Build mount_smbfs for arm. Also sort the subdirs. Avoid unaligned memory accesses when encoding netbios names in libsmb. The current code for encoding a netbios name converts each byte to a 16-bit value and stores the result by casting a char* to u_short*, resulting in alignment faults on strict-alignment platforms. This change reimplements the encoding routine using only byte accesses to memory. There is no particular reason to work with 16-bit values just because the encoding process creates two bytes of output for every byte of input. Working a byte at at time also avoids endian problems for big-endian platforms. Make the building of libsmb and mount_smbfs unconditional, now that r292552 has eliminated alignment and endian problems that were making it fail on some platforms. PR: 180438 PR: 189415 Relnotes: Yes
9 lines
114 B
9 lines
114 B
# $FreeBSD$
.if ${MK_ACPI} != "no"
SUBDIR+= acpi
SUBDIR+= kgmon
SUBDIR:= ${SUBDIR:Nuathload}
SUBDIR+= zzz