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.\" Copyright 1992 by the University of Guelph
.\" Permission to use, copy and modify this
.\" software and its documentation for any purpose and without
.\" fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
.\" notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
.\" notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
.\" documentation.
.\" University of Guelph makes no representations about the suitability of
.\" this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
.\" without express or implied warranty.
.\" $FreeBSD$
.Dd December 3, 1997
.Dt MSE 4 i386
.Nm mse
.Nd bus and InPort mice driver
.\" .Cd "options MSE_XXX=N"
.Cd "device mse"
.Pa /boot/device.hints :
.Cd hint.mse.0.at="isa"
.Cd hint.mse.0.port="0x23c"
.Cd hint.mse.0.irq="5"
driver provides support for the bus mouse and the InPort mouse, which
are often collectively called ``bus'' mice, as these mice are sold with
an interface card which needs to be installed in an expansion bus slot.
The interface circuit may come on an integrated I/O card or as an option
on video cards.
The bus and InPort mice have two or three buttons,
and a D-sub 9-pin male connector or a round DIN 9-pin
male connector.
The primary port address of the bus and InPort mouse interface cards
is usually 0x23c.
Some cards may also be set to use the secondary port
address at 0x238.
The interface cards require a single IRQ, which may be
2, 3, 4 or 5.
Some cards may offer additional IRQs.
The port number and the IRQ number are configured by jumpers on the cards
or by software provided with the card.
Frequency, or report rate, at which the device sends movement
and button state reports to the host system, may also be configurable on
some interface cards.
It may be 15, 30, 60 or 120Hz.
The difference between the two types of the mice is not in mouse devices
(in fact they are exactly the same).
But in the circuit on the interface
This means that the device from a bus mouse package can be
connected to the interface card from an InPort mouse package, or vice
versa, provided that their connectors match.
.Ss Operation Levels
driver has two levels of operation.
The current operation level can be set via an ioctl call.
At the level zero the basic support is provided; the device driver will report
horizontal and vertical movement of the attached device
and state of up to three buttons in the format described below.
It is a subset of the MouseSystems protocol.
.Bl -tag -width Byte_1 -compact
.It Byte 1
.Bl -tag -width bit_7 -compact
.It bit 7
Always one.
.It bit 6..3
Always zero.
.It bit 2
Left button status; cleared if pressed, otherwise set.
.It bit 1
Middle button status; cleared if pressed, otherwise set.
Always one,
if the device does not have the middle button.
.It bit 0
Right button status; cleared if pressed, otherwise set.
.It Byte 2
Horizontal movement count in two's compliment; -128 through 127.
.It Byte 3
Vertical movement count in two's compliment; -128 through 127.
.It Byte 4
Always zero.
.It Byte 5
Always zero.
This is the default level of operation and the driver is initially
at this level when opened by the user program.
At the operation level one (extended level), a data packet is encoded
in the standard format
as defined in
.Xr mouse 4 .
.Ss Acceleration
driver can somewhat `accelerate' the movement of the pointing device.
The faster you move the device, the further the pointer
travels on the screen.
The driver has an internal variable which governs the effect of
the acceleration.
Its value can be modified via the driver flag
or via an ioctl call.
.Ss Device Number
The minor device number of the
is made up of:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
minor = (`unit' << 1) | `non-blocking'
where `unit' is the device number (usually 0) and the `non-blocking' bit
is set to indicate ``don't block waiting for mouse input,
return immediately''.
The `non-blocking' bit should be set for \fIXFree86\fP,
therefore the minor device number usually used for \fIXFree86\fP is 1.
for device node names.
.\" .Ss Kernel Configuration Options
.Ss Driver Flags
driver accepts the following driver flag.
Set it in the
kernel configuration file
.Xr config 8 )
or in the User Configuration Menu at
the boot time
.Xr boot 8 ) .
.Bl -tag -width MOUSE
This flag controls the amount of acceleration effect.
The smaller the value of this flag is, more sensitive the movement becomes.
The minimum value allowed, thus the value for the most sensitive setting,
is one.
Setting this flag to zero will completely disables the
acceleration effect.
There are a few
.Xr ioctl 2
commands for mouse drivers.
These commands and related structures and constants are defined in
.In sys/mouse.h .
General description of the commands is given in
.Xr mouse 4 .
This section explains the features specific to the
.Bl -tag -width MOUSE -compact
.It Dv MOUSE_GETLEVEL Ar int *level
.It Dv MOUSE_SETLEVEL Ar int *level
These commands manipulate the operation level of the
.It Dv MOUSE_GETHWINFO Ar mousehw_t *hw
Returns the hardware information of the attached device in the following
Only the
.Dv iftype
field is guaranteed to be filled with the correct value by the current
version of the
.Bd -literal
typedef struct mousehw {
int buttons; /* number of buttons */
int iftype; /* I/F type */
int type; /* mouse/track ball/pad... */
int model; /* I/F dependent model ID */
int hwid; /* I/F dependent hardware ID */
} mousehw_t;
.Dv buttons
field holds the number of buttons on the device.
.Dv iftype
is either
.Dv type
may be
.Dv model
is always
at the operation level 0.
It may be
or one of
constants at higher operation levels.
.Dv hwid
is always 0.
.It Dv MOUSE_GETMODE Ar mousemode_t *mode
The command gets the current operation parameters of the mouse
.Bd -literal
typedef struct mousemode {
int protocol; /* MOUSE_PROTO_XXX */
int rate; /* report rate (per sec), -1 if unknown */
int resolution; /* MOUSE_RES_XXX, -1 if unknown */
int accelfactor; /* acceleration factor */
int level; /* driver operation level */
int packetsize; /* the length of the data packet */
unsigned char syncmask[2]; /* sync. bits */
} mousemode_t;
.Dv protocol
is either
at the operation level zero.
at the operation level one.
.Dv rate
is the status report rate (reports/sec) at which the device will send
movement report to the host computer.
As there is no standard to detect the current setting,
this field is always set to -1.
.Dv resolution
is always set to -1.
.Dv accelfactor
field holds a value to control acceleration feature
.Sx Acceleration ) .
It is zero or greater.
If it is zero, acceleration is disabled.
.Dv packetsize
field specifies the length of the data packet.
It depends on the
operation level.
.Bl -tag -width level_0__ -compact
.It Em level 0
5 bytes
.It Em level 1
8 bytes
The array
.Dv syncmask
holds a bit mask and pattern to detect the first byte of the
data packet.
.Dv syncmask[0]
is the bit mask to be ANDed with a byte.
If the result is equal to
.Dv syncmask[1] ,
the byte is likely to be the first byte of the data packet.
Note that this detection method is not 100% reliable,
thus, should be taken only as an advisory measure.
.Dv level
.Dv accelfactor
are modifiable by the
Changing the other field doesn't cause error, but has no effect.
.It Dv MOUSE_SETMODE Ar mousemode_t *mode
The command changes the current operation parameters of the mouse driver
as specified in
.Ar mode .
.Dv level
.Dv accelfactor
may be modifiable.
Setting values in the other field does not generate
error and has no effect.
.\" .Pp
.\" .It Dv MOUSE_GETVARS Ar mousevar_t *vars
.\" .It Dv MOUSE_SETVARS Ar mousevar_t *vars
.\" These commands are not supported by the
.\" .Nm
.\" driver.
.It Dv MOUSE_READDATA Ar mousedata_t *data
.It Dv MOUSE_READSTATE Ar mousedata_t *state
These commands are not supported by the
.It Dv MOUSE_GETSTATUS Ar mousestatus_t *status
The command returns the current state of buttons and
movement counts as described in
.Xr mouse 4 .
.Bl -tag -width /dev/nmse0 -compact
.It Pa /dev/mse0
`non-blocking' device node in the system without
.Em devfs ,
`blocking' under
.Em devfs .
.It Pa /dev/nmse0
`non-blocking' device node under
.Em devfs .
.Dl "device mse"
.Pa /boot/device.hints :
.Dl hint.mse.0.at="isa"
.Dl hint.mse.0.port="0x23c"
.Dl hint.mse.0.irq="5"
Add the
driver at the primary port address with the IRQ 5.
.Dl "device mse"
.Dl hint.mse.1.at="isa"
.Dl hint.mse.1.port="0x238"
.Dl hint.mse.1.irq="4"
.Dl hint.mse.1.flags="0x30"
Define the
driver at the secondary port address with the IRQ 4 and the acceleration
factor of 3.
Some bus mouse interface cards generate interrupts at the fixed report rate
when enabled, whether or not the mouse state is changing.
The others generate interrupts only when the state is changing.
.Xr ioctl 2 ,
.Xr mouse 4 ,
.Xr psm 4 ,
.Xr sysmouse 4 ,
.Xr moused 8