Eric Melville 87aaead2f8 Improve the interface provided by libdialog. Move a cursor around over
the components and trigger actions based on its position. This reduces
the need to remember the functions of various keys, and makes the
interface more consistant across library.
2001-07-18 05:21:37 +00:00

1134 lines
26 KiB

* tree.c -- implements the 'tree' interface element for libdialog
* Author: Anatoly A. Orehovsky (
* Copyright (c) 1997, Anatoly A. Orehovsky
* 09/28/98 - patched by Anatoly A. Orehovsky (smart_tree())
#ifndef lint
static const char rcsid[] =
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dialog.h>
#include "dialog.priv.h"
#include <ncurses.h>
/* static utils for make tree */
struct leaf {
unsigned char *name; /* name of leaf */
unsigned char *branches; /* branches that going by leaf */
unsigned char slip; /* slip of leaf*/
int shift; /* shift relative root of tree */
static int mk_slip(struct leaf array[], int arr_size,
int number, int shift);
/* make tree from file
* filename - name of file with like find(1) output
* p_names - pointer to array of strings
* p_size - pointer to size of array
* FS - fields separator
* p_array - pointer to array of leafs
* return values:
* 0 - ok and names by p_names, size by p_size, array by p_array set
* -1 - memory allocation error (errno set)
static int mk_ftree(char *filename,
unsigned char ***p_names, int *p_size, unsigned char FS,
struct leaf **p_array);
/* make tree from array
* names - array of strings
* size - size of array
* FS - fields separator
* p_array - pointer to array of leafs
* return values:
* 0 - ok and array by p_array set
* -1 - memory allocation error (errno set)
static int mk_tree(unsigned char **names, int size, unsigned char FS,
struct leaf **p_array);
/* free memory from tree (leafs)
* return values:
* nothing
static void free_leafs(struct leaf *array, int size);
/* free memory from source data for tree (names)
* return values:
* if 0 <= choice <= size - pointer to name from names,
* and memory for name not released (must be freed later)
* else - NULL (recomended choice -1 for it)
static unsigned char *free_names(unsigned char **names,
int size, int choice);
/* end of static utils for make tree */
/* static utils for ftree */
/* control struct for queue */
struct queue {
int size; /* size of queue */
struct m_queue *first; /* begin of queue */
struct m_queue *last; /* end of queue */
/* queue member */
struct m_queue {
void *pointer; /* queue member */
struct m_queue *next; /* next queue member */
/* init struct queue by zeros */
static void init_queue(struct queue *queue);
/* add pointer to queue */
/* return - pointer or NULL if error */
static void *p2_queue(struct queue *queue, void *pointer);
/* get first from queue */
/* return - pointer or NULL if queue is empty */
static void *first_queue(struct queue *queue);
/* make zero terminated array from queue */
/* return - pointer to array or NULL if error */
static void **q2arr(struct queue *queue, int depth);
/* smart_tree (for like find(1) with -d flag output compliance) */
/* return - not NULL or NULL if malloc error */
static unsigned char *smart_tree(struct queue *queue, unsigned char FS,
unsigned char *current,
unsigned char *prev);
/* end of static utils for ftree */
/* static utils for saved_tree */
/* saved values for unique tree */
struct saved_tree {
unsigned char **names; /* names + */
int size; /* size + */
unsigned char FS; /* FS + */
int height; /* height + */
int width; /* width + */
int menu_height; /* menu_height - unique for treebox ? */
int ch; /* saved ch - choice */
int sc; /* saved sc - scroll */
/* search saved tree within queue */
/* return - struct saved_tree * or NULL if not found */
static struct saved_tree *search_saved_tree(struct queue *queue,
unsigned char **names,
int size,
unsigned char FS,
int height,
int width,
int menu_height);
/* end of static utils for saved_tree */
static void print_item(WINDOW *win, struct leaf item, int choice, int selected);
static void print_position(WINDOW *win, int x, int y,
int cur_pos, int size);
static int menu_width, item_x;
static int dialog_treemenu(unsigned char *title, unsigned char *prompt,
int height, int width, int menu_height,
int item_no, struct leaf items[],
int *result,
int *ch, int *sc);
* Display a menu for choosing among a number of options
int dialog_treemenu(unsigned char *title, unsigned char *prompt,
int height, int width, int menu_height,
int item_no, struct leaf items[],
int *result,
int *ch, int *sc)
int i, j, x, y, cur_x, cur_y, box_x, box_y, key = 0, button = 0, choice = 0,
l, scroll = 0, max_choice, redraw_menu = FALSE;
WINDOW *dialog, *menu;
if (ch) /* restore menu item info */
choice = *ch;
if (sc)
scroll = *sc;
max_choice = MIN(menu_height, item_no);
item_x = 0;
/* Find length of longest item in order to center menu */
for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) {
l = strlen(items[i].name) + strlen(items[i].branches) * 4 + 4;
item_x = MAX(item_x, l);
if (height < 0)
height = strheight(prompt)+menu_height+4+2;
if (width < 0) {
i = strwidth(prompt);
j = ((title != NULL) ? strwidth(title) : 0);
width = MAX(i,j);
width = MAX(width,item_x+4)+4;
width = MAX(width,24);
if (width > COLS)
width = COLS;
if (height > LINES)
height = LINES;
/* center dialog box on screen */
x = (COLS - width)/2;
y = (LINES - height)/2;
if (use_shadow)
draw_shadow(stdscr, y, x, height, width);
dialog = newwin(height, width, y, x);
if (dialog == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nnewwin(%d,%d,%d,%d) failed, maybe wrong dims\n", height,width,y,x);
keypad(dialog, TRUE);
draw_box(dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dialog_attr, border_attr);
wattrset(dialog, border_attr);
wmove(dialog, height-3, 0);
waddch(dialog, ACS_LTEE);
for (i = 0; i < width-2; i++)
waddch(dialog, ACS_HLINE);
wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr);
waddch(dialog, ACS_RTEE);
wmove(dialog, height-2, 1);
for (i = 0; i < width-2; i++)
waddch(dialog, ' ');
if (title != NULL) {
wattrset(dialog, title_attr);
wmove(dialog, 0, (width - strlen(title))/2 - 1);
waddch(dialog, ' ');
waddstr(dialog, title);
waddch(dialog, ' ');
wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr);
wmove(dialog, 1, 2);
print_autowrap(dialog, prompt, height-1, width-2, width, 1, 2, TRUE, FALSE);
menu_width = width-6;
getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
box_y = cur_y + 1;
box_x = (width - menu_width)/2 - 1;
/* create new window for the menu */
menu = subwin(dialog, menu_height, menu_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1);
if (menu == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nsubwin(dialog,%d,%d,%d,%d) failed, maybe wrong dims\n", menu_height,menu_width,y+box_y+1,x+box_x+1);
keypad(menu, TRUE);
/* draw a box around the menu items */
draw_box(dialog, box_y, box_x, menu_height+2, menu_width+2, menubox_border_attr, menubox_attr);
item_x = 1;
/* Print the menu */
for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++)
print_item(menu, items[(scroll+i)], i, i == choice);
print_arrows(dialog, scroll, menu_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, item_x, cur_x, cur_y);
print_position(dialog, box_x+menu_width, box_y+menu_height, scroll+choice, item_no);
display_helpline(dialog, height-1, width);
x = width/2-11;
y = height-2;
print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x+14, FALSE);
print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, TRUE);
while (key != ESC) {
key = wgetch(dialog);
/* Check if key pressed matches first character of any item tag in menu */
if (key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_DOWN || key == '-' || key == '+') {
if (key == KEY_UP || key == '-') {
if (!choice) {
if (scroll) {
/* wscrl() in ncurses 1.8.1 seems to be broken, causing a segmentation
violation when scrolling windows of height = 4, so scrolling is not
used for now */
getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
/* Reprint menu to scroll down */
for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++)
print_item(menu, items[(scroll+i)], i, i == choice);
/* Scroll menu down */
getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
if (menu_height > 1) {
/* De-highlight current first item before scrolling down */
print_item(menu, items[scroll], 0, FALSE);
scrollok(menu, TRUE);
wscrl(menu, -1);
scrollok(menu, FALSE);
print_item(menu, items[scroll], 0, TRUE);
print_arrows(dialog, scroll, menu_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, item_x, cur_x, cur_y);
print_position(dialog, box_x+menu_width, box_y+menu_height, scroll+choice, item_no);
wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Restore cursor to previous position */
continue; /* wait for another key press */
i = choice - 1;
else if (key == KEY_DOWN || key == '+') {
if (choice == max_choice - 1) {
if (scroll+choice < item_no-1) {
/* wscrl() in ncurses 1.8.1 seems to be broken, causing a segmentation
violation when scrolling windows of height = 4, so scrolling is not
used for now */
getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
/* Reprint menu to scroll up */
for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++)
print_item(menu, items[(scroll+i)], i, i == choice);
/* Scroll menu up */
getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
if (menu_height > 1) {
/* De-highlight current last item before scrolling up */
print_item(menu, items[(scroll+max_choice-1)], max_choice-1, FALSE);
scrollok(menu, TRUE);
scrollok(menu, FALSE);
print_item(menu, items[(scroll+max_choice-1)], max_choice-1, TRUE);
print_arrows(dialog, scroll, menu_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, item_x, cur_x, cur_y);
print_position(dialog, box_x+menu_width, box_y+menu_height, scroll+choice, item_no);
wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Restore cursor to previous position */
continue; /* wait for another key press */
i = choice + 1;
if (i != choice) {
/* De-highlight current item */
getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
print_item(menu, items[(scroll+choice)], choice, FALSE);
/* Highlight new item */
choice = i;
print_item(menu, items[(scroll+choice)], choice, TRUE);
print_position(dialog, box_x+menu_width, box_y+menu_height, scroll+choice, item_no);
wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Restore cursor to previous position */
continue; /* wait for another key press */
/* save info about menu item position */
if (ch)
*ch = choice;
if (sc)
*sc = scroll;
switch (key) {
case 'b' :
if (scroll > menu_height) { /* can we go up? */
scroll -= (menu_height);
} else {
scroll = 0;
redraw_menu = TRUE;
case 'f' :
if (scroll + menu_height >= item_no-1 - menu_height) { /* can we go down a full page? */
scroll = item_no - menu_height;
if (scroll < 0) scroll = 0;
} else {
scroll += menu_height;
redraw_menu = TRUE;
case KEY_HOME:
case 'g' :
scroll = 0;
choice = 0;
redraw_menu = TRUE;
case KEY_END:
case 'G' :
scroll = item_no - menu_height;
if (scroll < 0) scroll = 0;
choice = max_choice - 1;
redraw_menu = TRUE;
case 'O':
case 'o':
*result = scroll+choice;
return 0;
case 'C':
case 'c':
return 1;
case KEY_BTAB:
case TAB:
case KEY_LEFT:
if (!button) {
button = 1; /* Indicates "Cancel" button is selected */
print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, FALSE);
print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x+14, TRUE);
else {
button = 0; /* Indicates "OK" button is selected */
print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x+14, FALSE);
print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, TRUE);
case ' ':
case '\r':
case '\n':
if (!button)
*result = scroll+choice;
return button;
case ESC:
case KEY_F(1):
case '?':
if (redraw_menu) {
for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) {
print_item(menu, items[(scroll+i)],
i, i == choice);
getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
print_arrows(dialog, scroll, menu_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, item_x, cur_x, cur_y);
print_position(dialog, box_x+menu_width, box_y+menu_height, scroll+choice, item_no);
wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Restore cursor to previous position */
redraw_menu = FALSE;
return -1; /* ESC pressed */
/* End of dialog_treemenu() */
* Print menu item
static void print_item(WINDOW *win, struct leaf item, int choice, int selected)
int i, j = menu_width - 2;
char *branches = item.branches;
/* Clear 'residue' of last item */
wattrset(win, menubox_attr);
wmove(win, choice, 0);
for (i = 0; i < menu_width; i++)
waddch(win, ' ');
wmove(win, choice, item_x);
while(*branches && j)
switch (*branches++) {
case ' ' : waddch(win, ' ');
case '|' : waddch(win, ACS_VLINE);
i = 3;
while(i-- && j)
waddch(win, ' ');
if (j)
switch (item.slip) {
case '+' : waddch(win, ACS_LTEE);
case '`' : waddch(win, ACS_LLCORNER);
i = 3;
while(i-- && j)
waddch(win, ACS_HLINE);
wattrset(win, selected ? item_selected_attr : item_attr);
if (j)
waddnstr(win,, j);
/* End of print_item() */
* Print current position
static void print_position(WINDOW *win, int x, int y,
int cur_pos, int size)
int percent;
wattrset(win, position_indicator_attr);
percent = cur_pos == size - 1 ? 100 : (cur_pos * 100)/(size - 1);
wmove(win, y + 1, x - 6);
wprintw(win, "(%3d%%)", percent);
/* End of print_position() */
* Display a tree menu from file
* filename - file with like find(1) output
* FS - fields separator
* title - title of dialog box
* prompt - prompt text into dialog box
* height - height of dialog box
* width - width of dialog box
* menu_height - height of menu box
* result - pointer to char array
* return values:
* -1 - ESC pressed
* 0 - Ok, result set (must be freed later)
* 1 - Cancel
int dialog_ftree(unsigned char *filename, unsigned char FS,
unsigned char *title, unsigned char *prompt,
int height, int width, int menu_height,
unsigned char **result)
int retcode, choice, size;
struct leaf *items;
unsigned char **names;
if (mk_ftree(filename, &names, &size, FS, &items))
if (!size)
fprintf(stderr, "\ndialog_ftree: file %s is empty\n", filename);
retcode = dialog_treemenu(title, prompt, height, width, menu_height,
size, items, &choice, NULL, NULL);
free_leafs(items, size);
if (!retcode)
*result = free_names(names, size, choice);
(void)free_names(names, size, -1);
return retcode;
/* End of dialog_ftree() */
* Display a tree menu from array
* names - array with like find(1) output
* size - size of array
* FS - fields separator
* title - title of dialog box
* prompt - prompt text into dialog box
* height - height of dialog box
* width - width of dialog box
* menu_height - height of menu box
* result - pointer to char array
* return values:
* -1 - ESC pressed
* 0 - Ok, result set
* 1 - Cancel
int dialog_tree(unsigned char **names, int size, unsigned char FS,
unsigned char *title, unsigned char *prompt,
int height, int width, int menu_height,
unsigned char **result)
int retcode, choice;
struct leaf *items;
struct saved_tree *st;
static struct queue *q_saved_tree = NULL;
if (!size)
fprintf(stderr, "\ndialog_tree: source array is empty\n");
if (mk_tree(names, size, FS, &items))
/* is tree saved ? */
if (!(st = search_saved_tree(q_saved_tree, names,
size, FS,
height, width, menu_height))) {
if (!q_saved_tree) {
if (!(q_saved_tree =
calloc(sizeof (struct queue), 1))) {
if (!(st = calloc(sizeof (struct saved_tree), 1))) {
st->names = names;
st->size = size;
st->FS = FS;
st->height = height;
st->width = width;
st->menu_height = menu_height;
if (!p2_queue(q_saved_tree, st)) {
retcode = dialog_treemenu(title, prompt, height, width, menu_height,
size, items, &choice,
&(st->ch), &(st->sc));
free_leafs(items, size);
if (!retcode)
*result = names[choice];
return retcode;
/* End of dialog_tree() */
/* utils for ftree */
/* init struct queue by zeros */
static void
init_queue(struct queue *queue)
bzero((void *)queue, sizeof(struct queue));
/* add pointer to queue */
/* return - pointer or NULL if error */
static void *
p2_queue(struct queue *queue, void *pointer)
if (!queue)
return NULL;
if (!queue->first)
if (!(queue->first = queue->last =
calloc(1, sizeof(struct m_queue))))
return NULL;
if (!(queue->last->next =
calloc(1, sizeof(struct m_queue))))
return NULL;
queue->last = queue->last->next;
return queue->last->pointer = pointer;
/* get first from queue */
/* return - pointer or NULL if queue is empty */
static void *
first_queue(struct queue *queue)
void *retval;
struct m_queue *new_first;
if (!queue ||
!queue->first ||
return NULL;
retval = queue->first->pointer;
new_first = queue->first->next;
queue->first = new_first;
return retval;
/* make zero terminated array from queue */
/* return - pointer to array or NULL if error */
static void **
q2arr(struct queue *queue, int depth)
void **mono, **end;
if (!queue ||
!queue->first ||
return NULL;
/* memory allocation for array */
if (!(mono = end = malloc(depth * sizeof(void *) + 1)))
return NULL;
if (!(*end++ = first_queue(queue)))
*end = NULL;
return mono;
* smart_tree (for like find(1) with -d flag output compliance)
* return values:
* NULL - malloc error
* not NULL - ok
unsigned char *
smart_tree(struct queue *queue,
unsigned char FS,
unsigned char *current,
unsigned char *prev) {
unsigned char *pcurrent = current, *pprev = prev, *toqueue;
register char break_flag = 0;
while(*pcurrent && *pprev) {
if (*pcurrent == *pprev) {
else {
break_flag = 1;
if (!*pprev || break_flag) {
if (*pcurrent == FS) {
if ((!*prev) && (*pcurrent)) {
unsigned char tchar = *pcurrent;
*pcurrent = '\0';
if (!(toqueue = strdup(current))) {
*pcurrent = tchar;
return NULL;
if (!p2_queue(queue, toqueue)) {
*pcurrent = tchar;
return NULL;
*pcurrent = tchar;
while(*pcurrent) {
if (*pcurrent == FS) {
*pcurrent = '\0';
if (!(toqueue = strdup(current))) {
*pcurrent = FS;
return NULL;
if (!p2_queue(queue, toqueue)) {
*pcurrent = FS;
return NULL;
*pcurrent = FS;
if (!p2_queue(queue, current))
return NULL;
return current;
/* end of utils for ftree */
/* utils for make tree */
/* if error - return -1 */
mk_slip(struct leaf array[], int arr_size, int number, int shift)
int t_number;
int t_shift;
if (number > arr_size - 1)
return number - 1;
t_shift = shift;
if (!(array[number].branches = calloc(1, t_shift + 1)))
return -1;
(void)memset(array[number].branches, ' ', t_shift);
t_number = number;
while (array[number].shift < array[t_number + 1].shift)
t_number = mk_slip(array, arr_size, t_number + 1, t_shift + 1);
if (t_number < 0)
return -1;
if (t_number == arr_size - 1)
if (array[number].shift == array[t_number + 1].shift)
array[number].slip = '+';
if ((array[number].shift > array[t_number + 1].shift) ||
t_number == arr_size - 1)
array[number].slip = '`';
return t_number;
} /* mk_slip() */
/* make tree from file
* filename - name of file with like find(1) output
* p_names - pointer to array of strings
* p_size - pointer to size of array
* FS - fields separator
* p_array - pointer to array of leafs
* return values:
* 0 - ok and names by p_names, size by p_size, array by p_array set
* -1 - memory allocation error (errno set)
mk_ftree(char *filename,
unsigned char ***p_names, int *p_size, unsigned char FS,
struct leaf **p_array)
int NR; /* number of input records */
struct queue queue;
unsigned char *string, *sstring = "";
unsigned char **names;
FILE *input_file;
if (!(input_file = fopen(filename, "r")))
return -1;
if (!(string = malloc(BUFSIZ)))
return -1;
/* read input file into queue */
while(fgets(string, BUFSIZ, input_file))
if (strchr(string, '\n'))
*strchr(string, '\n') = '\0';
if (!(string = realloc(string, strlen(string) + 1)))
return -1;
if (!smart_tree(&queue, FS, string, sstring))
return -1;
sstring = string;
if (!(string = malloc(BUFSIZ)))
return -1;
} /* read input file into queue */
if (fclose(input_file) == EOF)
return -1;
if (!(NR = queue.size))
*p_size = 0;
return 0;
/* make array from queue */
if (!(names = (unsigned char **)q2arr(&queue, NR)))
return -1;
*p_names = names;
*p_size = NR;
/* make tree from array */
return mk_tree(names, NR, FS, p_array);
} /* mk_ftree */
/* make tree from array
* names - array of strings
* size - size of array
* FS - fields separator
* p_array - pointer to array of leafs
* return values:
* 0 - ok and array by p_array set
* -1 - memory allocation error (errno set)
mk_tree(unsigned char **names, int size, unsigned char FS,
struct leaf **p_array)
int i;
struct leaf *array;
/* make array of leafs */
if (!(array = calloc(size, sizeof(struct leaf))))
return -1;
/* init leafs */
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
unsigned char *in_string, *name;
int shift = 0;
in_string = name = names[i];
if (*in_string == FS) {
if (!i && !*(in_string + 1))
name = in_string;
name = in_string + 1;
array[i].name = name;
array[i].shift = shift;
array[i].slip = '\0';
array[i].branches = NULL;
} /* init leafs */
/* make slips */
for (i = 0;i < size; i++)
i = mk_slip(array, size, i, 0);
if (i < 0)
return -1;
} /* make slips */
/* make branches */
for (i = 1;i < size; i++)
unsigned char *src = array[i - 1].branches;
unsigned char *dst = array[i].branches;
while(*src && *dst)
*dst++ = *src++;
if (*dst)
switch (array[i - 1].slip) {
case '+' : *dst = '|';
case '`' : *dst = ' ';
} /* make branches */
*p_array = array;
return 0;
} /* mk_tree() */
/* free memory from tree (leafs)
* return values:
* nothing
free_leafs(struct leaf *array, int size)
struct leaf *p_array = array;
while (size--)
} /* free_leafs() */
/* free memory from source data for tree (names)
* return values:
* if 0 <= choice <= size - pointer to name from names,
* and memory for name not released (must be freed later)
* else - NULL (recomended choice -1 for it)
unsigned char *
free_names(unsigned char **names, int size, int choice)
unsigned char *retval = NULL;
unsigned char **p_names = names;
while (size--)
if (!choice--)
retval = *names++;
return retval;
} /* free_names() */
/* end of utils for make tree */
/* static utils for saved_tree */
/* search saved tree within queue */
/* return - struct *saved_tree or NULL if not found */
struct saved_tree *
search_saved_tree(struct queue *queue, unsigned char **names, int size,
unsigned char FS,
int height, int width,
int menu_height)
struct m_queue *member;
struct saved_tree *retval;
if (!queue || !names || !FS ||
!height || !width || !menu_height)
return NULL;
if (!(member = queue->first))
return NULL;
while (member->next) {
retval = member->pointer;
if ((names == retval->names) &&
(size == retval->size) &&
(FS == retval->FS) &&
(height == retval->height) &&
(width == retval->width) &&
(menu_height == retval->menu_height))
return retval;
member = member->next;
retval = member->pointer;
if ((names == retval->names) &&
(size == retval->size) &&
(FS == retval->FS) &&
(height == retval->height) &&
(width == retval->width) &&
(menu_height == retval->menu_height))
return retval;
return NULL;
/* end of static utils for saved_tree */