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.\" $FreeBSD$
.Dd December 12, 1994
.Dt CX 4 i386
.Os FreeBSD
.Nm cx
.Nd asynchronous/synchronous Cronyx-Sigma adapter driver
.Cd "device cx0 at isa? port 0x240 irq 15 drq 7"
.Cd "device cx1 at isa? port 0x260 irq 12 drq 6"
.Cd pseudo-device sppp
The base i/o port address should be set by jumpers on the board.
The DMA i/o channel and interrupt request numbers are configured
by software at adapter initialization. Legal values are:
.Bl -tag -compact -width Port
.It Port
0x240, 0x260, 0x280, 0x300, 0x320, 0x380
3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15
5, 6, 7
The Cronyx-Sigma driver supports the adapters of models 100,
400, 500, 401, 404, 410, 440, 703, 801, 810, 840. Different models have
different set of channels:
.Bl -tag -compact -width Cronyx-Sigma-999
.It Model
.It Cronyx-Sigma-100
.It Cronyx-Sigma-400
4, 5, 6, 7
.It Cronyx-Sigma-500
0, 4, 5, 6, 7
.It Cronyx-Sigma-401
0, 1, 2, 3
.It Cronyx-Sigma-404
0, 1, 2, 3
.It Cronyx-Sigma-410
0, 1, 2, 3
.It Cronyx-Sigma-440
0, 1, 2, 3
.It Cronyx-Sigma-703
0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
.It Cronyx-Sigma-801
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
.It Cronyx-Sigma-810
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
.It Cronyx-Sigma-840
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
A pair of two adapters can be united together by the special
short inter-board cable. Two united adapters use the same
IRQ and DMA channels and from the point of driver works
as the single 16-channel multiplexer. One of the united
boards is ``master'' and the other is ``slave''.
The channels of the slave united board are numbered by the driver
beginning with 8, for example, the united adapter of the model 100/500
has channels 0, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15.
The channels which have the RS-232 interface can be used
both in synchronous and asynchronous modes (software selectable
by cxconfig utility) and hence are called ``universal'' channels.
The special device files,
.Pa /dev/* ,
for the adapter Cronyx-Sigma
are created by th
An example:
.Bd -literal
cd /dev
sh MAKEDEV cronyx ttyx0 ttyx1 ttyy0
.Sh "Asynchronous driver"
The asynchronous channel device files have the names:
.Pa /dev/ttyx#
- for adapter cx0,
.Pa /dev/ttyy#
- for adapter cx1,
.Pa /dev/ttyz#
- for cx2.
Here # is the channel number in hexadecimal form, 0-9-a-f.
The driver fulfills the following standard ioctl requests (see
.Xr ioctl 2 ) :
.Bl -tag -width TIOCXXXXX -compact
Start sending BREAK.
Stop sending BREAK.
Set DTR signal (DTR := 1). The DTR signal is always set
on the first
.Xr open 2
and could be changed by
ioctl calls.
Clear DTR signal (DTR := 0).
Set the given values of DTR and RTS signals (<DTR:RTS> := data).
The signals DTR and RTS are controlled by
bits of the data argument of the ioctl system call.
Set DTR and RTS signals (<DTR:RTS> |= data).
The signals DTR and RTS are controlled by
bits of the data argument of the ioctl system call.
Clear DTR and RTS signals (<DTR:RTS> &= ~data).
The signals DTR and RTS are controlled by
bits of the data argument of the ioctl system call.
Determine the state of the modem signals of the line.
After the call the data argument contains the following bits:
.Bl -tag -width TIOCM_XXX -compact
always set (Line Enabled)
Data Set Ready signal received
Clear To Send signal received
Data Carrier Detect signal received
Data Terminal Ready signal transmitted
Request To Send signal transmitted
.Sh "Synchronous driver"
The synchronous channels and universal channels, turned to the synchronous
mode by the
.Xr cxconfig 8
utility, are accessible as network
interfaces named ``cx#'' where # is the channel number, 0..47.
All standard network interface parameters could be set by
.Xr ifconfig 8
.Xr cxconfig 8
command is used to change some extended channel
options, and also for setting the high-level software protocol
(e.g. PpP or Cisco HDLC).
The universal channels could be used both in asynchronous and synchronous modes.
By default the asynchronous mode is set.
The mode could be changed by
.Xr cxconfig 8
The mode is blocked while the channel is busy (an asynchronous channel
in open state or the network interface is up).
.Sh "Synchronous Point-to-Point protocol"
The Cronyx-Sigma driver uses the built-in implementation of the synchronous
Point-to-Point protocol (sppp). It includes the support for such
protocols as PpP/HDLC and Cisco/HDLC, and also the automatic
connection loss test (via keepalive packets).
The sppp protocol set is implemented as an independent module
and could be used by other drivers of synchronous serial channels.
The version of the driver for BSD/386 (BSDI) operating system
also supports the usage of the general set of synchronous
protocols, implemented inside the OS.
The external protocol set could be selected by ``cxconfig ext'' command
.Xr cxconfig 8 ) .
.Sh "Channel Options Management"
.Xr cxconfig 8
utility is used for setting the channels options.
The channel options are generally set at the start of the operating
system (for example, from the file
.Pa /etc/rc ) .
Note, that not all options have a sense for every particular
case, and an attempt to set some of them can hang up the channel or
the whole adapter.
The actual channel options control functions are implemented via
the ioctl-s on the special device file /dev/cronyx.
There are the following ioctl-s available:
.Bl -tag -width CXIOCXXXXXXX -compact
Get the channel option values.
Set the channel option values.
The data argument of the ioctl call has an address of the options structure:
.Bd -literal
typedef struct {
unsigned char board; /* adapter number, 0..2 */
unsigned char channel; /* channel number, 0..15 */
unsigned char type; /* channel type (read only) */
unsigned char iftype; /* chan0 interface */
unsigned long rxbaud; /* receiver speed */
unsigned long txbaud; /* transmitter speed */
cx_chan_mode_t mode; /* channel mode */
cx_chan_opt_t opt; /* common channel options */
cx_opt_async_t aopt; /* async mode options */
cx_opt_hdlc_t hopt; /* hdlc mode options */
cx_opt_bisync_t bopt; /* bisync mode options */
cx_opt_x21_t xopt; /* x.21 mode options */
cx_soft_opt_t sopt; /* software options and state flags */
} cx_options_t; /* user settable options */
.Bl -tag -width rxbaudxxx
.It Fa board
The adapter number, 0..2.
.It Fa channel
The channel number, 0..15.
.It Fa type
The type of the channel (read-only argument).
.It Fa iftype
The interface type of the zero (and also the eight) channel: 0 - RS-232,
1 - RS-449/V.35.
.It Fa rxbaud
The receiver data baud rate.
.It Fa txbaud
The transmitter data baud rate.
.It Fa mode
The channel mode: asynchronous/HDLC/Bisync/X.21.
.It Fa opt
The general channel options.
.It Fa aopt
The asynchronous mode options.
.It Fa hopt
The HDLC mode options.
.It Fa bopt
The Bisync mode options.
.It Fa xopt
The X.21 mode options.
.It Fa sopt
The software protocol options.
.Bl -tag -width /dev/cxXXXX -compact
.It Pa /dev/cx??
Asynchronous channels.
.It Pa /dev/cronyx
The special device file for the channel options management.
The sources for the driver reside in:
.Bl -tag -width /dev/cxXXXX -compact
.It Pa /sys/i386/isa/cronyx.c
.It Pa /sys/i386/isa/cx.c
.It Pa /sys/i386/isa/if_cx.c
.It Pa /sys/i386/isa/cronyx.h
.It Pa /sys/i386/isa/cxreg.h
.It Pa /sys/net/if_spppsubr.c
.It Pa /sys/net/if_sppp.h
.Xr cxconfig 8 ,
.Xr ifconfig 8