support for Aironet 350, ed(4) support for Linksys cards, aac(4), ssh(1) not SUID, passwd(1)/pw(8) support for passwd_format, rc(8) deletes non-directories in /var/run and /var/spool/lock, fmtcheck(3), sshd(8) X11Forwarding, sshd_config MaxStartups deprecates ConnectionsPerPeriod. Some of these MFCs are new, others were reflected in 4-STABLE's release notes already, and still others were MFC-ed before prior releases. Relocate dgm->digi release note item to live next to digi. Relocate an(4)/AIR350 note to be next to another an(4) entry. Remove a duplicate entry documenting xargs(1) -J. Port markup fixes: sysutils/cs9660_unicode, net/pim6dd, net/pim6sd.