jhb fd8feeef9c - Use the extend method of list objects to append a new list rather than a
bunch of append calls when adding more ports to an existing list.
- Remove the compatXY packages from disc1 as they are only intended for use
  on 5.x (6.x doesn't have them as dists anymore) and on 5.x they aren't
  packages but are old-fashioned distribution tarballs anyway.
2005-03-21 20:03:56 +00:00

193 lines
6.2 KiB

# This script generates a master INDEX file for the CD images built by the
# FreeBSD release engineers. Each disc is given a list of desired packages.
# Dependencies of these packages are placed on either the same disc or an
# earlier disc. The resulting master INDEX file is then written out.
# Usage: package-split.py <INDEX> <master INDEX>
# $FreeBSD$
import os
import sys
arch = os.environ["PKG_ARCH"]
arch = os.uname()[4]
print "Using arch %s" % (arch)
if 'PKG_VERBOSE' in os.environ:
verbose = 1
verbose = 0
# List of packages for disc1. This just includes packages sysinstall can
# install as a distribution
def disc1_packages():
# 5.x only
pkgs = ['lang/perl5.8']
if arch == 'alpha':
elif arch == 'i386':
return pkgs
# List of packages for disc2. This includes packages that the X desktop
# menu depends on (if it still exists) and other "nice to have" packages.
# For architectures that use a separate livefs, this is actually disc3.
def disc2_packages():
# X Desktops
pkgs = ['x11/kde3',
# "Nice to have"
# Formerly on disc3
if arch == 'i386':
return pkgs
# The list of desired packages
def desired_packages():
disc1 = disc1_packages()
disc2 = disc2_packages()
return [disc1, disc2]
# Suck the entire INDEX file into a two different dictionaries. The first
# dictionary maps port names (origins) to package names. The second
# dictionary maps a package name to a list of its dependent packages.
def load_index(index):
deps = {}
pkgs = {}
line_num = 1
for line in index:
fields = line.split('|')
name = fields[PACKAGE_COL]
if name in deps:
sys.stderr.write('%d: Duplicate package %s\n' % (line_num, name))
origin = fields[ORIGIN_COL].replace('/usr/ports/', '', 1)
if origin in pkgs:
sys.stderr.write('%d: Duplicate port %s\n' % (line_num, origin))
deps[name] = fields[DEPENDS_COL].split()
pkgs[origin] = name
line_num = line_num + 1
return (deps, pkgs)
# Layout the packages on the various CD images. Here's how it works. We walk
# each disc in the list of discs. Within each disc we walk the list of ports.
# For each port, we add the package name to a dictionary with the value being
# the current disc number. We also add all of the dependent packages. If
# a package is already in the dictionary when we go to add it, we just leave
# the dictionary as it is. This means that each package ends up on the first
# disc that either lists it or contains it as a dependency.
def layout_discs(discs, pkgs, deps):
disc_num = 1
layout = {}
for disc in discs:
for port in disc:
if port not in pkgs:
sys.stderr.write('Disc %d: Unable to find package for %s\n' %
(disc_num, port))
pkg = pkgs[port]
pkg_list = [pkg] + deps[pkg]
for pkg in pkg_list:
if pkg not in layout:
if verbose:
print "--> Adding %s to Disc %d" % (pkg, disc_num)
layout[pkg] = disc_num
disc_num = disc_num + 1
return layout
# Generate a master INDEX file based on the generated layout. The way this
# works is that for each INDEX line, we check to see if the package is in the
# layout. If it is, we put that INDEX line into the master INDEX and append
# a new field with the disc number to the line.
def generate_index(index, layout, master_index):
for line in index:
pkg = line.split('|')[PACKAGE_COL]
if pkg in layout:
new_line = '%s|%d\n' % (line.splitlines()[0], layout[pkg])
# Verify the command line arguments
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
sys.stderr.write('Invalid number of arguments\n')
sys.stderr.write('Usage: package-split.py <source INDEX> <master INDEX>\n')
print "Loading %s..." % (sys.argv[1])
index = file(sys.argv[1])
(deps, pkgs) = load_index(index)
discs = desired_packages()
layout = layout_discs(discs, pkgs, deps)
print "Generating %s..." % (sys.argv[2])
master_index = file(sys.argv[2], 'w')
generate_index(index, layout, master_index)