Add myself to all the appropriate places, upload my pgp key, and announce my arrival to the FreeBSD world. Approved by: wxs@ (mentor)
376 lines
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376 lines
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# $FreeBSD$
# This file is meant to list all FreeBSD ports committers and describe the
# mentor-mentee relationships between them.
# The graphical output can be generated from this file with the following
# command:
# $ dot -T png -o file.png
# The dot binary is part of the graphics/graphviz port.
digraph ports {
# Node definitions follow this example:
# foo [label="Foo Bar\\n????/??/??"]
# ????/??/?? is the date when the commit bit was obtained, usually the one you
# can find looking at CVS logs for the access (or avail) file under CVSROOT.
# For returned commit bits, the node definition will follow this example:
# foo [label="Foo Bar\\n????/??/??\n????/??/??"]
# The first date is the same as for an active committer, the second date is
# the date when the commit bit has been returned. Again, check CVS logs.
node [color=grey62, style=filled, bgcolor=black];
# Alumni go here.. Try to keep things sorted.
adamw [label="Adam Weinberger\\n2002/10/16\n2006/09/25"]
asami [label="Satoshi Asami\\n1994/11/18\n2001/09/11"]
billf [label="Bill Fumerola\\n1998/11/11\n2006/12/14"]
bmah [label="Bruce A. Mah\\n2000/08/23\n2006/12/19"]
jmallett [label="Juli Mallett\\n2003/01/16\n2006/08/10"]
marcel [label="Marcel Moolenaar\\n1999/07/03\n2007/07/01"]
steve [label="Steve Price\\nxxxx/xx/xx\nxxxx/xx/xx"]
will [label="Will Andrews\\n2000/03/20\n2006/09/01"]
node [color=lightblue2, style=filled, bgcolor=black];
# Current ports committers go here. Try to keep things sorted.
ache [label="Andrey Chernov\\n1994/11/15"]
acm [label="Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez\\n2006/07/18"]
ahze [label="Michael Johnson\\n2004/10/29"]
ale [label="Alex Dupre\\n2004/01/12"]
alepulver [label="Alejandro Pulver\\n2006/04/01"]
alexbl [label="Alexander Botero-Lowry\\n2006/09/11"]
amdmi3 [label="Dmitry Marakasov\\n2008/06/19"]
anray [label="Andrey Slusar\\n2005/12/11"]
araujo [label="Marcelo Araujo\\n2007/04/26"]
arved [label="Tilman Linneweh\\n2002/10/15"]
ashish [label="Ashish SHUKLA\\n2010/06/10"]
avilla [label="Alberto Villa\\n2010/01/24"]
avl [label="Alexander Logvinov\\n2009/05/27"]
az [label="Andrej Zverev\\n2005/10/03"]
beat [label="Beat Gaetzi\\n2009/01/28"]
beech [label="Beech Rintoul\\n2007/05/30"]
bland [label="Alexander Nedotsukov\\n2003/08/14"]
brix [label="Henrik Brix Andersen\\n2007/10/31"]
brooks [label="Brooks Davies\\n2004/05/03"]
bsam [label="Boris Samorodov\\n2006/07/20"]
chinsan [label="Chinsan Huang\\n2007/06/12"]
clement [label="Clement Laforet\\n2003/12/17"]
clsung [label="Cheng-Lung Sung\\n2004/8/18"]
cperciva [label="Colin Percival\\n2006/01/31"]
daichi [label="Daichi Goto\\n2002/10/17"]
danfe [label="Alexey Dokuchaev\\n2004/08/20"]
db [label="Diane Bruce\\n2007/01/18"]
decke [label="Bernhard Froehlich\\n2010/03/21"]
delphij [label="Xin Li\\n2006/05/01"]
demon [label="Dmitry Sivachenko\\n2000/11/13"]
dryice [label="Dryice Dong Liu\\n2006/12/25"]
edwin [label="Edwin Groothuis\\n2002/10/22"]
ehaupt [label="Emanuel Haupt\\n2005/10/03"]
eik [label="Oliver Eikemeier\\n2003/11/12"]
erwin [label="Erwin Lansing\\n2003/06/04"]
farrokhi [label="Babak Farrokhi\\n2006/11/07"]
fjoe [label="Max Khon\\n2001/08/06"]
fluffy [label="Dima Panov\\n2009/08/10"]
flz [label="Florent Thoumie\\n2005/03/01"]
gabor [label="Gabor Kovesdan\\n2006/12/05"]
gahr [label="Pietro Cerutti\\n2008/02/20"]
garga [label="Renato Botelho\\n2005/07/11"]
gerald [label="Gerald Pfeifer\\n2002/04/03"]
glewis [label="Greg Lewis\\n2002/04/08"]
hq [label="Herve Quiroz\\n2004/08/05"]
ijliao [label="Ying-Chieh Liao\\n2001/01/20"]
itetcu [label="Ion-Mihai Tetcu\\n2006/06/07"]
jacula [label="Giuseppe Pilichi\\n2010/04/05"]
jadawin [label="Philippe Audeoud\\n2008/03/02"]
jkim [label="Jung-uk Kim\\n2007/09/12"]
jmelo [label="Jean Milanez Melo\\n2006/03/31"]
joerg [label="Joerg Wunsch\\n1994/08/22"]
johans [label="Johan Selst\\n2006/04/01"]
josef [label="Josef El-Rayes\\n2004/12/20"]
jpaetzel [label="Josh Paetzel\\n2008/09/05"]
jsa [label="Joseph S. Atkinson\\n2010/07/15"]
jylefort [label="Jean-Yves Lefort\\n2005/04/12"]
kevlo [label="Kevin Lo\\n2003/02/21"]
knu [label="Akinori Musha\\n2000/03/22"]
krion [label="Kirill Ponomarew\\n2003/07/20"]
kwm [label="Koop Mast\\n2004/09/14"]
koitsu [label="Jeremy Chadwick\\n2006/11/10"]
laszlof [label="Frank Laszlo\\n2006/11/07"]
lawrance [label="Sam Lawrance\\n2005/04/11\n2007/02/21"]
lbr [label="Lars Balker Rasmussen\\n2006/04/30"]
leeym [label="Yen-Ming Lee\\n2002/08/14"]
lev [label="Lev Serebryakov\\n2003/06/17"]
linimon [label="Mark Linimon\\n2003/10/23"]
lioux [label="Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferriera\\n2000/10/14"]
lippe [label="Felippe de Meirelles Motta\\n2008/03/08"]
lth [label="Lars Thegler\\n2004/05/04"]
lwhsu [label="Li-Wen Hsu\\n2007/04/03"]
lx [label="David Thiel\\n2006/11/29"]
maho [label="Maho Nakata\\n2002/10/17"]
makc [label="Max Brazhnikov\\n2008/08/25"]
mandree [label="Matthias Andree\\n2009/11/18"]
marcus [label="Joe Marcus Clarke\\n2002/04/05"]
markus [label="Markus Brueffer\\n2004/02/21"]
mat [label="Mathieu Arnold\\n2003/08/15"]
mezz [label="Jeremy Messenger\\n2004/04/30"]
miwi [label="Martin Wilke\\n2006/06/04"]
mm [label="Martin Matuska\\n2007/04/04"]
mnag [label="Marcus Alves Grando\\n2005/09/15"]
nemoliu [label="Tong Liu\\n2007/04/25"]
netchild [label="Alexander Leidinger\\n2002/03/19"]
nobutaka [label="Nobutaka Mantani\\n2001/11/02"]
nork [label="Norikatsu Shigemura\\n2002/04/01"]
novel [label="Roman Bogorodskiy\\n2005/03/07"]
nox [label="Juergen Lock\\n2006/12/22"]
obrien [label="David E. O'Brien\\n1996/10/29"]
mharo [label="Michael Haro\\n1999/04/13"]
osa [label="Sergey A. Osokin\\n2003/06/04"]
pat [label="Patrick Li\\n2001/11/14"]
pav [label="Pav Lucistnik\\n2003/11/12"]
pgj [label="Gabor Pali\\n2009/04/12"]
philip [label="Philip Paeps\\n2005/10/19"]
pgollucci [label="Philip M. Gollucci\\n2008/07/21"]
rafan [label="Rong-En Fan\\n2006/06/23"]
rene [label="Rene Ladan\\n2010/04/11"]
rnoland [label="Robert Noland\\n2008/07/21"]
romain [label="Romain Tartiere\\n2010/01/24"]
sahil [label="Sahil Tandon\\n2010/04/11"]
sat [label="Andrew Pantyukhin\\n2006/05/06"]
sem [label="Sergey Matveychuk\\n2004/07/07"]
sergei [label="Sergei Kolobov\\n2003/10/21"]
shaun [label="Shaun Amott\\n2006/06/19"]
simon [label="Simon L. Nielsen\\n2005/01/08"]
skreuzer [label="Steven Kreuzer\\n2009/03/25"]
sobomax[label="Maxim Sobolev\\n2000/05/17"]
stas [label="Stanislav Sedov\\n2006/09/18"]
stefan [label="Stefan Walter\\n2006/05/07"]
tabthorpe [label="Thomas Abthorpe\\n2007/08/20"]
tdb [label="Tim Bishop\\n2005/11/30"]
timur [label="Timur Bakeyev\\n2007/06/07"]
tota [label="TAKATSU Tomonari\\n2009/03/30"]
trasz [label="Edward Tomasz Napierala\\n2007/04/12"]
trhodes [label="Tom Rhodes\\n2004/07/06"]
thierry [label="Thierry Thomas\\n2004/03/15"]
tmclaugh [label="Tom McLaughlin\\n2005/09/15"]
vd [label="Vasil Dimov\\n2006/01/19"]
wxs [label="Wesley Shields\\n2008/01/03"]
xride [label="Soeren Straarup\\n2006/09/27"]
yzlin [label="Yi-Jheng Lin\\n2009/07/19"]
znerd [label="Ernst de Haan\\n2001/11/15"]
# Here are the mentor/mentee relationships.
# Group together all the mentees for a particular mentor.
# Keep the list sorted by mentor login.
adamw -> ahze
adamw -> jylefort
adamw -> mezz
adamw -> pav
ade -> jpaetzel
ahze -> shaun
ahze -> tmclaugh
araujo -> lippe
araujo -> pgollucci
arved -> markus
arved -> stefan
asami -> obrien
beat -> decke
beech -> glarkin
beech -> mva
billf -> sobomax
billf -> will
clement -> tdb
clement -> lawrance
clsung -> lwhsu
clsung -> tabthorpe
delphij -> nemoliu
delphij -> rafan
demon -> mat
edwin -> cperciva
edwin -> erwin
edwin -> linimon
edwin -> lx
ehaupt -> db
eik -> sem
eik -> trhodes
erwin -> brix
erwin -> clement
erwin -> gabor
erwin -> lbr
erwin -> lth
erwin -> simon
fjoe -> danfe
fjoe -> krion
fjoe -> osa
flz -> garga
flz -> johans
flz -> laszlof
flz -> romain
gabor -> lippe
gabor -> pgj
garga -> acm
garga -> alepulver
garga -> mandree
garga -> mm
garga -> rnoland
garga -> vd
garga -> wxs
garga -> xride
glarkin -> avl
glewis -> hq
glewis -> jkim
ijliao -> leeym
itetcu -> araujo
itetcu -> dryice
itetcu -> sahil
joerg -> netchild
knu -> daichi
knu -> maho
knu -> nobutaka
knu -> nork
krion -> brooks
krion -> miwi
krion -> novel
krion -> philip
krion -> sat
krion -> sem
krion -> sergei
kwm -> jsa
lawrance -> itetcu
leeym -> clsung
lioux -> pat
lwhsu -> yzlin
maho -> tota
marcus -> ahze
marcus -> bland
marcus -> eik
marcus -> jmallett
mat -> thierry
mezz -> tmclaugh
miwi -> amdmi3
miwi -> avilla
miwi -> beat
miwi -> decke
miwi -> farrokhi
miwi -> fluffy
miwi -> gahr
miwi -> makc
miwi -> mandree
miwi -> mva
miwi -> nox
miwi -> tabthorpe
miwi -> trasz
mnag -> jmelo
netchild -> bsam
nork -> ale
novel -> alexbl
novel -> ehaupt
obrien -> mharo
obrien -> gerald
pat -> adamw
pav -> ahze
pav -> flz
pav -> josef
pav -> kwm
pav -> mnag
pgj -> ashish
pgj -> jacula
philip -> koitsu
rafan -> chinsan
sat -> beech
sem -> az
sem -> anray
sem -> delphij
sem -> stas
shaun -> timur
sobomax -> demon
sobomax -> glewis
sobomax -> lev
sobomax -> marcus
sobomax -> znerd
stas -> araujo
steve -> netchild
tabthorpe -> ashish
tabthorpe -> avilla
tabthorpe -> avl
tabthorpe -> fluffy
tabthorpe -> jacula
tabthorpe -> jadawin
tabthorpe -> pgj
tabthorpe -> rene
thierry -> jadawin
tmclaugh -> itetcu
tmclaugh -> xride
will -> lioux
wxs -> jsa
wxs -> sahil
wxs -> skreuzer