When ethdev_writer_nodrop port fails to send data, it tries to resend.
Operation is aborted when maximum number of retries is reached.
Signed-off-by: Maciej Gajdzica <maciejx.t.gajdzica@intel.com>
Acked-by: Cristian Dumitrescu <cristian.dumitrescu@intel.com>
The input port ethdev_reader implements the Packet Framework port API
on top of the Intel DPDK poll mode driver for a NIC RX queue.
The output port ethdev_writer implements the Packet Framework port API
on top of the Intel DPDK poll mode driver for a NIC TX queue.
Signed-off-by: Cristian Dumitrescu <cristian.dumitrescu@intel.com>
Acked-by: Pablo de Lara Guarch <pablo.de.lara.guarch@intel.com>
Acked by: Ivan Boule <ivan.boule@6wind.com>