and add selection traversal callbacks so context-sensitive behavior can even be implemented for individual menu items. These work around the two largest issues holding me back with some of my sysinstall changes.
428 lines
13 KiB
428 lines
13 KiB
* menubox.c -- implements the menu box
* AUTHOR: Savio Lam (lam836@cs.cuhk.hk)
* Substantial rennovation: 12/18/95, Jordan K. Hubbard
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <dialog.h>
#include "dialog.priv.h"
#include <ncurses.h>
static void print_item(WINDOW *win, unsigned char *tag, unsigned char *item, int choice, int selected,
dialogMenuItem *me);
#define DREF(di, item) ((di) ? &((di)[(item)]) : NULL)
static int menu_width, tag_x, item_x;
* Display a menu for choosing among a number of options
dialog_menu(unsigned char *title, unsigned char *prompt, int height, int width, int menu_height,
int item_no, void *it, unsigned char *result, int *ch, int *sc)
int i, j, x, y, cur_x, cur_y, box_x, box_y, key = 0, button = 0, choice = 0,
l, k, scroll = 0, max_choice, redraw_menu = FALSE;
char okButton, cancelButton;
WINDOW *dialog, *menu;
unsigned char **items;
dialogMenuItem *ditems;
if (ch) /* restore menu item info */
choice = *ch;
if (sc)
scroll = *sc;
/* If item_no is a positive integer, use old item specification format */
if (item_no >= 0) {
items = it;
ditems = NULL;
/* It's the new specification format - fake the rest of the code out */
else {
item_no = abs(item_no);
ditems = it;
items = (unsigned char **)alloca((item_no * 2) * sizeof(unsigned char *));
/* Initializes status */
for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) {
items[i*2] = ditems[i].prompt;
items[i*2 + 1] = ditems[i].title;
max_choice = MIN(menu_height, item_no);
tag_x = 0;
item_x = 0;
/* Find length of longest item in order to center menu */
for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) {
l = strlen(items[i*2]);
for (j = 0; j < item_no; j++) {
k = strlen(items[j*2 + 1]);
tag_x = MAX(tag_x, l + k + 2);
item_x = MAX(item_x, l);
if (height < 0)
height = strheight(prompt)+menu_height+4+2;
if (width < 0) {
i = strwidth(prompt);
j = ((title != NULL) ? strwidth(title) : 0);
width = MAX(i,j);
width = MAX(width,tag_x+4)+4;
width = MAX(width,24);
if (width > COLS)
width = COLS;
if (height > LINES)
height = LINES;
/* center dialog box on screen */
x = DialogX ? DialogX : (COLS - width)/2;
y = DialogY ? DialogY : (LINES - height)/2;
if (use_shadow)
draw_shadow(stdscr, y, x, height, width);
dialog = newwin(height, width, y, x);
if (dialog == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nnewwin(%d,%d,%d,%d) failed, maybe wrong dims\n", height,width,y,x);
return -1;
keypad(dialog, TRUE);
draw_box(dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dialog_attr, border_attr);
wattrset(dialog, border_attr);
wmove(dialog, height-3, 0);
waddch(dialog, ACS_LTEE);
for (i = 0; i < width-2; i++)
waddch(dialog, ACS_HLINE);
wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr);
waddch(dialog, ACS_RTEE);
wmove(dialog, height-2, 1);
for (i = 0; i < width-2; i++)
waddch(dialog, ' ');
if (title != NULL) {
wattrset(dialog, title_attr);
wmove(dialog, 0, (width - strlen(title))/2 - 1);
waddch(dialog, ' ');
waddstr(dialog, title);
waddch(dialog, ' ');
wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr);
wmove(dialog, 1, 2);
print_autowrap(dialog, prompt, height-1, width-2, width, 1, 2, TRUE, FALSE);
menu_width = width-6;
getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
box_y = cur_y + 1;
box_x = (width - menu_width)/2 - 1;
/* create new window for the menu */
menu = subwin(dialog, menu_height, menu_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1);
if (menu == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nsubwin(dialog,%d,%d,%d,%d) failed, maybe wrong dims\n", menu_height,menu_width,y+box_y+1,x+box_x+1);
return -1;
keypad(menu, TRUE);
/* draw a box around the menu items */
draw_box(dialog, box_y, box_x, menu_height+2, menu_width+2, menubox_border_attr, menubox_attr);
tag_x = (menu_width - tag_x) / 2;
item_x = tag_x + item_x + 2;
/* Print the menu */
for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++)
print_item(menu, items[(scroll+i)*2], items[(scroll+i)*2 + 1], i, i == choice, DREF(ditems, scroll + i));
print_arrows(dialog, scroll, menu_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, tag_x, cur_x, cur_y);
display_helpline(dialog, height-1, width);
x = width/2-11;
y = height-2;
if (ditems && result) {
cancelButton = toupper(ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].prompt[0]);
print_button(dialog, ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].prompt, y, x + strlen(ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt) + 5,
ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON]) : FALSE);
okButton = toupper(ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt[0]);
print_button(dialog, ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt, y, x,
ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[OK_BUTTON]) : TRUE);
else {
cancelButton = 'C';
print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x + 14, FALSE);
okButton = 'O';
print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, TRUE);
while (key != ESC) {
key = wgetch(dialog);
/* Shortcut to OK? */
if (toupper(key) == okButton) {
if (ditems && result && ditems[OK_BUTTON].fire) {
if (ditems[OK_BUTTON].fire(&ditems[OK_BUTTON]) == DITEM_FAILURE)
else {
strcpy(result, items[(scroll+choice)*2]);
return 0;
/* Shortcut to cancel? */
else if (toupper(key) == cancelButton) {
if (ditems && result && ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].fire) {
if (ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].fire(&ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON]) == DITEM_FAILURE)
return 1;
/* Check if key pressed matches first character of any item tag in menu */
for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++)
if (key < 0x100 && toupper(key) == toupper(items[(scroll+i)*2][0]))
if (i < max_choice || (key >= '1' && key <= MIN('9', '0'+max_choice)) ||
key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_DOWN || key == '-' || key == '+') {
if (key >= '1' && key <= MIN('9', '0'+max_choice))
i = key - '1';
else if (key == KEY_UP || key == '-') {
if (!choice) {
if (scroll) {
/* Scroll menu down */
getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
if (menu_height > 1) {
/* De-highlight current first item before scrolling down */
print_item(menu, items[scroll*2], items[scroll*2 + 1], 0, FALSE, DREF(ditems, scroll));
scrollok(menu, TRUE);
wscrl(menu, -1);
scrollok(menu, FALSE);
print_item(menu, items[scroll*2], items[scroll*2 + 1], 0, TRUE, DREF(ditems, scroll));
print_arrows(dialog, scroll, menu_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, tag_x, cur_x, cur_y);
continue; /* wait for another key press */
i = choice - 1;
else if (key == KEY_DOWN || key == '+')
if (choice == max_choice - 1) {
if (scroll+choice < item_no-1) {
/* Scroll menu up */
getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
if (menu_height > 1) {
/* De-highlight current last item before scrolling up */
print_item(menu, items[(scroll + max_choice - 1) * 2], items[(scroll + max_choice - 1) * 2 + 1],
max_choice-1, FALSE, DREF(ditems, scroll + max_choice - 1));
scrollok(menu, TRUE);
scrollok(menu, FALSE);
print_item(menu, items[(scroll + max_choice - 1) * 2], items[(scroll + max_choice - 1) * 2 + 1],
max_choice - 1, TRUE, DREF(ditems, scroll + max_choice - 1));
print_arrows(dialog, scroll, menu_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, tag_x, cur_x, cur_y);
continue; /* wait for another key press */
i = choice + 1;
if (i != choice) {
/* De-highlight current item */
getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
print_item(menu, items[(scroll + choice) * 2], items[(scroll + choice) * 2 + 1], choice, FALSE,
DREF(ditems, scroll + choice));
/* Highlight new item */
choice = i;
print_item(menu, items[(scroll + choice) * 2], items[(scroll + choice) * 2 + 1], choice, TRUE,
DREF(ditems, scroll + choice));
wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Restore cursor to previous position */
continue; /* wait for another key press */
/* save info about menu item position */
if (ch)
*ch = choice;
if (sc)
*sc = scroll;
switch (key) {
if (scroll > height-4) { /* can we go up? */
scroll -= (height-4);
} else {
scroll = 0;
redraw_menu = TRUE;
if (scroll + menu_height >= item_no-1 - menu_height) { /* can we go down a full page? */
scroll = item_no - menu_height;
if (scroll < 0) scroll = 0;
} else {
scroll += menu_height;
redraw_menu = TRUE;
case KEY_HOME:
scroll = 0;
choice = 0;
redraw_menu = TRUE;
case KEY_END:
scroll = item_no - menu_height;
if (scroll < 0) scroll = 0;
choice = max_choice - 1;
redraw_menu = TRUE;
case KEY_BTAB:
case TAB:
case KEY_LEFT:
button = !button;
if (ditems && result) {
if (button) {
print_button(dialog, ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt, y, x,
ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[OK_BUTTON]) : !button);
print_button(dialog, ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].prompt, y, x + strlen(ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt) + 5,
ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON]) : button);
else {
print_button(dialog, ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].prompt, y, x + strlen(ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt) + 5,
ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON]) : button);
print_button(dialog, ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt, y, x,
ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[OK_BUTTON]) : !button);
else {
if (button) {
print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, !button);
print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x + 14, button);
else {
print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x + 14, button);
print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, !button);
case ' ':
case '\r':
case '\n':
if (!button) {
if (ditems && ditems[scroll + choice].fire) {
if (ditems[scroll + choice].fire(&ditems[scroll + choice]) == DITEM_FAILURE)
else if (result)
strcpy(result, items[(scroll+choice)*2]);
return button;
case ESC:
case KEY_F(1):
case '?':
if (redraw_menu) {
for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) {
print_item(menu, items[(scroll + i) * 2], items[(scroll + i) * 2 + 1], i, i == choice,
DREF(ditems, scroll + i));
print_arrows(dialog, scroll, menu_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, tag_x, cur_x, cur_y);
redraw_menu = FALSE;
return -1; /* ESC pressed */
/* End of dialog_menu() */
* Print menu item
static void
print_item(WINDOW *win, unsigned char *tag, unsigned char *item, int choice, int selected, dialogMenuItem *me)
int i;
/* Clear 'residue' of last item */
wattrset(win, menubox_attr);
wmove(win, choice, 0);
for (i = 0; i < menu_width; i++)
waddch(win, ' ');
wmove(win, choice, tag_x);
wattrset(win, selected ? tag_key_selected_attr : tag_key_attr);
waddch(win, tag[0]);
wattrset(win, selected ? tag_selected_attr : tag_attr);
waddstr(win, tag + 1);
wmove(win, choice, item_x);
wattrset(win, selected ? item_selected_attr : item_attr);
waddstr(win, item);
/* If have a selection handler for this, call it */
if (me && me->selected) {
me->selected(me, selected);
/* End of print_item() */