have a choice between SHARED=copies and SHARED=symlinks. The default is to copy. I have also added a /usr/share/examples/etc directory, where I hope to have all sample configuration files which in real use go into /etc installed. (This way, if the user really screws the real one up, they can always go back to a known-working distribution copy, even if they don't have sources.)
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# $Id$
# Doing a make install builds /usr/share/examples
all clean cleandir depend lint tags:
DIRS=sunrpc etc
# Define SHARED to indicate whether you want symbolic links to the system
# source (``symlinks''), or a separate copy (``copies''); (latter useful
# in environments where it's not possible to keep /sys publicly readable)
SHARED?= copies
beforeinstall: ${SHARED}
@echo installing ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/examples
@rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/examples
@-mkdir ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/examples
@tar cf - ${DIRS} | \
(cd ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/examples; tar xpfB -);
@chown -R ${BINOWN}.${BINGRP} ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/examples
@chmod -R a-w ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/examples
@echo installing symlinks in ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/examples
@rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/examples
@-mkdir ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/examples
@-for a in ${DIRS}; do \
ln -s ${.CURDIR}/$$a ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/examples; \
@chown ${BINOWN}.${BINGRP} ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/examples
@chmod -R a-w ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/examples
.include <bsd.prog.mk>