1.2MB barrier again. I tell ya, Poul, it's a losing game! You shave 50 bytes off, the next change takes 100 back, and this is just ALPHA! The 1.2MB weenies will _just have to buy new drives_!
135 lines
4.2 KiB
135 lines
4.2 KiB
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.41 1994/11/13 01:20:36 jkh Exp $
# Evil floppies are, of course, 1.2MB floppies.
.if defined(EVIL_FLOPPY)
FDLABEL= fd1200
DDBS= 15k
FDLABEL= fd1440
DDBS= 18k
MNT= /mnt
CPIO1= basename cat chmod cp date dd df dmesg echo ed expr hostname kill ln
CPIO1+= ls mkdir mt mv rcp rm rmdir sh sleep stty sync test tip [ -sh
CPIO1+= badsect chown clri disklabel dump dmesg fdisk fsck ifconfig init
CPIO1+= mknod mount mount_cd9660 mount_msdos mount_nfs ncftp newfs ping pwd
CPIO1+= reboot restore slattach swapon umount route
CPIO1+= rdump rrestore halt ft
CPIO1+= ftp rsh sed telnet rlogin grep
CPIO2= etc/services etc/protocols
CPIO3= bininst
# Somewhat on the rough side...
CLEANFILES+= *.o *.c *.cache *.mk *.lo ${CPIO1} *.flp *.gz
CLEANFILES+= boot_flp boot.flp cpio_flp_1
MTREE_DIR= ${.CURDIR}/../etc/mtree
ZIPNSPLIT= gzip --no-name -9 -c | split -b 240640 -
mtree -deU -f ${MTREE_DIR}/BSD.root.dist -p ${DESTDIR}/
mtree -deU -f ${MTREE_DIR}/BSD.var.dist -p ${DESTDIR}/var
mtree -deU -f ${MTREE_DIR}/BSD.usr.dist -p ${DESTDIR}/usr
.if defined(MAKE_LOCAL)
mtree -deU -f ${MTREE_DIR}/BSD.local.dist -p ${DESTDIR}/usr/local
rm -f ${DESTDIR}/sys
ln -s usr/src/sys ${DESTDIR}/sys
kernel: ${.CURDIR}/../sys/i386/conf/GENERIC
(cd ${.CURDIR}/../sys/i386/conf; config GENERIC)
(cd ${.CURDIR}/../sys/compile/GENERIC; ${MAKE} depend; ${MAKE} all; )
-umount ${MNT}
-umount /dev/${FLOPPY}
# echo y | fdformat ${FLOPPY}
disklabel -w -B \
-b ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec/fdboot -s ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec/bootfd \
/dev/r${FLOPPY} ${FDLABEL}
newfs -c 80 -b 4096 -f 512 -i 8192 -m 0 -o space /dev/r${FLOPPY}
mount -o async /dev/${FLOPPY} ${MNT}
mkdir ${MNT}/dev ${MNT}/stand ${MNT}/mnt
strip -x ${.CURDIR}/../sys/compile/GENERIC/kernel
cp ${.CURDIR}/../sys/compile/GENERIC/kernel ${MNT}/kernel
cp ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec/sdboot ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec/bootsd ${MNT}/stand
( cd ${DESTDIR}/dev ; \
ls console tty ttyv1 null zero \
sd[0123][a-h] wd[0123][a-h] fd[01] \
rsd[0123][a-h] rwd[0123][a-h] rfd[01] \
| cpio -dumpv ${MNT}/dev \
gzip -9 < boot_flp > ${MNT}/stand/sysinstall
chmod 755 ${MNT}/stand/sysinstall
ln ${MNT}/stand/sysinstall ${MNT}/stand/newfs
ln ${MNT}/stand/sysinstall ${MNT}/stand/gzip
install -m 400 -c ${.CURDIR}/../COPYRIGHT ${MNT}/COPYRIGHT
install -m 400 -c ${.CURDIR}/../share/FAQ/README-2.0 ${MNT}/README
install -m 400 -c ${.CURDIR}/../share/FAQ/TROUBLESHOOTING \
install -m 400 -c ${.CURDIR}/../share/FAQ/DISKSPACE.FAQ \
install -m 400 -c ${.CURDIR}/../share/FAQ/RELNOTES.FreeBSD \
touch ${MNT}/this_is_boot_flp
-umount ${MNT}
fsck /dev/r${FLOPPY}
dd if=/dev/r${FLOPPY} bs=${DDBS} count=${DDCOUNT} of=boot.flp
gzip -9 -v < boot.flp > boot.flp.gz
df -k /dev/r${FLOPPY}
for i in ${CPIO1} ; do rm -f ./$$i ; ln cpio_flp_1 ./$$i ; done
( cd /${DESTDIR} ; ls ${CPIO2} | cpio -H newc -oa ) | cpio -ivd
( cd ${.CURDIR} ; ls ${CPIO3} | cpio -H newc -oa ) | cpio -ivd
ls ${CPIO1} ${CPIO2} ${CPIO3} | cpio -H newc -oa | gzip -9 | \
dd obs=512 > cpio.flp
gzip -9 -v < cpio.flp > cpio.flp.gz
ls -l cpio.flp*
crunchgen ${.CURDIR}/boot_flp.conf
${MAKE} -f boot_flp.mk objs exe
crunchgen ${.CURDIR}/cpio_flp_1.conf
${MAKE} -f cpio_flp_1.mk objs exe
floppies: crunch boot.flp cpio.flp
( cd ${.CURDIR} ; ${MAKE} clean)
-mkdir ${RELEASEDIR}
chflags -R noschg ${RELEASEDIR}/.
rm -rf ${RELEASEDIR}/*
( cd ${.CURDIR}/.. ; \
${MAKE} world NOCRYPT=yes)
( cd ${.CURDIR}/../etc ; \
${MAKE} release-dirs )
( cd ${.CURDIR} ; ${MAKE} obj)
( cd ${.CURDIR} ; \
${MAKE} kernel DESTDIR=${RELEASEDIR}/filesys )
install ${COPY} -m 644 ${.CURDIR}/../sys/compile/GENERIC/kernel \
( cd ${.CURDIR} ; \
${MAKE} hierarchy DESTDIR=${RELEASEDIR}/filesys )
( cd ${.CURDIR}/../etc ; \
${MAKE} distribution DESTDIR=${RELEASEDIR}/filesys \
NOCRYPT=yes SHARED=copies)
(cd ${RELEASEDIR}/filesys; \
tar cf - . | \
${ZIPNSPLIT} ${RELEASEDIR}/tarballs/bindist/bin_tgz.)
cp ${.CURDIR}/extract.sh ${RELEASEDIR}/tarballs/bindist
( cd ${.CURDIR} ; \
${MAKE} floppies )
.include <bsd.prog.mk>