/*- * BSD LICENSE * * Copyright(c) 2010-2013 Tilera Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Tilera Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "testpmd.h" /* hardcoded configuration (for now) */ static unsigned cfg_n_flows = 1024; static uint32_t cfg_ip_src = RTE_IPV4(10, 254, 0, 0); static uint32_t cfg_ip_dst = RTE_IPV4(10, 253, 0, 0); static uint16_t cfg_udp_src = 1000; static uint16_t cfg_udp_dst = 1001; static struct rte_ether_addr cfg_ether_src = {{ 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x00 }}; static struct rte_ether_addr cfg_ether_dst = {{ 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01 }}; #define IP_DEFTTL 64 /* from RFC 1340. */ #define IP_VERSION 0x40 #define IP_HDRLEN 0x05 /* default IP header length == five 32-bits words. */ #define IP_VHL_DEF (IP_VERSION | IP_HDRLEN) static inline uint16_t ip_sum(const unaligned_uint16_t *hdr, int hdr_len) { uint32_t sum = 0; while (hdr_len > 1) { sum += *hdr++; if (sum & 0x80000000) sum = (sum & 0xFFFF) + (sum >> 16); hdr_len -= 2; } while (sum >> 16) sum = (sum & 0xFFFF) + (sum >> 16); return ~sum; } /* * Multi-flow generation mode. * * We originate a bunch of flows (varying destination IP addresses), and * terminate receive traffic. Received traffic is simply discarded, but we * still do so in order to maintain traffic statistics. */ static void pkt_burst_flow_gen(struct fwd_stream *fs) { unsigned pkt_size = tx_pkt_length - 4; /* Adjust FCS */ struct rte_mbuf *pkts_burst[MAX_PKT_BURST]; struct rte_mempool *mbp; struct rte_mbuf *pkt; struct rte_ether_hdr *eth_hdr; struct rte_ipv4_hdr *ip_hdr; struct rte_udp_hdr *udp_hdr; uint16_t vlan_tci, vlan_tci_outer; uint64_t ol_flags = 0; uint16_t nb_rx; uint16_t nb_tx; uint16_t nb_pkt; uint16_t i; uint32_t retry; uint64_t tx_offloads; #ifdef RTE_TEST_PMD_RECORD_CORE_CYCLES uint64_t start_tsc; uint64_t end_tsc; uint64_t core_cycles; #endif static int next_flow = 0; #ifdef RTE_TEST_PMD_RECORD_CORE_CYCLES start_tsc = rte_rdtsc(); #endif /* Receive a burst of packets and discard them. */ nb_rx = rte_eth_rx_burst(fs->rx_port, fs->rx_queue, pkts_burst, nb_pkt_per_burst); fs->rx_packets += nb_rx; for (i = 0; i < nb_rx; i++) rte_pktmbuf_free(pkts_burst[i]); mbp = current_fwd_lcore()->mbp; vlan_tci = ports[fs->tx_port].tx_vlan_id; vlan_tci_outer = ports[fs->tx_port].tx_vlan_id_outer; tx_offloads = ports[fs->tx_port].dev_conf.txmode.offloads; if (tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_INSERT) ol_flags |= PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT; if (tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_QINQ_INSERT) ol_flags |= PKT_TX_QINQ_PKT; if (tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_MACSEC_INSERT) ol_flags |= PKT_TX_MACSEC; for (nb_pkt = 0; nb_pkt < nb_pkt_per_burst; nb_pkt++) { pkt = rte_mbuf_raw_alloc(mbp); if (!pkt) break; pkt->data_len = pkt_size; pkt->next = NULL; /* Initialize Ethernet header. */ eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt, struct rte_ether_hdr *); rte_ether_addr_copy(&cfg_ether_dst, ð_hdr->d_addr); rte_ether_addr_copy(&cfg_ether_src, ð_hdr->s_addr); eth_hdr->ether_type = rte_cpu_to_be_16(RTE_ETHER_TYPE_IPV4); /* Initialize IP header. */ ip_hdr = (struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)(eth_hdr + 1); memset(ip_hdr, 0, sizeof(*ip_hdr)); ip_hdr->version_ihl = IP_VHL_DEF; ip_hdr->type_of_service = 0; ip_hdr->fragment_offset = 0; ip_hdr->time_to_live = IP_DEFTTL; ip_hdr->next_proto_id = IPPROTO_UDP; ip_hdr->packet_id = 0; ip_hdr->src_addr = rte_cpu_to_be_32(cfg_ip_src); ip_hdr->dst_addr = rte_cpu_to_be_32(cfg_ip_dst + next_flow); ip_hdr->total_length = RTE_CPU_TO_BE_16(pkt_size - sizeof(*eth_hdr)); ip_hdr->hdr_checksum = ip_sum((unaligned_uint16_t *)ip_hdr, sizeof(*ip_hdr)); /* Initialize UDP header. */ udp_hdr = (struct rte_udp_hdr *)(ip_hdr + 1); udp_hdr->src_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(cfg_udp_src); udp_hdr->dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(cfg_udp_dst); udp_hdr->dgram_cksum = 0; /* No UDP checksum. */ udp_hdr->dgram_len = RTE_CPU_TO_BE_16(pkt_size - sizeof(*eth_hdr) - sizeof(*ip_hdr)); pkt->nb_segs = 1; pkt->pkt_len = pkt_size; pkt->ol_flags = ol_flags; pkt->vlan_tci = vlan_tci; pkt->vlan_tci_outer = vlan_tci_outer; pkt->l2_len = sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr); pkt->l3_len = sizeof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr); pkts_burst[nb_pkt] = pkt; next_flow = (next_flow + 1) % cfg_n_flows; } nb_tx = rte_eth_tx_burst(fs->tx_port, fs->tx_queue, pkts_burst, nb_pkt); /* * Retry if necessary */ if (unlikely(nb_tx < nb_rx) && fs->retry_enabled) { retry = 0; while (nb_tx < nb_rx && retry++ < burst_tx_retry_num) { rte_delay_us(burst_tx_delay_time); nb_tx += rte_eth_tx_burst(fs->tx_port, fs->tx_queue, &pkts_burst[nb_tx], nb_rx - nb_tx); } } fs->tx_packets += nb_tx; #ifdef RTE_TEST_PMD_RECORD_BURST_STATS fs->tx_burst_stats.pkt_burst_spread[nb_tx]++; #endif if (unlikely(nb_tx < nb_pkt)) { /* Back out the flow counter. */ next_flow -= (nb_pkt - nb_tx); while (next_flow < 0) next_flow += cfg_n_flows; do { rte_pktmbuf_free(pkts_burst[nb_tx]); } while (++nb_tx < nb_pkt); } #ifdef RTE_TEST_PMD_RECORD_CORE_CYCLES end_tsc = rte_rdtsc(); core_cycles = (end_tsc - start_tsc); fs->core_cycles = (uint64_t) (fs->core_cycles + core_cycles); #endif } struct fwd_engine flow_gen_engine = { .fwd_mode_name = "flowgen", .port_fwd_begin = NULL, .port_fwd_end = NULL, .packet_fwd = pkt_burst_flow_gen, };