This is the gsoc-2011 project to clean up and backport multibyte support from other nvi forks in a form we can use. USE_WIDECHAR is on unless building for the rescue crunchgen. This should allow editing in the native locale encoding. USE_ICONV depends on make.conf having 'WITH_ICONV=YES' for now. This adds the ability to do things like edit a KOI8-R file while having $LANG set to (say) en_US.UTF-8. iconv is used to transcode the characters for display. Other points: * It uses gencat and catopen/etc instead of homegrown msg catalog stuff. * A lot of stuff has been trimmed out, eg: the perl and tcl bindings which we could never use in base anyway. * It uses ncursesw when in widechar mode. This could be interesting. GSoC info: http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/proposal/review/google/gsoc2011/zy/1 Repo at: https://github.com/lichray/nvi2 Obtained from: Zhihao Yuan <lichray@gmail.com>
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# $FreeBSD$
.include <bsd.own.mk>
SRCDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../contrib/nvi
SUBDIR+= catalog
WARNS?= 0 # some warn issues on 32 bit machines
VI= nvi
EX= nex
VIEW= nview
PROG= nvi
LINKS+= ${BINDIR}/${VI} ${BINDIR}/view
MAN= ${SRCDIR}/docs/USD.doc/vi.man/vi.1
MLINKS+=vi.1 ex.1 vi.1 view.1
MLINKS+=vi.1 nex.1 vi.1 nview.1 vi.1 nvi.1
.PATH: ${SRCDIR}/common
.PATH: ${SRCDIR}/regex
LDADD= -lutil
.if defined(RESCUE) || defined(RELEASE_CRUNCH)
LDADD+= -lncurses
LDADD+= -lncursesw
.if ${MK_ICONV} == "yes" && !defined(RESCUE) && !defined(RELEASE_CRUNCH)
# Vi curses sources
SRCS+= cl_funcs.c cl_main.c cl_read.c cl_screen.c cl_term.c
# General sources.
SRCS+= conv.c cut.c delete.c encoding.c exf.c key.c line.c log.c main.c mark.c msg.c options.c \
options_f.c put.c recover.c screen.c search.c seq.c util.c
# Ex source.
SRCS+= ex.c ex_abbrev.c ex_append.c ex_args.c ex_argv.c ex_at.c ex_bang.c \
ex_cd.c ex_cmd.c ex_cscope.c ex_delete.c ex_display.c \
ex_edit.c ex_equal.c ex_file.c ex_filter.c ex_global.c \
ex_init.c ex_join.c ex_map.c ex_mark.c ex_mkexrc.c ex_move.c \
ex_open.c ex_preserve.c ex_print.c ex_put.c ex_quit.c \
ex_read.c ex_screen.c ex_script.c ex_set.c ex_shell.c \
ex_shift.c ex_source.c ex_stop.c ex_subst.c ex_tag.c \
ex_txt.c ex_undo.c ex_usage.c ex_util.c ex_version.c ex_visual.c \
ex_write.c ex_yank.c ex_z.c
# Vi source.
SRCS+= getc.c v_at.c v_ch.c v_cmd.c v_delete.c v_ex.c v_increment.c v_init.c \
v_itxt.c v_left.c v_mark.c v_match.c v_paragraph.c v_put.c v_redraw.c \
v_replace.c v_right.c v_screen.c v_scroll.c v_search.c v_section.c \
v_sentence.c v_status.c v_txt.c v_ulcase.c v_undo.c \
v_util.c v_word.c v_xchar.c v_yank.c v_z.c v_zexit.c vi.c
# Vi screen source.
SRCS+= vs_line.c vs_msg.c vs_refresh.c vs_relative.c vs_smap.c vs_split.c
# Wide char regex
SRCS+= regcomp.c regerror.c regexec.c regfree.c
.include <bsd.prog.mk>