Daniel Byrne 0ae51a8148 updated
2021-02-03 15:26:32 -05:00

313 lines
7.6 KiB

// -*- c++ -*-
// 1. implement "fixed" generator
// 2. implement discrete generator
// 3. implement combine generator?
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#include "config.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "log.h"
#include "util.h"
// Generator syntax:
// \d+ == fixed
// n[ormal]:mean,sd
// e[xponential]:lambda
// p[areto]:scale,shape
// g[ev]:loc,scale,shape
// fb_value, fb_key, fb_rate
class Generator {
Generator() {}
// Generator(const Generator &g) = delete;
// virtual Generator& operator=(const Generator &g) = delete;
virtual ~Generator() {}
virtual double generate(double U = -1.0) = 0;
virtual void set_lambda(double lambda) {DIE("set_lambda() not implemented");}
std::string type;
class Fixed : public Generator {
Fixed(double _value = 1.0) : value(_value) { D("Fixed(%f)", value); }
virtual double generate(double U = -1.0) { return value; }
virtual void set_lambda(double lambda) {
if (lambda > 0.0) value = 1.0 / lambda;
else value = 0.0;
double value;
class Uniform : public Generator {
Uniform(double _scale) : scale(_scale) { D("Uniform(%f)", scale); }
virtual double generate(double U = -1.0) {
if (U < 0.0) U = drand48();
return scale * U;
virtual void set_lambda(double lambda) {
if (lambda > 0.0) scale = 2.0 / lambda;
else scale = 0.0;
double scale;
class Normal : public Generator {
Normal(double _mean = 1.0, double _sd = 1.0) : mean(_mean), sd(_sd) {
D("Normal(mean=%f, sd=%f)", mean, sd);
virtual double generate(double U = -1.0) {
if (U < 0.0) U = drand48();
double V = U; // drand48();
double N = sqrt(-2 * log(U)) * cos(2 * M_PI * V);
return mean + sd * N;
virtual void set_lambda(double lambda) {
if (lambda > 0.0) mean = 1.0 / lambda;
else mean = 0.0;
double mean, sd;
class Exponential : public Generator {
Exponential(double _lambda = 1.0) : lambda(_lambda) {
D("Exponential(lambda=%f)", lambda);
virtual double generate(double U = -1.0) {
if (lambda <= 0.0) return 0.0;
if (U < 0.0) U = drand48();
return -log(U) / lambda;
virtual void set_lambda(double lambda) { this->lambda = lambda; }
double lambda;
class Zipfian : public Generator {
Zipfian(double _alpha = 1.0, unsigned int _m = 100) :
alpha(_alpha), m(_m) {
int i;
// Compute normalization constant
for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
c = c + (1.0 / pow((double) i, alpha));
c = 1.0 / c;
sum_probs = (double*)malloc((m+1)*sizeof(double));
sum_probs[0] = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
sum_probs[i] = sum_probs[i-1] + c / pow((double) i, alpha);
D("Zipfian(alpha=%f, m=%u)", alpha, m);
virtual double generate() {
double z; // Uniform random number (0 < z < 1)
int zipf_value; // Computed exponential value to be returned
int low, high, mid; // Binary-search bounds
// Pull a uniform random number (0 < z < 1)
z = rand_val(0);
while ((z == 0) || (z == 1));
// Map z to the value
low = 1, high = m, mid = (m/2);
do {
mid = floor((low+high)/2);
if (sum_probs[mid] >= z && sum_probs[mid-1] < z) {
zipf_value = mid;
} else if (sum_probs[mid] >= z) {
high = mid-1;
} else {
low = mid+1;
} while (low <= high);
// Assert that zipf_value is between 1 and M
assert((zipf_value >=1) && (zipf_value <= m));
//= Multiplicative LCG for generating uniform(0.0, 1.0) random numbers =
//= - x_n = 7^5*x_(n-1)mod(2^31 - 1) =
//= - With x seeded to 1 the 10000th x value should be 1043618065 =
//= - From R. Jain, "The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis," =
//= John Wiley & Sons, 1991. (Page 443, Figure 26.2) =
static double rand_val(int seed) {
const long a = 16807; // Multiplier
const long m = 2147483647; // Modulus
const long q = 127773; // m div a
const long r = 2836; // m mod a
static long x; // Random int value
long x_div_q; // x divided by q
long x_mod_q; // x modulo q
long x_new; // New x value
// Set the seed if argument is non-zero and then return zero
if (seed > 0)
x = seed;
// RNG using integer arithmetic
x_div_q = x / q;
x_mod_q = x % q;
x_new = (a * x_mod_q) - (r * x_div_q);
if (x_new > 0)
x = x_new;
x = x_new + m;
// Return a random value between 0.0 and 1.0
return((double) x / m);
double alpha;
double m;
double c;
double *sum_probs; // Pre-calculated sum of probabilities
class GPareto : public Generator {
GPareto(double _loc = 0.0, double _scale = 1.0, double _shape = 1.0) :
loc(_loc), scale(_scale), shape(_shape) {
assert(shape != 0.0);
D("GPareto(loc=%f, scale=%f, shape=%f)", loc, scale, shape);
virtual double generate(double U = -1.0) {
if (U < 0.0) U = drand48();
return loc + scale * (pow(U, -shape) - 1) / shape;
virtual void set_lambda(double lambda) {
if (lambda <= 0.0) scale = 0.0;
else scale = (1 - shape) / lambda - (1 - shape) * loc;
double loc /* mu */;
double scale /* sigma */, shape /* k */;
class GEV : public Generator {
GEV(double _loc = 0.0, double _scale = 1.0, double _shape = 1.0) :
e(1.0), loc(_loc), scale(_scale), shape(_shape) {
assert(shape != 0.0);
D("GEV(loc=%f, scale=%f, shape=%f)", loc, scale, shape);
virtual double generate(double U = -1.0) {
return loc + scale * (pow(e.generate(U), -shape) - 1) / shape;
Exponential e;
double loc /* mu */, scale /* sigma */, shape /* k */;
class Discrete : public Generator {
~Discrete() { delete def; }
Discrete(Generator* _def = NULL) : def(_def) {
if (def == NULL) def = new Fixed(0.0);
virtual double generate(double U = -1.0) {
double Uc = U;
if (pv.size() > 0 && U < 0.0) U = drand48();
double sum = 0;
for (auto p: pv) {
sum += p.first;
if (U < sum) return p.second;
return def->generate(Uc);
void add(double p, double v) {
pv.push_back(std::pair<double,double>(p, v));
Generator *def;
std::vector< std::pair<double,double> > pv;
class KeyGenerator {
KeyGenerator(Generator* _g, double _max = 10000) : g(_g), max(_max) {}
std::string generate(uint64_t ind) {
uint64_t h = fnv_64(ind);
double U = (double) h / ULLONG_MAX;
double G = g->generate(U);
int keylen = MAX(round(G), floor(log10(max)) + 1);
char key[250]; //memcached limit of 255 chars
snprintf(key, keylen, "%lu" , ind);
// D("%d = %s", ind, key);
return std::string(key);
Generator* g;
double max;
Generator* createGenerator(std::string str);
Generator* createFacebookKey();
Generator* createFacebookValue();
Generator* createFacebookIA();
#endif // GENERATOR_H