and ANSIfication of much of the source base. Thanks, Bill! Submitted by: patch from Bill Fenner <>
224 lines
5.0 KiB
224 lines
5.0 KiB
* The mrouted program is covered by the license in the accompanying file
* named "LICENSE". Use of the mrouted program represents acceptance of
* the terms and conditions listed in that file.
* The mrouted program is COPYRIGHT 1989 by The Board of Trustees of
* Leland Stanford Junior University.
* $Id: kern.c,v 3.6 1995/06/25 18:57:38 fenner Exp $
#include "defs.h"
void k_set_rcvbuf(bufsize)
int bufsize;
if (setsockopt(igmp_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF,
(char *)&bufsize, sizeof(bufsize)) < 0)
log(LOG_ERR, errno, "setsockopt SO_RCVBUF %u", bufsize);
void k_hdr_include(bool)
int bool;
if (setsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL,
(char *)&bool, sizeof(bool)) < 0)
log(LOG_ERR, errno, "setsockopt IP_HDRINCL %u", bool);
void k_set_ttl(t)
int t;
u_char ttl;
ttl = t;
if (setsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL,
(char *)&ttl, sizeof(ttl)) < 0)
log(LOG_ERR, errno, "setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_TTL %u", ttl);
void k_set_loop(l)
int l;
u_char loop;
loop = l;
if (setsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_LOOP,
(char *)&loop, sizeof(loop)) < 0)
log(LOG_ERR, errno, "setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_LOOP %u", loop);
void k_set_if(ifa)
u_int32 ifa;
struct in_addr adr;
adr.s_addr = ifa;
if (setsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF,
(char *)&adr, sizeof(adr)) < 0)
log(LOG_ERR, errno, "setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_IF %s",
inet_fmt(ifa, s1));
void k_join(grp, ifa)
u_int32 grp;
u_int32 ifa;
struct ip_mreq mreq;
mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = grp;
mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = ifa;
if (setsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,
(char *)&mreq, sizeof(mreq)) < 0)
log(LOG_WARNING, errno, "can't join group %s on interface %s",
inet_fmt(grp, s1), inet_fmt(ifa, s2));
void k_leave(grp, ifa)
u_int32 grp;
u_int32 ifa;
struct ip_mreq mreq;
mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = grp;
mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = ifa;
if (setsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP,
(char *)&mreq, sizeof(mreq)) < 0)
log(LOG_WARNING, errno, "can't leave group %s on interface %s",
inet_fmt(grp, s1), inet_fmt(ifa, s2));
void k_init_dvmrp()
if (setsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, MRT_INIT,
(char *)NULL, 0) < 0)
int v=1;
if (setsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, MRT_INIT,
(char *)&v, sizeof(int)) < 0)
log(LOG_ERR, errno, "can't enable Multicast routing in kernel");
void k_stop_dvmrp()
if (setsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, MRT_DONE,
(char *)NULL, 0) < 0)
log(LOG_WARNING, errno, "can't disable Multicast routing in kernel");
void k_add_vif(vifi, v)
vifi_t vifi;
struct uvif *v;
struct vifctl vc;
vc.vifc_vifi = vifi;
vc.vifc_flags = v->uv_flags & VIFF_KERNEL_FLAGS;
vc.vifc_threshold = v->uv_threshold;
vc.vifc_rate_limit = v->uv_rate_limit;
vc.vifc_lcl_addr.s_addr = v->uv_lcl_addr;
vc.vifc_rmt_addr.s_addr = v->uv_rmt_addr;
if (setsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, MRT_ADD_VIF,
(char *)&vc, sizeof(vc)) < 0)
log(LOG_ERR, errno, "setsockopt MRT_ADD_VIF");
void k_del_vif(vifi)
vifi_t vifi;
if (setsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, MRT_DEL_VIF,
(char *)&vifi, sizeof(vifi)) < 0)
log(LOG_ERR, errno, "setsockopt MRT_DEL_VIF");
* Adds a (source, mcastgrp) entry to the kernel
void k_add_rg(origin, g)
u_int32 origin;
struct gtable *g;
struct mfcctl mc;
int i;
/* copy table values so that setsockopt can process it */
mc.mfcc_origin.s_addr = origin;
mc.mfcc_originmask.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
mc.mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr = g->gt_mcastgrp;
mc.mfcc_parent = g->gt_route ? g->gt_route->rt_parent : NO_VIF;
for (i = 0; i < numvifs; i++)
mc.mfcc_ttls[i] = g->gt_ttls[i];
/* write to kernel space */
if (setsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, MRT_ADD_MFC,
(char *)&mc, sizeof(mc)) < 0)
log(LOG_WARNING, errno, "setsockopt MRT_ADD_MFC");
* Deletes a (source, mcastgrp) entry from the kernel
int k_del_rg(origin, g)
u_int32 origin;
struct gtable *g;
struct mfcctl mc;
int retval;
/* copy table values so that setsockopt can process it */
mc.mfcc_origin.s_addr = origin;
mc.mfcc_originmask.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
mc.mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr = g->gt_mcastgrp;
/* write to kernel space */
if ((retval = setsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, MRT_DEL_MFC,
(char *)&mc, sizeof(mc))) < 0)
log(LOG_WARNING, errno, "setsockopt MRT_DEL_MFC");
return retval;
* Get the kernel's idea of what version of mrouted needs to run with it.
int k_get_version()
int vers;
int len = sizeof(vers);
if (getsockopt(igmp_socket, IPPROTO_IP, MRT_VERSION,
(char *)&vers, &len) < 0)
log(LOG_ERR, errno,
"getsockopt MRT_VERSION: perhaps your kernel is too old");
return vers;