individual slots at one's whim. Useful for turning the slots into card carrying cases, etc. Patch was originally from mihira-san in message to freebsd-mobile. He ported the code originally from PAO. Submitted by: MIHIRA Sanpei Yoshiro <sanpei@sanpei.org>
15 lines
283 B
15 lines
283 B
# pccardc Makefile
# $FreeBSD$
PROG= pccardc
SRCS= beep.c dumpcis.c enabler.c pccardc.c pccardmem.c power.c printcis.c \
rdattr.c rdmap.c rdreg.c readcis.c wrattr.c wrreg.c
MAN8= pccardc.8
CFLAGS+= -I${.CURDIR}/../pccardd
.include <bsd.prog.mk>
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../pccardd