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iperf3 Project News
2014-07-28: iperf-3.0.6 released
| URL: http://downloads.es.net/pub/iperf/iperf-3.0.6.tar.gz
| SHA256: ``3c5909c9b286b6503ffa141a94cfc588915d6e67f2aa732b08df0af73e21938 iperf-3.0.6.tar.gz``
This maintenance release includes the following bug fixes:
* Several problems with the -B option have been fixed. Also, API
calls have been added to libiperf to extend this functionality to
API clients.
* Some portability fixes for OpenBSD and Solaris have been merged from
the mainline.
As always, more details can be found in the ``RELEASE_NOTES`` file in
the source distribution.
2014-06-16: Project documentation on GitHub Pages
iperf3 project documentation can now be found at:
| URL: http://software.es.net/iperf/
This is a GitHub Pages site. In an ongoing series of steps, content
will be migrated from the iperf3 wiki to GitHub Pages.
2014-06-16: iperf-3.0.5 released
| URL: http://downloads.es.net/pub/iperf/iperf-3.0.5.tar.gz
| SHA256: ``e1e1989985b17a4c03b0fa207004ad164b137e37ab0682fecbf5e93bcaa920a6 iperf-3.0.5.tar.gz``
This is the third maintenance release of iperf 3, with few more
enhancements and bug fixes. Highlights:
* A timing issue which caused measurement intervals to be wrong with
TCP tests on lossy networks has been fixed.
* It is now possible to get (most of) the server-side output at
the client by using the ``--get-server-output`` flag.
* A number of bugs with ``--json`` output have been fixed.
A more extensive list of changes can always be found in the
``RELEASE_NOTES`` file in the source distribution.
Note: An iperf-3.0.4 release was planned and tagged, but not
officially released.
2014-06-10: New iperf3 download site
iperf3 downloads are now hosted on a new server at ESnet:
| URL: http://downloads.es.net/pub/iperf/
Going forward, new releases will be made available in this directory.
Older releases will, at least for now, continue to also be available
at the previous location.
2014-03-26: iperf-3.0.3 released
| URL: http://stats.es.net/software/iperf-3.0.3.tar.gz
| SHA256: ``79daf3e5e5c933b2fc4843d6d21c98d741fe39b33ac05bd7a11c50d321a2f59d iperf-3.0.3.tar.gz``
This is the second maintenance release of iperf 3.0, containing a few bug fixes and enhancements, notably:
* The structure of the JSON output is more consistent between the
cases of one stream and multiple streams.
* The example programs once again build correctly.
* A possible buffer overflow related to error output has been fixed.
(This is not believed to be exploitable.)
More information on changes can be found in the ``RELEASE_NOTES``
file in the source distribution.
2014-03-10: iperf-3.0.2 released
| URL: http://stats.es.net/software/iperf-3.0.2.tar.gz
| SHA256: ``3c379360bf40e6ac91dfc508cb43fefafb4739c651d9a8d905a30ec99095b282 iperf-3.0.2.tar.gz``
**Note:** Due to a mistake in the release process, the distribution tarball referred to above is actually not compressed, despite its ``.tar.gz`` extension. Instead it is an uncompressed tar archive. The file checksum is correct, as are the file contents.
This version is a maintenance release that
fixes a number of bugs, many reported by users, adds a few minor
enhancements, and tracks the migration of the iperf3 project to
GitHub. Of particular interest:
* Build / runtime fixes for CentOS 5, MacOS 10.9, and FreeBSD.
* TCP snd_cwnd output on Linux in the default output format.
* libiperf is now built as both a shared and static library; by
default, the iperf3 binary links to the shared library.
More information on changes can be found in the ``RELEASE_NOTES``
file in the source distribution.
2014-02-28: iperf migrated to GitHub
The new project page can be found at:
2014-01-10: iperf-3.0.1 released
| URL: http://stats.es.net/software/iperf-3.0.1.tar.gz
| SHA256: ``32b419ef634dd7670328c3cecc158babf7d706bd4b3d248cf95965528a20e614 iperf-3.0.1.tar.gz``
During development, there were various distributions of the source
code unofficially released carrying a 3.0.0 version number. Because
of the possiblity for confusion, this first public release of iperf3
was numbered 3.0.1.