L3 Forwarding sample app user guides have some inconsistencies
between the example command line and the configuration table.
Also, they were showing too complicated configuration, using two
different NUMA nodes for two ports, which will probably lead
to performance drop due to use cross-socket channel.
This patch simplifies the configuration of these examples,
by using a single NUMA node and a single queue per port.
Signed-off-by: Pablo de Lara <pablo.de.lara.guarch@intel.com>
Acked-by: John McNamara <john.mcnamara@intel.com>
MANY references in the sample applications user guide are wrong because
they are hard-coded and section numbers have changed over the time.
This patch changes thoses references to dynamic ones, in this way if
section numbers change the reference get updated automatically.
Signed-off-by: Mauricio Vasquez B <mauricio.vasquezbernal@studenti.polito.it>
The 1.7 DPDK_SampleApp_UG document in MSWord has been converted to rst format for
use with Sphinx. There is an rst file for each chapter and an index.rst file
which contains the table of contents.
The top level index file has been modified to include this guide.
This document contains some png image files. If any of thes png files are modified
they should be replaced with an svg file.
This is the fifth document from a set of 6 documents.
Signed-off-by: Bernard Iremonger <bernard.iremonger@intel.com>