old code special cased them too early which caused a few differences for these sort of links relative to other PCI links: - They were always re-routed via the BIOS call instead of assuming that they were already routed if the BIOS had programmed the IRQ into a matching device during POST. - If the BIOS did route that link to a different IRQ that was marked as invalid, we trusted the $PIR table rather than the BIOS IRQ. This change moves the special casing for "unique IRQ" links to only take that into account when picking an IRQ for an unrouted link so that these links will now not be routed if the BIOS appears to have routed it already (some BIOSen have problems with that) and so that if the BIOS uses a different IRQ than the $PIR, we trust the BIOS routing instead (this is what we do for all other links as well). Reported by: Bruce Walter walter of fortean com MFC after: 1 week