Submitted by: Richard Wackerbarth <rkw@Dataplex.NET>
For a normal CDROM or network installation, all you need to copy onto an actual floppy from this directory is the boot.flp image (for 1.44MB floppies). NOTE: These images are NOT DOS files! You cannot simply copy them to a DOS floppy as regular files, you need to *image* copy them to the floppy with fdimage.exe under DOS or `dd' under UNIX. For example: To create the boot floppy image from DOS, you'd do something like this: C> fdimage boot.flp a: Assuming that you'd copied fdimage.exe and boot.flp into a directory somewhere. If you were doing this from the base of a CD distribution, then the *exact* command would be: E> tools\fdimage floppies\boot.flp a: If you're creating the boot floppy from a UNIX machine, you may find that: dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/rfd0 or dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/floppy work well, depending on your hardware and operating system environment (different versions of UNIX have totally different names for the floppy drive - neat, huh? :-).