2003-05-01 13:09:50 +00:00

402 lines
14 KiB

slant 18.49
name HBI
lbpname Swiss-BoldOblique
spacewidth 927
slant 0
ligatures fi fl 0
ha 1110 2 0x4c3 0,94 # asciicircum
ti 1110 0 0x4c4 0,126 # asciitilde
vS 2223 2 0x169 1,176 # Scaron
vZ 2037 2 0x16e 1,206 # Zcaron
vs 1853 2 0x173 1,177 # scaron
vz 1667 2 0x174 1,207 # zcaron
:Y 2223 2 0x16d 1,74 # Ydieresis
tm 3333 2 0x170 4,41 # trademark
aq 793 2 0x27 0,39 # quotesingle
space 927 0 0x20 0,32
! 1110 2 0x21 0,33 # exclam
" 1580 2 0x22 0,34 # quotedbl
dq 1580 2 0x22 0,34 # quotedbl
# 1853 2 0x23 0,35 # numbersign
sh 1853 2 0x23 0,35 # "
$ 1853 2 0x24 0,36 # dollar
Do 1853 2 0x24 0,36 # "
% 2963 2 0x25 0,37 # percent
& 2407 2 0x26 0,38 # ampersand
' 793 2 0x27 0,39 # quoteright
cq 793 2 0x27 0,39 # quoteright
( 1110 2 0x28 0,40 # parenleft
) 1110 2 0x29 0,41 # parenright
* 1297 2 0x2a 0,42 # asterisk
+ 1947 0 0x2b 0,43 # plus
, 927 0 0x2c 0,44 # comma
- 1947 0 0x2d 0,45 # hyphen
hy 1947 0 0x2d 0,45 # "
. 927 0 0x2e 0,46 # period
/ 927 2 0x2f 0,47 # slash
sl 927 2 0x2f 0,47 # "
0 1853 2 0x30 0,48 # zero
1 1853 2 0x31 0,49 # one
2 1853 2 0x32 0,50 # two
3 1853 2 0x33 0,51 # three
4 1853 2 0x34 0,52 # four
5 1853 2 0x35 0,53 # five
6 1853 2 0x36 0,54 # six
7 1853 2 0x37 0,55 # seven
8 1853 2 0x38 0,56 # eight
9 1853 2 0x39 0,57 # nine
: 1110 0 0x3a 0,58 # colon
; 1110 0 0x3b 0,59 # semicolon
< 1947 0 0x3c 0,60 # less
= 1947 0 0x3d 0,61 # equal
> 1947 0 0x3e 0,62 # greater
? 2037 2 0x3f 0,63 # question
@ 3250 2 0x40 0,64 # at
at 3250 2 0x40 0,64 # "
A 2407 2 0x41 0,65 # A
B 2407 2 0x42 0,66 # B
C 2407 2 0x43 0,67 # C
D 2407 2 0x44 0,68 # D
E 2223 2 0x45 0,69 # E
F 2037 2 0x46 0,70 # F
G 2593 2 0x47 0,71 # G
H 2407 2 0x48 0,72 # H
I 927 2 0x49 0,73 # I
J 1853 2 0x4a 0,74 # J
K 2407 2 0x4b 0,75 # K
L 2037 2 0x4c 0,76 # L
M 2777 2 0x4d 0,77 # M
N 2407 2 0x4e 0,78 # N
O 2593 2 0x4f 0,79 # O
P 2223 2 0x50 0,80 # P
Q 2593 2 0x51 0,81 # Q
R 2407 2 0x52 0,82 # R
S 2223 2 0x53 0,83 # S
T 2037 2 0x54 0,84 # T
U 2407 2 0x55 0,85 # U
V 2223 2 0x56 0,86 # V
W 3147 2 0x57 0,87 # W
X 2223 2 0x58 0,88 # X
Y 2223 2 0x59 0,89 # Y
Z 2037 2 0x5a 0,90 # Z
[ 1110 2 0x5b 0,91 # bracketleft
lB 1110 2 0x5b 0,91 # "
\ 927 2 0x5c 0,92 # backslash
rs 927 2 0x5c 0,92 # "
] 1110 2 0x5d 0,93 # bracketright
rB 1110 2 0x5d 0,93 # "
a^ 1110 2 0x5e 0,94 # circumflex
^ 1110 2 0x5e 0,94 # "
_ 1853 0 0x5f 0,95 # underscore
` 1110 2 0x60 0,96 # quoteleft
oq 1110 2 0x60 0,96 # "
a 1853 0 0x61 0,97 # a
b 2037 2 0x62 0,98 # b
c 1853 0 0x63 0,99 # c
d 2037 2 0x64 0,100 # d
e 1853 0 0x65 0,101 # e
f 1110 2 0x66 0,102 # f
g 2037 1 0x67 0,103 # g
h 2037 2 0x68 0,104 # h
i 927 2 0x69 0,105 # i
j 927 2 0x6a 0,106 # j
k 1853 2 0x6b 0,107 # k
l 927 2 0x6c 0,108 # l
m 2963 0 0x6d 0,109 # m
n 2037 0 0x6e 0,110 # n
o 2037 0 0x6f 0,111 # o
p 2037 1 0x70 0,112 # p
q 2037 1 0x71 0,113 # q
r 1297 0 0x72 0,114 # r
s 1853 0 0x73 0,115 # s
t 1110 2 0x74 0,116 # t
u 2037 0 0x75 0,117 # u
v 1853 0 0x76 0,118 # v
w 2593 0 0x77 0,119 # w
x 1853 0 0x78 0,120 # x
y 1853 1 0x79 0,121 # y
z 1667 0 0x7a 0,122 # z
lC 1297 2 0x7b 0,123 # braceleft
{ 1297 2 0x7b 0,123 # "
| 933 2 0x7c 0,124 # "
rC 1297 2 0x7d 0,125 # braceright
} 1297 2 0x7d 0,125 # "
a~ 1110 2 0x7e 0,126 # tilde
~ 1110 2 0x7e 0,126 # "
-D 2407 2 0x13d 1,78 # Eth "Icelandic uppercase eth"
Sd 2037 2 0x148 1,87 # eth "Icelandic lowercase eth"
TP 2223 2 0x13e 1,88 # Thorn "Icelandic uppercase thorn"
Tp 2037 3 0x143 1,89 # thorn "Icelandic lowercase thorn"
AE 3333 2 0x92 1,36 # AE
ae 2963 0 0x91 1,37 # ae
OE 3333 2 0x141 1,166 # OE
oe 3147 0 0x146 1,167 # oe
ij 1830 0 0x150 1,139 # ij "Dutch ij ligature"
ss 2037 2 0x147 1,23 # germandbls
'A 2407 2 0x15a 1,26 # Aacute
'E 2223 2 0x90 1,40 # Eacute
'I 927 2 0x161 1,48 # Iacute
'O 2593 2 0x165 1,58 # Oacute
'U 2407 2 0x16a 1,66 # Uacute
'a 1853 2 0xa0 1,27 # aacute
'e 1853 2 0x82 1,41 # eacute
'i 927 2 0xa1 1,49 # iacute
'o 2037 2 0xa2 1,59 # oacute
'u 2037 2 0x95 1,65 # uacute
:A 2407 2 0x8e 1,30 # Adieresis
:E 2223 2 0x15f 1,44 # Edieresis
:I 927 2 0x163 1,52 # Idieresis
:O 2593 2 0x99 1,62 # Odieresis
:U 2407 2 0x9a 1,70 # Udieresis
:Y 2223 2 0x16d 1,74 # Ydieresis
:a 1853 2 0x84 1,31 # adieresis
:e 1853 2 0x89 1,45 # edieresis
:i 927 2 0x8b 1,53 # idieresis
:o 2037 2 0x94 1,63 # odieresis
:u 2037 2 0x81 1,71 # udieresis
:y 1853 3 0x98 1,75 # ydieresis
^A 2407 2 0x15b 1,28 # Acircumflex
^E 2223 2 0x15e 1,42 # Ecircumflex
^I 927 2 0x162 1,50 # Icircumflex
^O 2593 2 0x166 1,60 # Ocircumflex
^U 2407 2 0x16b 1,68 # Ucircumflex
^a 1853 2 0x83 1,29 # acircumflex
^e 1853 2 0x88 1,43 # ecircumflex
^i 927 2 0x8c 1,51 # icircumflex
^o 2037 2 0x93 1,61 # ocircumflex
^u 2037 2 0x96 1,69 # ucircumflex
`A 2407 2 0x15c 1,32 # Agrave
`E 2223 2 0x160 1,46 # Egrave
`I 927 2 0x164 1,54 # Igrave
`O 2593 2 0x167 1,64 # Ograve
`U 2407 2 0x16c 1,72 # Ugrave
`a 1853 2 0x85 1,33 # agrave
~a 1853 2 0x284 --- # atilde
`e 1853 2 0x8a 1,47 # egrave
`i 927 2 0x8d 1,55 # igrave
`o 2037 2 0x95 1,65 # ograve
`u 2037 2 0x97 1,73 # ugrave
~A 2407 2 0x28e 1,26 # Atilde
~N 2407 2 0xa5 1,56 # Ntilde
~O 2593 2 0x168 1,82 # Otilde
~n 2037 2 0xa4 1,57 # ntilde
~o 2037 2 0x172 1,83 # otilde
vS 2223 2 0x169 1,176 # Scaron
vs 1853 2 0x173 1,177 # scaron
vZ 2037 2 0x16e 1,206 # Zcaron
vz 1667 2 0x174 1,207 # zcaron
,C 2407 2 0x80 1,38 # Ccedilla
,c 1853 0 0x87 1,39 # ccedilla
/L 2037 2 0x13f 1,152 # Lslash "Polish L with a slash"
/l 927 2 0x144 1,153 # lslash "Polish l with a slash"
/O 2593 2 0x140 1,80 # Oslash
/o 2037 0 0x145 1,81 # oslash
oA 2407 2 0x8f 1,34 # Aring
oa 1853 2 0x86 1,35 # aring
a" 1110 2 0x13a 1,16 # hungarumlaut "Hungarian umlaut"
a- 1110 2 0x135 1,8 # macron "macron or bar accent"
a. 1110 2 0x137 1,15 # dotaccent "dot accent"
a^ 1110 2 0x5e 1,3 # circumflex "circumflex accent"
aa 1110 2 0x120 1,6 # acute "acute accent"
ga 1110 2 0x121 1,0 # grave "grave accent"
ab 1110 2 0x136 1,22 # breve "breve accent"
ac 1110 0 0x139 1,17 # cedilla "cedilla accent"
ad 1110 2 0x122 1,7 # dieresis "umlaut or dieresis"
ah 1110 2 0x13c 1,19 # caron "h\('a\(vcek accent"
ao 1110 2 0x138 1,14 # ring "ring or circle accent"
a~ 1110 2 0x7e 1,2 # tilde "tilde accent"
ho 1110 0 0x13b 1,18 # ogonek "hook or ogonek accent"
.i 927 0 0x142 1,239 # dotlessi "i without a dot"
Cs 1853 2 0x12f 4,24 # currency "Scandinavian currency sign"
Do 1853 2 0x24 0,36 # dollar
Po 1853 2 0x9c 4,11 # sterling
Ye 1853 2 0x9d 4,12 # yen
Fn 1853 2 0x9f 4,14 # florin
ct 1853 2 0x9b 4,19 # cent
Fo 1853 0 0xae 4,9 # guillemotleft
Fc 1110 0 0x4bb 4,20 # guillemotright
fo 1110 0 0x127 4,35 # guilsinglleft
fc 1110 0 0x128 4,36 # guilsinglright
r! 1110 1 0xad 4,7 # exclamdown
r? 2037 1 0xa8 4,8 # questiondown
fi 2037 2 0x130 4,54 # fi "fi ligature"
fl 2037 2 0x131 4,55 # fl "fl ligature"
OK 2037 0 0x3d6 --- # \& "check mark, tick"
Of 1233 2 0xa6 4,15 # ordfeminine
Om 1217 2 0xa7 4,16 # ordmasculine
S1 1110 2 0x156 4,78 # onesuperior
S2 1110 2 0xfd 4,20 # twosuperior
S3 1110 2 0x14d 4,26 # threesuperior
<- 3290 0 0x1b 6,22 # arrowleft
-> 3290 0 0x1a 6,21 # arrowright
<> 3473 0 0x1d 6,25 # arrowboth "horizontal double-headed arrow"
da 2010 0 0x19 6,24 # arrowdown
ua 2010 0 0x18 6,23 # arrowup
va 2010 0 0x12 6,26 # \& "vertical double-headed arrow"
lA 2010 0 0x3dc 6,57 # arrowdblleft
rA 2010 0 0x3de 6,56 # arrowdblright
hA 2010 0 0x3db 6,60 # arrowdblboth "horizontal double-headed double arrow"
dA 2010 0 0x3df 6,59 # arrowdbldown
uA 2010 0 0x3dd 6,58 # arrowdblup
ba 3333 2 0xb3 3,9 # bar
bb 933 2 0x7c 0,124 # brokenbar
br 3333 0 0x1db 3,9 # br "box rule with traditional troff metrics"
ru 3333 0 0x123 4,34 # ru "baseline rule"
ul 1853 0 0x5f 0,95 # ul "underline with traditional troff metrics"
bv 3333 0 0x3f4 3,9 # bv "bold vertical"
ci 2843 0 0x9 4,1 # circle
bu 2120 0 0x7 4,0 # bullet
co 2457 2 0x154 4,23 # copyright
rg 2457 2 0x155 4,22 # registered
tm 3333 2 0x170 4,41 # trademark
dd 1853 2 0x12b 4,40 # daggerdbl "double dagger sign"
dg 1853 2 0x12a 4,39 # dagger
ps 1853 2 0x14 4,5 # paragraph
sc 1853 2 0x15 4,6 # section
de 1333 2 0xf8 6,36 # degree
em 3333 0 0x123 4,34 # emdash "em dash"
en 1853 0 0x132 4,33 # endash "en dash"
%0 3333 2 0x129 4,75 # perthousand "per thousand, per mille sign"
12 2780 2 0xab 4,17 # onehalf
14 2780 2 0xac 4,18 # onequarter
34 2780 2 0x12e 4,25 # threequarters
f/ 557 2 0x158 6,6 # fraction "bar for fractions"
fm 557 0 0x3a2 6,45 # minute "footmark, prime"
sd 557 0 0x3b2 6,46 # second
ha 557 2 0x4c3 6,85 # asciicircum "\s-2ASCII\s+2 circumflex, hat, caret"
ti 557 0 0x4c4 6,12 # asciitilde "\s-2ASCII\s0 tilde, large tilde"
hy 1947 0 0x2d 6,0 # hyphen
lB 1110 2 0x5b 0,91 # bracketleft
rB 1110 2 0x5d 0,93 # bracketright
lC 1297 2 0x7b 0,123 # braceleft
rC 1297 2 0x7d 0,125 # braceright
la 1297 0 0x3e1 6,10 # angleleft "left angle bracket"
ra 1297 0 0x3f1 6,11 # angleright "right angle bracket"
Bq 1667 0 0x4b9 4,63 # quotedblbase "low double comma quote"
bq 1667 0 0x4b8 6,62 # quotesinglbase "low single comma quote"
lq 1667 2 0x125 4,32 # quotedblleft
rq 1667 2 0x4ba 6,31 # quotedblright
oq 927 2 0x176 4,29 # quoteleft "single open quote"
aq 793 2 0x27 0,39 # quotesingle "apostrophe quote"
at 3250 2 0x40 0,64 # at
.C1 1947 0 0x2d 0,45 # - minus "minus sign from current font"
sh 1853 2 0x23 0,35 # numbersign
sl 927 2 0x2f 0,47 # slash
rs 927 2 0x5c 0,92 # backslash
3d 927 0 0x35c 6,102 # therefore
tf 927 0 0x35c 6,102 # therefore
*A 927 0 0x341 8,0 # Alpha
*B 927 0 0x342 8,2 # Beta
*C 927 0 0x358 8,28 # Xi
*D 927 0 0x344 8,8 # Delta
*E 927 0 0x345 8,10 # Epsilon
*F 2477 0 0x346 8,44 # Phi
*G 1953 0 0x347 8,6 # Gamma
*H 1953 0 0x351 8,16 # Theta
*I 1953 0 0x349 8,18 # Iota
*K 1953 0 0x34b 8,20 # Kappa
*L 1953 0 0x34c 8,22 # Lambda
*M 1953 0 0x34d 8,24 # Mu
*N 1953 0 0x34e 8,26 # Nu
*O 1953 0 0x34f 8,30 # Omicron
*P 1953 0 0x350 8,32 # Pi
*Q 1953 0 0x359 8,48 # Psi
*R 1953 0 0x352 8,34 # Rho
*S 1953 0 0x353 8,36 # Sigma
*T 1953 0 0x354 8,40 # Tau
*U 1953 0 0x3a1 8,76 # Upsilon
*W 2560 0 0x357 8,50 # Omega
*X 1953 0 0x343 8,36 # Chi
*Y 1953 0 0x348 8,14 # Eta
*Z 1953 0 0x35a 8,12 # Zeta
*a 2027 0 0xe0 8,1 # alpha
*b 2027 0 0xe1 8,3 # beta
*c 2027 0 0x378 8,29 # xi
*d 1980 0 0xeb 8,9 # delta
*e 1980 0 0x36e 8,70 # epsilon
*f 1980 0 0x366 8,45 # phi
+f 1980 0 0x36a 8,77 # phi1 "variant phi"
*g 1980 0 0x367 8,7 # gamma
*h 1977 0 0xe9 8,17 # theta
+h 1977 0 0x375 8,71 # theta1 "variant theta"
*i 1977 0 0x369 8,19 # iota
*k 1977 0 0x36b 8,21 # kappa
*l 1977 0 0x36c 8,23 # lambda
*m 2037 0 0xe6 8,25 # mu
*n 2037 0 0x36e 8,27 # nu
*o 2037 0 0x36f 8,31 # omicron
*p 2143 0 0xe3 8,33 # pi
+p 2143 0 0x376 8,78 # omega1 "variant pi, looking like omega"
*q 2143 0 0x379 8,49 # psi
*r 2143 0 0x372 8,35 # rho
*s 2157 0 0xe5 8,37 # sigma
*t 1503 0 0xe7 8,41 # tau
*u 1503 0 0x375 8,27 # upsilon
*w 1503 0 0x377 8,51 # omega
*x 1503 0 0x363 8,47 # chi
*y 1503 0 0x368 8,15 # eta
*z 1503 0 0x37a 8,13 # zeta
ts 1503 0 0x356 8,39 # sigma1 "terminal sigma"
~~ 2663 0 0xf7 6,13 # approxequal
~= 2663 0 0xf7 6,13 # approxequal
!= 2663 0 0x3b9 6,99 # notequal
** 927 0 0x32a 0,32 # asteriskmath
+- 1947 0 0xf1 6,1 # plusminus
<= 2407 0 0xf3 6,2 # lessequal
== 2407 0 0x3ba 8,14 # equivalence
=~ 2407 0 0x340 8,116 # congruent
>= 2027 0 0x3b3 8,3 # greaterequal
AN 2027 0 0x3d9 8,85 # logicaland
OR 2027 0 0x3da 8,86 # logicalor
no 2027 0 0x3d8 8,20 # logicalnot
te 2027 0 0x324 8,121 # existential "there exists, existential quantifier"
fa 2027 0 0x322 8,122 # universal "for all, universal quantifier"
Ah 2027 0 0x3c0 9,0 # aleph
Im 2027 0 0x3c1 8,21 # Ifraktur "Fraktur I, imaginary"
Re 2027 0 0x3c2 8,22 # Rfraktur "Fraktur R, real"
if 2027 0 0x3a5 8,19 # infinity
md 2027 0 0x3b7 8,32 # dotmath
mo 2027 0 0x3ce 8,15 # element
mu 2027 0 0x3b4 8,39 # multiply
nc 2027 0 0x3cb 8,197 # uni2285
nm 2027 0 0x3cf 8,209 # notelement
pl 1110 0 0x32b 0,93 # plusmath "plus sign in special font"
eq 1947 0 0x33d 0,61 # equalmath "equals sign in special font"
pt 1947 0 0x3b5 6,4 # proportional
pp 1947 0 0x35e 8,89 # perpendicular
sb 1947 0 0x3cc 6,67 # propersubset
sp 1947 0 0x3c9 6,68 # propersuperset
ib 1947 0 0x3cd 6,69 # reflexsubset
ip 1947 0 0x3ca 6,70 # reflexsuperset
ap 1947 0 0x37e 6,12 # similar
pd 1947 0 0x3b6 6,34 # partialdiff "partial differentiation sign"
c* 1947 0 0x3c4 6,80 # circlemultiply "multiply sign in a circle"
c+ 1947 0 0x3c5 6,81 # circleplus "plus sign in a circle"
ca 2620 0 0xef 6,16 # intersection "intersection, cap"
cu 2620 0 0x3c8 6,66 # union "union, cup"
di 1947 0 0x3b8 6,8 # divide "division sign"
-h 3333 0 0xc4 3,8 # hbar
hbar "
gr 3333 0 0x3d1 6,33 # gradient
es 2593 0 0x3c6 0,79 # emptyset
CL 2510 0 0x5 5,168 # club "club suit"
SP 2510 0 0x6 5,171 # spade "spade suit"
HE 2510 0 0x3 5,170 # heart "heart suit"
DI 2510 0 0x4 5,169 # diamond "diamond suit"
CR 2510 0 0x3bf 5,20 # carriagereturn "carriage return symbol"
st 2510 0 0x327 6,71 # suchthat
/_ 2510 0 0x3d0 6,79 # angle
<< 1853 0 0xae 6,77 # "" "much less"
>> 1853 0 0xaf 6,78 # "" "much greater"
wp 1853 0 0x3c3 6,53 # weierstrass "Weierstrass p"
lz 1853 0 0x3e0 6,95 # lozenge
an 3333 0 0x3be 3,8 # arrowhorizex "horizontal arrow extension"
pc 927 0 0xfa 6,32 # periodcentered
mc 2037 0 0xe6 8,25 # mu
t+- 1947 0 0xf1 6,1 # plusminus
tmu 2027 0 0x3b4 8,39 # multiply
tdi 1947 0 0x3b8 6,8 # divide "division sign"
tno 2027 0 0x3d8 8,20 # logicalnot