was not reset to old name causing any file choosen put error diagnostic about wrong directory, fix it by resetting back to old name after chdir failed. Add \r as alias to \n, some telnets have problem with that. Should go into 2.2 Submitted by: "Anatoly A. Orehovsky" <tolik@mpeks.tomsk.su> & me
403 lines
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403 lines
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* program: fselect.c
* author: Marc van Kempen (wmbfmk@urc.tue.nl)
* Desc: File selection routine
* Copyright (c) 1995, Marc van Kempen
* All rights reserved.
* This software may be used, modified, copied, distributed, and
* sold, in both source and binary form provided that the above
* copyright and these terms are retained, verbatim, as the first
* lines of this file. Under no circumstances is the author
* responsible for the proper functioning of this software, nor does
* the author assume any responsibility for damages incurred with
* its use.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <dialog.h>
#include "ui_objects.h"
#include "dir.h"
#include "dialog.priv.h"
* Local prototypes
char *dialog_dfselect(char *dir, char *fmask, int is_fselect);
* Functions
get_directories(DirList *d, int n, char ***names, int *nd)
* Desc: return the directorienames in <dir> as an array in
* <names>, the # of entries in <nd>, memory allocated
* to *names should be freed when done with it.
int i;
/* count the directories, which are in front */
*nd = 0;
while ((*nd < n) && (S_ISDIR(d[*nd].filestatus.st_mode))) (*nd)++;
*names = (char **) malloc( *nd * sizeof(char *) );
for (i=0; i<*nd; i++) {
(*names)[i] = (char *) malloc( strlen(d[i].filename) + 1);
strcpy((*names)[i], d[i].filename);
} /* get_directories() */
get_filenames(DirList *d, int n, char ***names, int *nf)
* Desc: return the filenames in <dir> as an arry in
* <names>, the # of entries in <nf>, memory allocated
* to *names should be freed when done.
int nd, i;
/* the # of regular files is the total # of files - # of directories */
/* count the # of directories */
nd = 0;
while ((nd < n) && (S_ISDIR(d[nd].filestatus.st_mode))) nd++;
*names = (char **) malloc( (n-nd) * sizeof(char *) );
*nf = n - nd;
for (i=0; i<*nf; i++) {
(*names)[i] = (char *) malloc( strlen(d[i+nd].filename) + 1);
strcpy((*names)[i], d[i+nd].filename);
} /* get_filenames() */
FreeNames(char **names, int n)
* Desc: free the space occupied by names
int i;
/* free the space occupied by names */
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
} /* FreeNames() */
* Desc: starting from the current directory,
* choose a new current directory
DirList *d = NULL;
char **names, old_dir[MAXPATHLEN];
WINDOW *ds_win;
ButtonObj *okbut, *cancelbut;
ListObj *dirs_obj;
StringObj *dir_obj;
char o_dir[MAXPATHLEN];
struct ComposeObj *obj = NULL;
int n, nd, okbutton, cancelbutton,
quit, cancel, ret;
ds_win = newwin(LINES-8, COLS-30, 4, 15);
if (ds_win == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nnewwin(%d,%d,%d,%d) failed, maybe wrong dims\n",
LINES-8, COLS-30, 4, 15);
draw_box(ds_win, 0, 0, LINES-8, COLS-30, dialog_attr, border_attr);
wattrset(ds_win, dialog_attr);
mvwaddstr(ds_win, 0, (COLS-30)/2 - 9, " Directory Select ");
draw_shadow(stdscr, 4, 15, LINES-8, COLS-30);
display_helpline(ds_win, LINES-9, COLS-30);
/* the Directory string input field */
getcwd(o_dir, MAXPATHLEN);
dir_obj = NewStringObj(ds_win, "Directory:", o_dir, 1, 2, COLS-34, MAXPATHLEN-1);
AddObj(&obj, STRINGOBJ, (void *) dir_obj);
/* the list of directories */
get_dir(".", "*", &d, &n);
get_directories(d, n, &names, &nd);
dirs_obj = NewListObj(ds_win, "Directories:", names, o_dir, 5, 2,
LINES-15, COLS-48, nd);
AddObj(&obj, LISTOBJ, (void *) dirs_obj);
/* the Ok-button */
okbutton = FALSE;
okbut = NewButtonObj(ds_win, "Continue", &okbutton, 7, COLS-45);
AddObj(&obj, BUTTONOBJ, (void *) okbut);
/* the Cancel-button */
cancelbutton = FALSE;
cancelbut = NewButtonObj(ds_win, "Return", &cancelbutton, 11, COLS-44);
AddObj(&obj, BUTTONOBJ, (void *) cancelbut);
quit = FALSE;
cancel = FALSE;
strcpy(old_dir, o_dir);
while (!quit) {
ret = PollObj(&obj);
switch(ret) {
if (okbutton) {
quit = TRUE;
if (cancelbutton) {
quit = TRUE;
cancel = TRUE;
case SEL_CR:
if (strcmp(old_dir, o_dir)) {
/* the directory was changed, cd into it */
if (chdir(o_dir)) {
dialog_notify("Could not change into directory");
strcpy(o_dir, old_dir);
} else {
getcwd(o_dir, MAXPATHLEN);
strcpy(old_dir, o_dir);
get_dir(".", "*", &d, &n);
FreeNames(names, nd);
get_directories(d, n, &names, &nd);
UpdateListObj(dirs_obj, names, nd);
if (((obj->prev)->obj == (void *) dirs_obj)) {
case SEL_ESC:
quit = TRUE;
cancel = TRUE;
case KEY_F(1):
FreeNames(names, nd);
} /* dialog_dselect() */
dialog_dselect(char *dir, char *fmask)
* Desc: Choose a directory
if (dialog_dfselect(dir, fmask, FALSE)) {
return(FALSE); /* esc or cancel was pressed */
} else {
return(TRUE); /* directory was selected */
} /* dialog_dselect() */
char *
dialog_fselect(char *dir, char *fmask)
* Desc: Choose a file from a directory
return(dialog_dfselect(dir, fmask, TRUE));
} /* dialog_fselect() */
char *
dialog_dfselect(char *dir, char *fmask, int is_fselect)
* Desc: choose a file from the directory <dir>, which
* initially display files with the mask <filemask>
* pre: <dir> is the initial directory
* only files corresponding to the mask <fmask> are displayed
* post: returns NULL if no file was selected
* else returns pointer to filename, space is allocated, should
* be freed after use.
DirList *d = NULL;
char msg[512];
char **fnames, **dnames, *ret_name;
WINDOW *fs_win;
int n, nd, nf, ret;
StringObj *fm_obj, *dir_obj, *sel_obj;
char o_fm[255], o_dir[MAXPATHLEN], o_sel[MAXPATHLEN];
char old_fmask[255], old_dir[MAXPATHLEN];
ListObj *dirs_obj, *files_obj;
struct ComposeObj *obj = NULL, *o;
int quit, cancel;
ButtonObj *okbut_obj, *canbut_obj;
int ok_button, cancel_button;
if (chdir(dir)) {
sprintf(msg, "Could not move into specified directory: %s", dir);
getcwd(o_dir, MAXPATHLEN);
/* setup the fileselect-window and initialize its components */
fs_win = newwin(LINES-2, COLS-20, 1, 10);
if (fs_win == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nnewwin(%d,%d,%d,%d) failed, maybe wrong dims\n",
LINES-2, COLS-20, 2, 10);
draw_box(fs_win, 0, 0, LINES-2, COLS-20, dialog_attr, border_attr);
wattrset(fs_win, dialog_attr);
if (is_fselect) {
mvwaddstr(fs_win, 0, (COLS-20)/2 - 7, " File Select ");
} else {
mvwaddstr(fs_win, 0, (COLS-20)/2 - 9, " Directory Select ");
draw_shadow(stdscr, 1, 10, LINES-2, COLS-20);
display_helpline(fs_win, LINES-3, COLS-20);
/* Filemask entry */
strcpy(o_fm, fmask);
fm_obj = NewStringObj(fs_win, "Filemask:", o_fm, 1, 2, 19, 255);
AddObj(&obj, STRINGOBJ, (void *) fm_obj);
/* Directory entry */
dir_obj = NewStringObj(fs_win, "Directory:", o_dir, 1, 22, COLS-44, 255);
AddObj(&obj, STRINGOBJ, (void *) dir_obj);
/* Directory list */
get_dir(".", fmask, &d, &n); /* read the entire directory */
get_directories(d, n, &dnames, &nd); /* extract the dir-entries */
if (is_fselect) {
dirs_obj = NewListObj(fs_win, "Directories:", dnames, o_dir, 5, 2,
LINES-16, (COLS-20)/2-2, nd);
} else {
dirs_obj = NewListObj(fs_win, "Directories:", dnames, o_dir, 5, 2,
LINES-12, (COLS-20)/2-2, nd);
AddObj(&obj, LISTOBJ, (void *) dirs_obj);
/* Filenames list */
get_filenames(d, n, &fnames, &nf); /* extract the filenames */
if (is_fselect) {
files_obj = NewListObj(fs_win, "Files:", fnames, o_sel, 5, (COLS-20)/2+1,
LINES-16, (COLS-20)/2-3, nf);
} else {
files_obj = NewListObj(fs_win, "Files:", fnames, o_sel, 5, (COLS-20)/2+1,
LINES-12, (COLS-20)/2-3, nf);
AddObj(&obj, LISTOBJ, (void *) files_obj);
if (is_fselect) {
/* Selection entry */
o_sel[0] = '\0';
sel_obj = NewStringObj(fs_win, "Selection:", o_sel, LINES-10, 2, COLS-24, 255);
AddObj(&obj, STRINGOBJ, (void *) sel_obj);
/* Ok button */
ok_button = FALSE;
okbut_obj = NewButtonObj(fs_win, "Ok", &ok_button, LINES-6, 20);
AddObj(&obj, BUTTONOBJ, (void *) okbut_obj);
/* Cancel button */
cancel_button = FALSE;
canbut_obj = NewButtonObj(fs_win, "Cancel", &cancel_button, LINES-6, 30);
AddObj(&obj, BUTTONOBJ, (void *) canbut_obj);
/* Make sure all objects on the window are drawn */
keypad(fs_win, TRUE);
/* Start the reading */
o = obj;
strcpy(old_fmask, o_fm);
strcpy(old_dir, o_dir);
quit = FALSE;
cancel = FALSE;
while (!quit) {
ret = PollObj(&o);
switch(ret) {
case SEL_CR:
if (strcmp(old_fmask, o_fm) || strcmp(old_dir, o_dir)) {
/* reread directory and update the listobjects */
if (strcmp(old_dir, o_dir)) { /* dir entry was changed */
if (chdir(o_dir)) {
dialog_notify("Could not change into directory");
strcpy(o_dir, old_dir);
} else {
getcwd(o_dir, MAXPATHLEN);
strcpy(old_dir, o_dir);
} else { /* fmask entry was changed */
strcpy(old_fmask, o_fm);
get_dir(".", o_fm, &d, &n);
FreeNames(dnames, nd);
get_directories(d, n, &dnames, &nd);
UpdateListObj(dirs_obj, dnames, nd);
FreeNames(fnames, nf);
get_filenames(d, n, &fnames, &nf);
UpdateListObj(files_obj, fnames, nf);
if (((o->prev)->obj == (void *) dirs_obj)) {
/* check which button was pressed */
if (ok_button) {
quit = TRUE;
if (cancel_button) {
quit = TRUE;
cancel = TRUE;
case SEL_ESC:
quit = TRUE;
cancel = TRUE;
case KEY_F(1):
case '?':
FreeNames(dnames, nd);
FreeNames(fnames, nf);
if (cancel || (strlen(o_sel) == 0)) {
} else {
ret_name = (char *) malloc( strlen(o_sel) + 1 );
strcpy(ret_name, o_sel);
} /* dialog_fselect() */