with the -R option and store the path in the dynamic header when specified. The $LD_RUN_PATH environment variable is not checked yet. While here, split up the code a bit more to enable more selective replacing of GPL'ed components that are linked with ld.so with others. Obtained from: NetBSD (mostly, the breakup is my fault)
17 lines
337 B
17 lines
337 B
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.17 1995/09/22 14:14:32 phk Exp $
PROG= ld
SRCS= ld.c symbol.c lib.c shlib.c warnings.c support.c rrs.c xbits.c md.c
LDFLAGS+= -Xlinker -Bstatic
SUBDIR= ldconfig ldd
.if !defined(NOPIC)
SUBDIR+= rtld
.include <bsd.prog.mk>