abc.py func func_c 1000071
func_abc.py func func_a 1005706
func_abc.py func func_b 1010158
- total - 3029815
Inclusive function elapsed times (us),
ascii.py func StreamWriter 2
ascii.py func StreamReader 2
site.py func setencoding 2
UserDict.py func IterableUserDict 2
__init__.py func CodecRegistryError 2
ascii.py func getregentry 2
site.py func aliasmbcs 2
warnings.py func _OptionError 3
types.py func _C 3
site.py func sethelper 3
warnings.py func _processoptions 3
ascii.py func StreamConverter 3
ascii.py func Codec 3
site.py func _Helper 3
site.py func setquit 4
codecs.py func StreamWriter 4
UserDict.py func __init__ 4
site.py func _Printer 4
codecs.py func Codec 4
os.py func _Environ 4
codecs.py func StreamRecoder 5
codecs.py func StreamReaderWriter 6
codecs.py func StreamReader 6
copy_reg.py func constructor 7
__init__.py func normalize_encoding 9
site.py func __init__ 10
warnings.py func simplefilter 11
linecache.py func ? 11
posixpath.py func split 13
stat.py func ? 14
stat.py func S_IFMT 14
posixpath.py func dirname 22
posixpath.py func normcase 29
os.py func __init__ 31
posixpath.py func basename 31
UserDict.py func UserDict 32
posixpath.py func exists 37
aliases.py func ? 46
copy_reg.py func pickle 66
posixpath.py func isabs 87
posixpath.py func join 105
types.py func ? 109
stat.py func S_ISDIR 113
site.py func setcopyright 132
ascii.py func ? 133
os.py func _get_exports_list 136
UserDict.py func DictMixin 184
codecs.py func ? 210
posixpath.py func normpath 231
UserDict.py func ? 303
__init__.py func search_function 350
copy_reg.py func ? 377
posixpath.py func isdir 399
warnings.py func ? 530
site.py func abs__file__ 540
site.py func execsitecustomize 558
posixpath.py func ? 560
site.py func removeduppaths 565
site.py func _init_pathinfo 899
os.py func _exists 953
posixpath.py func abspath 966
site.py func makepath 1296
__init__.py func ? 1548
<string> func ? 1808
site.py func addsitepackages 2471
site.py func addpackage 2475
os.py func ? 3879
site.py func addsitedir 4026
site.py func main 4532
site.py func ? 9930
func_abc.py func func_c 1000071
func_abc.py func func_b 2010230
func_abc.py func func_a 3015936
func_abc.py func ? 3017454
Counts shows us how many times each different function was called, and how
many functions were called in total.
The exclusive function elapsed times show the time that each function spent
processing code - while not in other functions.
The inclusive function elapsed times show the time that each function spent
processing code, including the time spent in other calls.
These elapsed times are the absolute time from when the function began to
when it completed - which includes off-CPU time due to other system events
such as I/O, scheduling, interrupts, etc.