Ruby - DTracing Ruby

   These scripts trace activity of the Ruby programming language, and
   require the DTrace Ruby provider written by Joyent.

   Currently, the DTrace Ruby provider is a seperate download either in
   patch, source or binary form. Start with the "Ruby DTrace" link on, and after getting a version running, the
   scripts in this directory should work.

   Since the DTrace Ruby provider is under development, there is a chance
   that it has changed slightly by the time you are reading this, causing
   these scripts to either break or behave oddly. Firstly, check for newer
   versions of the DTraceToolkit; if it hasn't been updated and you need
   to use these scripts immediately, then updating them shouldn't take
   too long. The following was the state of the provider when these scripts
   were written - check for changes and update the scripts accordingly,

	provider ruby {
	    probe function-entry(class, method, file, lineno);
	    probe function-return(class, method, file, lineno);
	    probe raise(errinfo, file, lineno);
	    probe rescue(file, lineno);
	    probe line(file, lineno);
	    probe gc-begin();
	    probe gc-end();
	    probe object-create-start(object, file, lineno);
	    probe object-create-done(object, file, lineno);
	    probe object-free(object);