jhb ee50ae24a6 Remove special handling for 'disk*.h'
This was originally added so that only one of diskmbr.h or diskpc98.h
was chosen and is no longer needed after PC98's removal.  However, the
special handling was also broken as it effectively prevented the decoding
of ioctls declared in other headers such as <sys/disk.h> or
2017-07-18 21:09:29 +00:00

89 lines
2.0 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
set -e
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "usage: sh $0 include-dir"
exit 1
LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL
# Build a list of headers that have ioctls in them.
# XXX should we use an ANSI cpp?
cd $includedir
find -H -s * -name '*.h' | \
egrep -v '(net/pfvar|net/if_pfsync)\.h' | \
xargs egrep -l \
'^#[ ]*define[ ]+[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*[ ]+_IO[^a-z0-9_]' |
awk '{printf("#include <%s>\\n", $1)}'
awk -v x="$ioctl_includes" 'BEGIN {print x}' |
$CPP -nostdinc -I$includedir -dM -DCOMPAT_43TTY - |
awk -v ioctl_includes="$ioctl_includes" '
print "/* XXX obnoxious prerequisites. */"
print "#define COMPAT_43"
print "#define COMPAT_43TTY"
print "#include <sys/param.h>"
print "#include <sys/devicestat.h>"
print "#include <sys/disklabel.h>"
print "#include <sys/socket.h>"
print "#include <sys/time.h>"
print "#include <sys/tty.h>"
print "#include <bsm/audit.h>"
print "#include <net/ethernet.h>"
print "#include <net/if.h>"
print "#ifdef PF"
print "#include <net/pfvar.h>"
print "#include <net/if_pfsync.h>"
print "#endif"
print "#include <net/route.h>"
print "#include <netinet/in.h>"
print "#include <netinet/ip_mroute.h>"
print "#include <netinet6/in6_var.h>"
print "#include <netinet6/nd6.h>"
print "#include <netinet6/ip6_mroute.h>"
print "#include <stdio.h>"
print "#include <cam/cam.h>"
print "#include <stdbool.h>"
print "#include <stddef.h>"
print "#include <stdint.h>"
print "#include <sysdecode.h>"
print ""
print ioctl_includes
print ""
print "const char *"
print "sysdecode_ioctlname(unsigned long val)"
print "{"
print "\tconst char *str = NULL;"
print ""
/^#[ ]*define[ ]+[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*[ ]+_IO/ {
# find where the name starts
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
if ($i ~ /define/)
if (n++ > 0)
printf("else ");
printf("if (val == %s)\n", $i);
printf("\t\tstr = \"%s\";\n", $i);
print ""
print "\treturn (str);"
print "}"