These realtek switch PHYs speak a variant of i2c with some slightly
modified handling.
From the submitter, slightly modified now that some further digging
has been done:
The I2C framework makes a assumption that the read/not-write bit of the first
byte (the address) indicates whether reads or writes are to follow.
The RTL8366 family uses the bus: after sending the address+read/not-write byte,
two register address bytes are sent, then the 16-bit register value is sent
or received. While the register write access can be performed as a 4-byte
write, the read access requires the read bit to be set, but the first two bytes
for the register address then need to be transmitted.
This patch maintains the i2c protocol behaviour but allows it to be relaxed
(for these kinds of switch PHYs, and whatever else Realtek may do with this
almost-but-not-quite i2c bus) - by setting the "strict" hint to 0.
The "strict" hint defaults to 1.
Submitted by: Stefan Bethke <>