- Remove unused 'pid' member from the jobs structure. (This was left over from an earlier incarnation of the program that used multiple processes.) - Remove #ifdef'ed longjmp() stuff. - Print warning message if the 'pushing' host is not the master for a map being pushed but don't bail out. (While yppush should only be used on an NIS master, using it elsewhere is not an unpardonable sin.) yppush.8: - Fix a couple of mind-os. Makefile - Change format to hopefully ease bootstrapping. (Suggested by wollman.) Other Makefiles should follow.
29 lines
654 B
29 lines
654 B
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.6 1995/12/16 04:03:02 wpaul Exp $
PROG= yppush
SRCS= yp_clnt.c ypxfr_getmap.c yp_dblookup.c yppush_svc.c \
yp_error.c ypxfr_misc.c yppush_main.c
MAN8= yppush.8
CFLAGS+=-I. -I${.CURDIR}/../../libexec/ypxfr
RPCDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../include/rpcsvc
RPCGEN= rpcgen -C
.PATH: ${RPCDIR} ${.CURDIR}/../../usr.sbin/ypserv \
CLEANFILES= yp.h yp_clnt.c yppush_svc.c
yppush_svc.c: yp.x yp.h
yp_clnt.c: yp.x yp.h
yp.h: yp.x
${RPCGEN} -h -o ${.TARGET} ${RPCDIR}/yp.x
.include <bsd.prog.mk>