Approved by: roberto, delphij Security: VuXML: 0d0f3050-1f69-11e5-9ba9-d050996490d0 Security: http://bugs.ntp.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2853 Security: https://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/668167 Security: http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Main/SecurityNotice#June_2015_NTP_Security_Vulnerabi
This directory contains some DCF77 related programs. They have not yet fully been ported to architectures other than Sun with SunOS 4.x. So if you want to try them you are on your own - a little porting may be necessary. parsetest: simple parse streams module test Works only under SunOS with parse Streams Module loaded and Meinberg-Clocks testdcf: simple DCF77 raw impulse test program via 50Baud RS232 dcfd: simple DCF77 raw impulse receiver with NTP loopfilter mechanics for synchronisation (allows DCF77 synchronisation without network code in a nutshell) Frank Kardel