Reviewed by (*): bde (*) alias_local.h only got a cursory glance.
204 lines
7.1 KiB
204 lines
7.1 KiB
* Alias_local.h contains the function prototypes for alias.c,
* alias_db.c, alias_util.c and alias_ftp.c, alias_irc.c (as well
* as any future add-ons). It also includes macros, globals and
* struct definitions shared by more than one alias*.c file.
* This include file is intended to be used only within the aliasing
* software. Outside world interfaces are defined in alias.h
* This software is placed into the public domain with no restrictions
* on its distribution.
* Initial version: August, 1996 (cjm)
* <updated several times by original author and Eivind Eklund>
* $FreeBSD$
#ifndef _ALIAS_LOCAL_H_
#define _ALIAS_LOCAL_H_
/* Macros */
* The following macro is used to update an
* internet checksum. "delta" is a 32-bit
* accumulation of all the changes to the
* checksum (adding in new 16-bit words and
* subtracting out old words), and "cksum"
* is the checksum value to be updated.
#define ADJUST_CHECKSUM(acc, cksum) \
do { \
acc += cksum; \
if (acc < 0) { \
acc = -acc; \
acc = (acc >> 16) + (acc & 0xffff); \
acc += acc >> 16; \
cksum = (u_short) ~acc; \
} else { \
acc = (acc >> 16) + (acc & 0xffff); \
acc += acc >> 16; \
cksum = (u_short) acc; \
} \
} while (0)
/* Globals */
extern int packetAliasMode;
/* Prototypes */
/* General utilities */
u_short IpChecksum(struct ip *_pip);
u_short TcpChecksum(struct ip *_pip);
void DifferentialChecksum(u_short *_cksum, u_short *_new, u_short *_old,
int _n);
/* Internal data access */
struct alias_link *
FindIcmpIn(struct in_addr _dst_addr, struct in_addr _alias_addr,
u_short _id_alias, int _create);
struct alias_link *
FindIcmpOut(struct in_addr _src_addr, struct in_addr _dst_addr,
u_short _id, int _create);
struct alias_link *
FindFragmentIn1(struct in_addr _dst_addr, struct in_addr _alias_addr,
u_short _ip_id);
struct alias_link *
FindFragmentIn2(struct in_addr _dst_addr, struct in_addr _alias_addr,
u_short _ip_id);
struct alias_link *
AddFragmentPtrLink(struct in_addr _dst_addr, u_short _ip_id);
struct alias_link *
FindFragmentPtr(struct in_addr _dst_addr, u_short _ip_id);
struct alias_link *
FindProtoIn(struct in_addr _dst_addr, struct in_addr _alias_addr,
u_char _proto);
struct alias_link *
FindProtoOut(struct in_addr _src_addr, struct in_addr _dst_addr,
u_char _proto);
struct alias_link *
FindUdpTcpIn(struct in_addr _dst_addr, struct in_addr _alias_addr,
u_short _dst_port, u_short _alias_port, u_char _proto, int _create);
struct alias_link *
FindUdpTcpOut(struct in_addr _src_addr, struct in_addr _dst_addr,
u_short _src_port, u_short _dst_port, u_char _proto, int _create);
struct alias_link *
AddPptp(struct in_addr _src_addr, struct in_addr _dst_addr,
struct in_addr _alias_addr, u_int16_t _src_call_id);
struct alias_link *
FindPptpOutByCallId(struct in_addr _src_addr,
struct in_addr _dst_addr, u_int16_t _src_call_id);
struct alias_link *
FindPptpInByCallId(struct in_addr _dst_addr,
struct in_addr _alias_addr, u_int16_t _dst_call_id);
struct alias_link *
FindPptpOutByPeerCallId(struct in_addr _src_addr,
struct in_addr _dst_addr, u_int16_t _dst_call_id);
struct alias_link *
FindPptpInByPeerCallId(struct in_addr _dst_addr,
struct in_addr _alias_addr, u_int16_t _alias_call_id);
struct alias_link *
FindRtspOut(struct in_addr _src_addr, struct in_addr _dst_addr,
u_short _src_port, u_short _alias_port, u_char _proto);
struct in_addr
FindOriginalAddress(struct in_addr _alias_addr);
struct in_addr
FindAliasAddress(struct in_addr _original_addr);
/* External data access/modification */
int FindNewPortGroup(struct in_addr _dst_addr, struct in_addr _alias_addr,
u_short _src_port, u_short _dst_port, u_short _port_count,
u_char _proto, u_char _align);
void GetFragmentAddr(struct alias_link *_link, struct in_addr *_src_addr);
void SetFragmentAddr(struct alias_link *_link, struct in_addr _src_addr);
void GetFragmentPtr(struct alias_link *_link, char **_fptr);
void SetFragmentPtr(struct alias_link *_link, char *fptr);
void SetStateIn(struct alias_link *_link, int _state);
void SetStateOut(struct alias_link *_link, int _state);
int GetStateIn(struct alias_link *_link);
int GetStateOut(struct alias_link *_link);
struct in_addr
GetOriginalAddress(struct alias_link *_link);
struct in_addr
GetDestAddress(struct alias_link *_link);
struct in_addr
GetAliasAddress(struct alias_link *_link);
struct in_addr
void SetDefaultAliasAddress(struct in_addr _alias_addr);
u_short GetOriginalPort(struct alias_link *_link);
u_short GetAliasPort(struct alias_link *_link);
struct in_addr
GetProxyAddress(struct alias_link *_link);
void SetProxyAddress(struct alias_link *_link, struct in_addr _addr);
u_short GetProxyPort(struct alias_link *_link);
void SetProxyPort(struct alias_link *_link, u_short _port);
void SetAckModified(struct alias_link *_link);
int GetAckModified(struct alias_link *_link);
int GetDeltaAckIn(struct ip *_pip, struct alias_link *_link);
int GetDeltaSeqOut(struct ip *_pip, struct alias_link *_link);
void AddSeq(struct ip *_pip, struct alias_link *_link, int _delta);
void SetExpire(struct alias_link *_link, int _expire);
void ClearCheckNewLink(void);
void SetLastLineCrlfTermed(struct alias_link *_link, int _yes);
int GetLastLineCrlfTermed(struct alias_link *_link);
void SetDestCallId(struct alias_link *_link, u_int16_t _cid);
#ifndef NO_FW_PUNCH
void PunchFWHole(struct alias_link *_link);
/* Housekeeping function */
void HouseKeeping(void);
/* Tcp specfic routines */
/* lint -save -library Suppress flexelint warnings */
/* FTP routines */
void AliasHandleFtpOut(struct ip *_pip, struct alias_link *_link,
int _maxpacketsize);
/* IRC routines */
void AliasHandleIrcOut(struct ip *_pip, struct alias_link *_link,
int _maxsize);
/* RTSP routines */
void AliasHandleRtspOut(struct ip *_pip, struct alias_link *_link,
int _maxpacketsize);
/* PPTP routines */
void AliasHandlePptpOut(struct ip *_pip, struct alias_link *_link);
void AliasHandlePptpIn(struct ip *_pip, struct alias_link *_link);
int AliasHandlePptpGreOut(struct ip *_pip);
int AliasHandlePptpGreIn(struct ip *_pip);
/* NetBIOS routines */
int AliasHandleUdpNbt(struct ip *_pip, struct alias_link *_link,
struct in_addr *_alias_address, u_short _alias_port);
int AliasHandleUdpNbtNS(struct ip *_pip, struct alias_link *_link,
struct in_addr *_alias_address, u_short *_alias_port,
struct in_addr *_original_address, u_short *_original_port);
/* CUSeeMe routines */
void AliasHandleCUSeeMeOut(struct ip *_pip, struct alias_link *_link);
void AliasHandleCUSeeMeIn(struct ip *_pip, struct in_addr _original_addr);
/* Transparent proxy routines */
int ProxyCheck(struct ip *_pip, struct in_addr *_proxy_server_addr,
u_short *_proxy_server_port);
void ProxyModify(struct alias_link *_link, struct ip *_pip,
int _maxpacketsize, int _proxy_type);
enum alias_tcp_state {
/*lint -restore */
#endif /* !_ALIAS_LOCAL_H_ */