From 32e5d9b154cbeefa5b444f8360dd33fecf523680 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jasvinder Singh <>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2018 19:31:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] examples/ip_pipeline: add enable and disable commands

Add commands to enable and disable the pipeline on the thread.

Signed-off-by: Cristian Dumitrescu <>
Signed-off-by: Jasvinder Singh <>
Signed-off-by: Fan Zhang <>
 examples/ip_pipeline/cli.c    | 102 ++++++++++++++
 examples/ip_pipeline/thread.c | 256 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 examples/ip_pipeline/thread.h |   8 ++
 3 files changed, 366 insertions(+)

diff --git a/examples/ip_pipeline/cli.c b/examples/ip_pipeline/cli.c
index e96f3a68bc..2032563a90 100644
--- a/examples/ip_pipeline/cli.c
+++ b/examples/ip_pipeline/cli.c
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include "pipeline.h"
 #include "swq.h"
 #include "tap.h"
+#include "thread.h"
 #include "tmgr.h"
@@ -1936,6 +1937,91 @@ cmd_pipeline_port_in_table(char **tokens,
+ * thread <thread_id> pipeline <pipeline_name> enable
+ */
+static void
+cmd_thread_pipeline_enable(char **tokens,
+	uint32_t n_tokens,
+	char *out,
+	size_t out_size)
+	char *pipeline_name;
+	uint32_t thread_id;
+	int status;
+	if (n_tokens != 5) {
+		snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (parser_read_uint32(&thread_id, tokens[1]) != 0) {
+		snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "thread_id");
+		return;
+	}
+	if (strcmp(tokens[2], "pipeline") != 0) {
+		snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "pipeline");
+		return;
+	}
+	pipeline_name = tokens[3];
+	if (strcmp(tokens[4], "enable") != 0) {
+		snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "enable");
+		return;
+	}
+	status = thread_pipeline_enable(thread_id, pipeline_name);
+	if (status) {
+		snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, "thread pipeline enable");
+		return;
+	}
+ * thread <thread_id> pipeline <pipeline_name> disable
+ */
+static void
+cmd_thread_pipeline_disable(char **tokens,
+	uint32_t n_tokens,
+	char *out,
+	size_t out_size)
+	char *pipeline_name;
+	uint32_t thread_id;
+	int status;
+	if (n_tokens != 5) {
+		snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (parser_read_uint32(&thread_id, tokens[1]) != 0) {
+		snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "thread_id");
+		return;
+	}
+	if (strcmp(tokens[2], "pipeline") != 0) {
+		snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "pipeline");
+		return;
+	}
+	pipeline_name = tokens[3];
+	if (strcmp(tokens[4], "disable") != 0) {
+		snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "disable");
+		return;
+	}
+	status = thread_pipeline_disable(thread_id, pipeline_name);
+	if (status) {
+		snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL,
+			"thread pipeline disable");
+		return;
+	}
 cli_process(char *in, char *out, size_t out_size)
@@ -2064,6 +2150,22 @@ cli_process(char *in, char *out, size_t out_size)
+	if (strcmp(tokens[0], "thread") == 0) {
+		if ((n_tokens >= 5) &&
+			(strcmp(tokens[4], "enable") == 0)) {
+			cmd_thread_pipeline_enable(tokens, n_tokens,
+				out, out_size);
+			return;
+		}
+		if ((n_tokens >= 5) &&
+			(strcmp(tokens[4], "disable") == 0)) {
+			cmd_thread_pipeline_disable(tokens, n_tokens,
+				out, out_size);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
 	snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_UNKNOWN, tokens[0]);
diff --git a/examples/ip_pipeline/thread.c b/examples/ip_pipeline/thread.c
index 805a2ae90c..6c555dc6c9 100644
--- a/examples/ip_pipeline/thread.c
+++ b/examples/ip_pipeline/thread.c
@@ -159,17 +159,192 @@ thread_init(void)
  * Master thread & data plane threads: message passing
 enum thread_req_type {
 struct thread_msg_req {
 	enum thread_req_type type;
+	union {
+		struct {
+			struct rte_pipeline *p;
+			struct {
+				struct rte_table_action *a;
+			struct rte_ring *msgq_req;
+			struct rte_ring *msgq_rsp;
+			uint32_t timer_period_ms;
+			uint32_t n_tables;
+		} pipeline_enable;
+		struct {
+			struct rte_pipeline *p;
+		} pipeline_disable;
+	};
 struct thread_msg_rsp {
 	int status;
+ * Master thread
+ */
+static struct thread_msg_req *
+	size_t size = RTE_MAX(sizeof(struct thread_msg_req),
+		sizeof(struct thread_msg_rsp));
+	return calloc(1, size);
+static void
+thread_msg_free(struct thread_msg_rsp *rsp)
+	free(rsp);
+static struct thread_msg_rsp *
+thread_msg_send_recv(uint32_t thread_id,
+	struct thread_msg_req *req)
+	struct thread *t = &thread[thread_id];
+	struct rte_ring *msgq_req = t->msgq_req;
+	struct rte_ring *msgq_rsp = t->msgq_rsp;
+	struct thread_msg_rsp *rsp;
+	int status;
+	/* send */
+	do {
+		status = rte_ring_sp_enqueue(msgq_req, req);
+	} while (status == -ENOBUFS);
+	/* recv */
+	do {
+		status = rte_ring_sc_dequeue(msgq_rsp, (void **) &rsp);
+	} while (status != 0);
+	return rsp;
+thread_pipeline_enable(uint32_t thread_id,
+	const char *pipeline_name)
+	struct pipeline *p = pipeline_find(pipeline_name);
+	struct thread *t;
+	struct thread_msg_req *req;
+	struct thread_msg_rsp *rsp;
+	uint32_t i;
+	int status;
+	/* Check input params */
+	if ((thread_id >= RTE_MAX_LCORE) ||
+		(p == NULL) ||
+		(p->n_ports_in == 0) ||
+		(p->n_ports_out == 0) ||
+		(p->n_tables == 0))
+		return -1;
+	t = &thread[thread_id];
+	if ((t->enabled == 0) ||
+		p->enabled)
+		return -1;
+	/* Allocate request */
+	req = thread_msg_alloc();
+	if (req == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	/* Write request */
+	req->pipeline_enable.p = p->p;
+	for (i = 0; i < p->n_tables; i++)
+		req->pipeline_enable.table[i].a =
+			p->table[i].a;
+	req->pipeline_enable.msgq_req = p->msgq_req;
+	req->pipeline_enable.msgq_rsp = p->msgq_rsp;
+	req->pipeline_enable.timer_period_ms = p->timer_period_ms;
+	req->pipeline_enable.n_tables = p->n_tables;
+	/* Send request and wait for response */
+	rsp = thread_msg_send_recv(thread_id, req);
+	if (rsp == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	/* Read response */
+	status = rsp->status;
+	/* Free response */
+	thread_msg_free(rsp);
+	/* Request completion */
+	if (status)
+		return status;
+	p->thread_id = thread_id;
+	p->enabled = 1;
+	return 0;
+thread_pipeline_disable(uint32_t thread_id,
+	const char *pipeline_name)
+	struct pipeline *p = pipeline_find(pipeline_name);
+	struct thread *t;
+	struct thread_msg_req *req;
+	struct thread_msg_rsp *rsp;
+	int status;
+	/* Check input params */
+	if ((thread_id >= RTE_MAX_LCORE) ||
+		(p == NULL))
+		return -1;
+	t = &thread[thread_id];
+	if (t->enabled == 0)
+		return -1;
+	if (p->enabled == 0)
+		return 0;
+	if (p->thread_id != thread_id)
+		return -1;
+	/* Allocate request */
+	req = thread_msg_alloc();
+	if (req == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	/* Write request */
+	req->pipeline_disable.p = p->p;
+	/* Send request and wait for response */
+	rsp = thread_msg_send_recv(thread_id, req);
+	if (rsp == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	/* Read response */
+	status = rsp->status;
+	/* Free response */
+	thread_msg_free(rsp);
+	/* Request completion */
+	if (status)
+		return status;
+	p->enabled = 0;
+	return 0;
  * Data plane threads: message handling
@@ -197,6 +372,79 @@ thread_msg_send(struct rte_ring *msgq_rsp,
 	} while (status == -ENOBUFS);
+static struct thread_msg_rsp *
+thread_msg_handle_pipeline_enable(struct thread_data *t,
+	struct thread_msg_req *req)
+	struct thread_msg_rsp *rsp = (struct thread_msg_rsp *) req;
+	struct pipeline_data *p = &t->pipeline_data[t->n_pipelines];
+	uint32_t i;
+	/* Request */
+	if (t->n_pipelines >= THREAD_PIPELINES_MAX) {
+		rsp->status = -1;
+		return rsp;
+	}
+	t->p[t->n_pipelines] = req->pipeline_enable.p;
+	p->p = req->pipeline_enable.p;
+	for (i = 0; i < req->pipeline_enable.n_tables; i++)
+		p->table_data[i].a =
+			req->pipeline_enable.table[i].a;
+	p->n_tables = req->pipeline_enable.n_tables;
+	p->msgq_req = req->pipeline_enable.msgq_req;
+	p->msgq_rsp = req->pipeline_enable.msgq_rsp;
+	p->timer_period =
+		(rte_get_tsc_hz() * req->pipeline_enable.timer_period_ms) / 1000;
+	p->time_next = rte_get_tsc_cycles() + p->timer_period;
+	t->n_pipelines++;
+	/* Response */
+	rsp->status = 0;
+	return rsp;
+static struct thread_msg_rsp *
+thread_msg_handle_pipeline_disable(struct thread_data *t,
+	struct thread_msg_req *req)
+	struct thread_msg_rsp *rsp = (struct thread_msg_rsp *) req;
+	uint32_t n_pipelines = t->n_pipelines;
+	struct rte_pipeline *pipeline = req->pipeline_disable.p;
+	uint32_t i;
+	/* find pipeline */
+	for (i = 0; i < n_pipelines; i++) {
+		struct pipeline_data *p = &t->pipeline_data[i];
+		if (p->p != pipeline)
+			continue;
+		if (i < n_pipelines - 1) {
+			struct rte_pipeline *pipeline_last =
+				t->p[n_pipelines - 1];
+			struct pipeline_data *p_last =
+				&t->pipeline_data[n_pipelines - 1];
+			t->p[i] = pipeline_last;
+			memcpy(p, p_last, sizeof(*p));
+		}
+		t->n_pipelines--;
+		rsp->status = 0;
+		return rsp;
+	}
+	/* should not get here */
+	rsp->status = 0;
+	return rsp;
 static void
 thread_msg_handle(struct thread_data *t)
@@ -209,6 +457,14 @@ thread_msg_handle(struct thread_data *t)
 		switch (req->type) {
+			rsp = thread_msg_handle_pipeline_enable(t, req);
+			break;
+			rsp = thread_msg_handle_pipeline_disable(t, req);
+			break;
 			rsp = (struct thread_msg_rsp *) req;
 			rsp->status = -1;
diff --git a/examples/ip_pipeline/thread.h b/examples/ip_pipeline/thread.h
index 47db428806..facdf004eb 100644
--- a/examples/ip_pipeline/thread.h
+++ b/examples/ip_pipeline/thread.h
@@ -7,6 +7,14 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
+thread_pipeline_enable(uint32_t thread_id,
+	const char *pipeline_name);
+thread_pipeline_disable(uint32_t thread_id,
+	const char *pipeline_name);