o Revamp the PIC I/F to only abstract the PIC hardware. The resource handling has been moved to nexus, where it belongs. o Include EOI and MASK+EOI methods to the PIC I/F in support of INTR_FILTER. o With the allocation of interrupt resources and setup of interrupt handlers in the common platform code we can delay talking to the PIC hardware after enumeration of all devices. Introduce a call to powerpc_intr_enable() in configure_final() to achieve that and have powerpc_setup_intr() only program the PIC when !cold. o As a consequence of the above, remove all early_attach() glue from the OpenPIC and Heathrow PIC drivers and have them register themselves when they're found during enumeration. o Decouple the interrupt vector from the interrupt request line. Allocate vectors increasingly so that they can be used for the intrcnt index as well. Extend the Heathrow PIC driver to translate between IRQ and vector. The OpenPIC driver already has the support for vectors in hardware. Approved by: re (blanket)