green bcc4466e40 Add the PAM SSH RSA key authentication module. For example, you can add,
"login  auth    sufficient" to your /etc/pam.conf, and
users with a ~/.ssh/identity can login(1) with their SSH key :)

PR:		15158
Submitted by:	Andrew J. Korty <>
Reviewed by:	obrien
1999-11-29 07:09:44 +00:00

This directory is for the EXACT same use as src/contrib, execpt it
holds crypto sources. As a consequence of USA law, this makes it export
controlled, so it has to be kept separate.

Please do not export the contents of this direcory and its
subdirectories from the USA without the necessary permits.

Please co-ordinate any changes you make here with

Mark Murray
3 May, 1997