unconditional acquisition of Giant for ACL related operations. If the file system is set as being MP safe and debug.mpsafevfs is 1, do not pickup giant. For any operations which require namei(9) lookups: __acl_get_file __acl_get_link __acl_set_file __acl_set_link __acl_delete_file __acl_delete_link __acl_aclcheck_file __acl_aclcheck_link -Set the MPSAFE flag in NDINIT -Initialize vfslocked variable using the NDHASGIANT macro For functions which operate on fds, make sure the operations are locked: __acl_get_fd __acl_set_fd __acl_delete_fd __acl_aclcheck_fd -Initialize vfslocked using VFS_LOCK_GIANT before we manipulate the vnode Discussed with: jeff