/*- * BSD LICENSE * * Copyright(c) 2010-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/queue.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <errno.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <rte_common.h> #include <rte_byteorder.h> #include <rte_log.h> #include <rte_memory.h> #include <rte_memcpy.h> #include <rte_memzone.h> #include <rte_eal.h> #include <rte_per_lcore.h> #include <rte_launch.h> #include <rte_atomic.h> #include <rte_cycles.h> #include <rte_prefetch.h> #include <rte_lcore.h> #include <rte_per_lcore.h> #include <rte_branch_prediction.h> #include <rte_interrupts.h> #include <rte_pci.h> #include <rte_random.h> #include <rte_debug.h> #include <rte_ether.h> #include <rte_ethdev.h> #include <rte_mempool.h> #include <rte_mbuf.h> #include <rte_ip.h> #include <rte_tcp.h> #include <rte_udp.h> #include <rte_string_fns.h> #include <rte_acl.h> #if RTE_LOG_LEVEL >= RTE_LOG_DEBUG #define L3FWDACL_DEBUG #endif #define DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS #define RTE_LOGTYPE_L3FWD RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1 #define MAX_JUMBO_PKT_LEN 9600 #define MEMPOOL_CACHE_SIZE 256 /* * This expression is used to calculate the number of mbufs needed * depending on user input, taking into account memory for rx and tx hardware * rings, cache per lcore and mtable per port per lcore. * RTE_MAX is used to ensure that NB_MBUF never goes below a * minimum value of 8192 */ #define NB_MBUF RTE_MAX(\ (nb_ports * nb_rx_queue*RTE_TEST_RX_DESC_DEFAULT + \ nb_ports * nb_lcores * MAX_PKT_BURST + \ nb_ports * n_tx_queue * RTE_TEST_TX_DESC_DEFAULT + \ nb_lcores * MEMPOOL_CACHE_SIZE), \ (unsigned)8192) #define MAX_PKT_BURST 32 #define BURST_TX_DRAIN_US 100 /* TX drain every ~100us */ #define NB_SOCKETS 8 /* Configure how many packets ahead to prefetch, when reading packets */ #define PREFETCH_OFFSET 3 /* * Configurable number of RX/TX ring descriptors */ #define RTE_TEST_RX_DESC_DEFAULT 128 #define RTE_TEST_TX_DESC_DEFAULT 512 static uint16_t nb_rxd = RTE_TEST_RX_DESC_DEFAULT; static uint16_t nb_txd = RTE_TEST_TX_DESC_DEFAULT; /* ethernet addresses of ports */ static struct ether_addr ports_eth_addr[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS]; /* mask of enabled ports */ static uint32_t enabled_port_mask; static int promiscuous_on; /**< Ports set in promiscuous mode off by default. */ static int numa_on = 1; /**< NUMA is enabled by default. */ struct lcore_rx_queue { uint8_t port_id; uint8_t queue_id; } __rte_cache_aligned; #define MAX_RX_QUEUE_PER_LCORE 16 #define MAX_TX_QUEUE_PER_PORT RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS #define MAX_RX_QUEUE_PER_PORT 128 #define MAX_LCORE_PARAMS 1024 struct lcore_params { uint8_t port_id; uint8_t queue_id; uint8_t lcore_id; } __rte_cache_aligned; static struct lcore_params lcore_params_array[MAX_LCORE_PARAMS]; static struct lcore_params lcore_params_array_default[] = { {0, 0, 2}, {0, 1, 2}, {0, 2, 2}, {1, 0, 2}, {1, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 2}, {2, 0, 2}, {3, 0, 3}, {3, 1, 3}, }; static struct lcore_params *lcore_params = lcore_params_array_default; static uint16_t nb_lcore_params = sizeof(lcore_params_array_default) / sizeof(lcore_params_array_default[0]); static struct rte_eth_conf port_conf = { .rxmode = { .mq_mode = ETH_MQ_RX_RSS, .max_rx_pkt_len = ETHER_MAX_LEN, .split_hdr_size = 0, .header_split = 0, /**< Header Split disabled */ .hw_ip_checksum = 1, /**< IP checksum offload enabled */ .hw_vlan_filter = 0, /**< VLAN filtering disabled */ .jumbo_frame = 0, /**< Jumbo Frame Support disabled */ .hw_strip_crc = 0, /**< CRC stripped by hardware */ }, .rx_adv_conf = { .rss_conf = { .rss_key = NULL, .rss_hf = ETH_RSS_IP | ETH_RSS_UDP | ETH_RSS_TCP | ETH_RSS_SCTP, }, }, .txmode = { .mq_mode = ETH_MQ_TX_NONE, }, }; static struct rte_mempool *pktmbuf_pool[NB_SOCKETS]; /***********************start of ACL part******************************/ #ifdef DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS static inline int is_valid_ipv4_pkt(struct ipv4_hdr *pkt, uint32_t link_len); #endif static inline void send_single_packet(struct rte_mbuf *m, uint8_t port); #define MAX_ACL_RULE_NUM 100000 #define DEFAULT_MAX_CATEGORIES 1 #define L3FWD_ACL_IPV4_NAME "l3fwd-acl-ipv4" #define L3FWD_ACL_IPV6_NAME "l3fwd-acl-ipv6" #define ACL_LEAD_CHAR ('@') #define ROUTE_LEAD_CHAR ('R') #define COMMENT_LEAD_CHAR ('#') #define OPTION_CONFIG "config" #define OPTION_NONUMA "no-numa" #define OPTION_ENBJMO "enable-jumbo" #define OPTION_RULE_IPV4 "rule_ipv4" #define OPTION_RULE_IPV6 "rule_ipv6" #define OPTION_SCALAR "scalar" #define ACL_DENY_SIGNATURE 0xf0000000 #define RTE_LOGTYPE_L3FWDACL RTE_LOGTYPE_USER3 #define acl_log(format, ...) RTE_LOG(ERR, L3FWDACL, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define uint32_t_to_char(ip, a, b, c, d) do {\ *a = (unsigned char)(ip >> 24 & 0xff);\ *b = (unsigned char)(ip >> 16 & 0xff);\ *c = (unsigned char)(ip >> 8 & 0xff);\ *d = (unsigned char)(ip & 0xff);\ } while (0) #define OFF_ETHHEAD (sizeof(struct ether_hdr)) #define OFF_IPV42PROTO (offsetof(struct ipv4_hdr, next_proto_id)) #define OFF_IPV62PROTO (offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, proto)) #define MBUF_IPV4_2PROTO(m) \ rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset((m), uint8_t *, OFF_ETHHEAD + OFF_IPV42PROTO) #define MBUF_IPV6_2PROTO(m) \ rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset((m), uint8_t *, OFF_ETHHEAD + OFF_IPV62PROTO) #define GET_CB_FIELD(in, fd, base, lim, dlm) do { \ unsigned long val; \ char *end; \ errno = 0; \ val = strtoul((in), &end, (base)); \ if (errno != 0 || end[0] != (dlm) || val > (lim)) \ return -EINVAL; \ (fd) = (typeof(fd))val; \ (in) = end + 1; \ } while (0) /* * ACL rules should have higher priorities than route ones to ensure ACL rule * always be found when input packets have multi-matches in the database. * A exception case is performance measure, which can define route rules with * higher priority and route rules will always be returned in each lookup. * Reserve range from ACL_RULE_PRIORITY_MAX + 1 to * RTE_ACL_MAX_PRIORITY for route entries in performance measure */ #define ACL_RULE_PRIORITY_MAX 0x10000000 /* * Forward port info save in ACL lib starts from 1 * since ACL assume 0 is invalid. * So, need add 1 when saving and minus 1 when forwarding packets. */ #define FWD_PORT_SHIFT 1 /* * Rule and trace formats definitions. */ enum { PROTO_FIELD_IPV4, SRC_FIELD_IPV4, DST_FIELD_IPV4, SRCP_FIELD_IPV4, DSTP_FIELD_IPV4, NUM_FIELDS_IPV4 }; /* * That effectively defines order of IPV4VLAN classifications: * - PROTO * - VLAN (TAG and DOMAIN) * - SRC IP ADDRESS * - DST IP ADDRESS * - PORTS (SRC and DST) */ enum { RTE_ACL_IPV4VLAN_PROTO, RTE_ACL_IPV4VLAN_VLAN, RTE_ACL_IPV4VLAN_SRC, RTE_ACL_IPV4VLAN_DST, RTE_ACL_IPV4VLAN_PORTS, RTE_ACL_IPV4VLAN_NUM }; struct rte_acl_field_def ipv4_defs[NUM_FIELDS_IPV4] = { { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_BITMASK, .size = sizeof(uint8_t), .field_index = PROTO_FIELD_IPV4, .input_index = RTE_ACL_IPV4VLAN_PROTO, .offset = 0, }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK, .size = sizeof(uint32_t), .field_index = SRC_FIELD_IPV4, .input_index = RTE_ACL_IPV4VLAN_SRC, .offset = offsetof(struct ipv4_hdr, src_addr) - offsetof(struct ipv4_hdr, next_proto_id), }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK, .size = sizeof(uint32_t), .field_index = DST_FIELD_IPV4, .input_index = RTE_ACL_IPV4VLAN_DST, .offset = offsetof(struct ipv4_hdr, dst_addr) - offsetof(struct ipv4_hdr, next_proto_id), }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_RANGE, .size = sizeof(uint16_t), .field_index = SRCP_FIELD_IPV4, .input_index = RTE_ACL_IPV4VLAN_PORTS, .offset = sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr) - offsetof(struct ipv4_hdr, next_proto_id), }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_RANGE, .size = sizeof(uint16_t), .field_index = DSTP_FIELD_IPV4, .input_index = RTE_ACL_IPV4VLAN_PORTS, .offset = sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr) - offsetof(struct ipv4_hdr, next_proto_id) + sizeof(uint16_t), }, }; #define IPV6_ADDR_LEN 16 #define IPV6_ADDR_U16 (IPV6_ADDR_LEN / sizeof(uint16_t)) #define IPV6_ADDR_U32 (IPV6_ADDR_LEN / sizeof(uint32_t)) enum { PROTO_FIELD_IPV6, SRC1_FIELD_IPV6, SRC2_FIELD_IPV6, SRC3_FIELD_IPV6, SRC4_FIELD_IPV6, DST1_FIELD_IPV6, DST2_FIELD_IPV6, DST3_FIELD_IPV6, DST4_FIELD_IPV6, SRCP_FIELD_IPV6, DSTP_FIELD_IPV6, NUM_FIELDS_IPV6 }; struct rte_acl_field_def ipv6_defs[NUM_FIELDS_IPV6] = { { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_BITMASK, .size = sizeof(uint8_t), .field_index = PROTO_FIELD_IPV6, .input_index = PROTO_FIELD_IPV6, .offset = 0, }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK, .size = sizeof(uint32_t), .field_index = SRC1_FIELD_IPV6, .input_index = SRC1_FIELD_IPV6, .offset = offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, src_addr) - offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, proto), }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK, .size = sizeof(uint32_t), .field_index = SRC2_FIELD_IPV6, .input_index = SRC2_FIELD_IPV6, .offset = offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, src_addr) - offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, proto) + sizeof(uint32_t), }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK, .size = sizeof(uint32_t), .field_index = SRC3_FIELD_IPV6, .input_index = SRC3_FIELD_IPV6, .offset = offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, src_addr) - offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, proto) + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t), }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK, .size = sizeof(uint32_t), .field_index = SRC4_FIELD_IPV6, .input_index = SRC4_FIELD_IPV6, .offset = offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, src_addr) - offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, proto) + 3 * sizeof(uint32_t), }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK, .size = sizeof(uint32_t), .field_index = DST1_FIELD_IPV6, .input_index = DST1_FIELD_IPV6, .offset = offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, dst_addr) - offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, proto), }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK, .size = sizeof(uint32_t), .field_index = DST2_FIELD_IPV6, .input_index = DST2_FIELD_IPV6, .offset = offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, dst_addr) - offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, proto) + sizeof(uint32_t), }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK, .size = sizeof(uint32_t), .field_index = DST3_FIELD_IPV6, .input_index = DST3_FIELD_IPV6, .offset = offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, dst_addr) - offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, proto) + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t), }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK, .size = sizeof(uint32_t), .field_index = DST4_FIELD_IPV6, .input_index = DST4_FIELD_IPV6, .offset = offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, dst_addr) - offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, proto) + 3 * sizeof(uint32_t), }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_RANGE, .size = sizeof(uint16_t), .field_index = SRCP_FIELD_IPV6, .input_index = SRCP_FIELD_IPV6, .offset = sizeof(struct ipv6_hdr) - offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, proto), }, { .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_RANGE, .size = sizeof(uint16_t), .field_index = DSTP_FIELD_IPV6, .input_index = SRCP_FIELD_IPV6, .offset = sizeof(struct ipv6_hdr) - offsetof(struct ipv6_hdr, proto) + sizeof(uint16_t), }, }; enum { CB_FLD_SRC_ADDR, CB_FLD_DST_ADDR, CB_FLD_SRC_PORT_LOW, CB_FLD_SRC_PORT_DLM, CB_FLD_SRC_PORT_HIGH, CB_FLD_DST_PORT_LOW, CB_FLD_DST_PORT_DLM, CB_FLD_DST_PORT_HIGH, CB_FLD_PROTO, CB_FLD_USERDATA, CB_FLD_NUM, }; RTE_ACL_RULE_DEF(acl4_rule, RTE_DIM(ipv4_defs)); RTE_ACL_RULE_DEF(acl6_rule, RTE_DIM(ipv6_defs)); struct acl_search_t { const uint8_t *data_ipv4[MAX_PKT_BURST]; struct rte_mbuf *m_ipv4[MAX_PKT_BURST]; uint32_t res_ipv4[MAX_PKT_BURST]; int num_ipv4; const uint8_t *data_ipv6[MAX_PKT_BURST]; struct rte_mbuf *m_ipv6[MAX_PKT_BURST]; uint32_t res_ipv6[MAX_PKT_BURST]; int num_ipv6; }; static struct { char mapped[NB_SOCKETS]; struct rte_acl_ctx *acx_ipv4[NB_SOCKETS]; struct rte_acl_ctx *acx_ipv6[NB_SOCKETS]; #ifdef L3FWDACL_DEBUG struct acl4_rule *rule_ipv4; struct acl6_rule *rule_ipv6; #endif } acl_config; static struct{ const char *rule_ipv4_name; const char *rule_ipv6_name; int scalar; } parm_config; const char cb_port_delim[] = ":"; static inline void print_one_ipv4_rule(struct acl4_rule *rule, int extra) { unsigned char a, b, c, d; uint32_t_to_char(rule->field[SRC_FIELD_IPV4].value.u32, &a, &b, &c, &d); printf("%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu/%u ", a, b, c, d, rule->field[SRC_FIELD_IPV4].mask_range.u32); uint32_t_to_char(rule->field[DST_FIELD_IPV4].value.u32, &a, &b, &c, &d); printf("%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu/%u ", a, b, c, d, rule->field[DST_FIELD_IPV4].mask_range.u32); printf("%hu : %hu %hu : %hu 0x%hhx/0x%hhx ", rule->field[SRCP_FIELD_IPV4].value.u16, rule->field[SRCP_FIELD_IPV4].mask_range.u16, rule->field[DSTP_FIELD_IPV4].value.u16, rule->field[DSTP_FIELD_IPV4].mask_range.u16, rule->field[PROTO_FIELD_IPV4].value.u8, rule->field[PROTO_FIELD_IPV4].mask_range.u8); if (extra) printf("0x%x-0x%x-0x%x ", rule->data.category_mask, rule->data.priority, rule->data.userdata); } static inline void print_one_ipv6_rule(struct acl6_rule *rule, int extra) { unsigned char a, b, c, d; uint32_t_to_char(rule->field[SRC1_FIELD_IPV6].value.u32, &a, &b, &c, &d); printf("%.2x%.2x:%.2x%.2x", a, b, c, d); uint32_t_to_char(rule->field[SRC2_FIELD_IPV6].value.u32, &a, &b, &c, &d); printf(":%.2x%.2x:%.2x%.2x", a, b, c, d); uint32_t_to_char(rule->field[SRC3_FIELD_IPV6].value.u32, &a, &b, &c, &d); printf(":%.2x%.2x:%.2x%.2x", a, b, c, d); uint32_t_to_char(rule->field[SRC4_FIELD_IPV6].value.u32, &a, &b, &c, &d); printf(":%.2x%.2x:%.2x%.2x/%u ", a, b, c, d, rule->field[SRC1_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u32 + rule->field[SRC2_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u32 + rule->field[SRC3_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u32 + rule->field[SRC4_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u32); uint32_t_to_char(rule->field[DST1_FIELD_IPV6].value.u32, &a, &b, &c, &d); printf("%.2x%.2x:%.2x%.2x", a, b, c, d); uint32_t_to_char(rule->field[DST2_FIELD_IPV6].value.u32, &a, &b, &c, &d); printf(":%.2x%.2x:%.2x%.2x", a, b, c, d); uint32_t_to_char(rule->field[DST3_FIELD_IPV6].value.u32, &a, &b, &c, &d); printf(":%.2x%.2x:%.2x%.2x", a, b, c, d); uint32_t_to_char(rule->field[DST4_FIELD_IPV6].value.u32, &a, &b, &c, &d); printf(":%.2x%.2x:%.2x%.2x/%u ", a, b, c, d, rule->field[DST1_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u32 + rule->field[DST2_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u32 + rule->field[DST3_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u32 + rule->field[DST4_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u32); printf("%hu : %hu %hu : %hu 0x%hhx/0x%hhx ", rule->field[SRCP_FIELD_IPV6].value.u16, rule->field[SRCP_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u16, rule->field[DSTP_FIELD_IPV6].value.u16, rule->field[DSTP_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u16, rule->field[PROTO_FIELD_IPV6].value.u8, rule->field[PROTO_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u8); if (extra) printf("0x%x-0x%x-0x%x ", rule->data.category_mask, rule->data.priority, rule->data.userdata); } /* Bypass comment and empty lines */ static inline int is_bypass_line(char *buff) { int i = 0; /* comment line */ if (buff[0] == COMMENT_LEAD_CHAR) return 1; /* empty line */ while (buff[i] != '\0') { if (!isspace(buff[i])) return 0; i++; } return 1; } #ifdef L3FWDACL_DEBUG static inline void dump_acl4_rule(struct rte_mbuf *m, uint32_t sig) { uint32_t offset = sig & ~ACL_DENY_SIGNATURE; unsigned char a, b, c, d; struct ipv4_hdr *ipv4_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m, struct ipv4_hdr *, sizeof(struct ether_hdr)); uint32_t_to_char(rte_bswap32(ipv4_hdr->src_addr), &a, &b, &c, &d); printf("Packet Src:%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu ", a, b, c, d); uint32_t_to_char(rte_bswap32(ipv4_hdr->dst_addr), &a, &b, &c, &d); printf("Dst:%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu ", a, b, c, d); printf("Src port:%hu,Dst port:%hu ", rte_bswap16(*(uint16_t *)(ipv4_hdr + 1)), rte_bswap16(*((uint16_t *)(ipv4_hdr + 1) + 1))); printf("hit ACL %d - ", offset); print_one_ipv4_rule(acl_config.rule_ipv4 + offset, 1); printf("\n\n"); } static inline void dump_acl6_rule(struct rte_mbuf *m, uint32_t sig) { unsigned i; uint32_t offset = sig & ~ACL_DENY_SIGNATURE; struct ipv6_hdr *ipv6_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m, struct ipv6_hdr *, sizeof(struct ether_hdr)); printf("Packet Src"); for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(ipv6_hdr->src_addr); i += sizeof(uint16_t)) printf(":%.2x%.2x", ipv6_hdr->src_addr[i], ipv6_hdr->src_addr[i + 1]); printf("\nDst"); for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(ipv6_hdr->dst_addr); i += sizeof(uint16_t)) printf(":%.2x%.2x", ipv6_hdr->dst_addr[i], ipv6_hdr->dst_addr[i + 1]); printf("\nSrc port:%hu,Dst port:%hu ", rte_bswap16(*(uint16_t *)(ipv6_hdr + 1)), rte_bswap16(*((uint16_t *)(ipv6_hdr + 1) + 1))); printf("hit ACL %d - ", offset); print_one_ipv6_rule(acl_config.rule_ipv6 + offset, 1); printf("\n\n"); } #endif /* L3FWDACL_DEBUG */ static inline void dump_ipv4_rules(struct acl4_rule *rule, int num, int extra) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++, rule++) { printf("\t%d:", i + 1); print_one_ipv4_rule(rule, extra); printf("\n"); } } static inline void dump_ipv6_rules(struct acl6_rule *rule, int num, int extra) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++, rule++) { printf("\t%d:", i + 1); print_one_ipv6_rule(rule, extra); printf("\n"); } } #ifdef DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS static inline void prepare_one_packet(struct rte_mbuf **pkts_in, struct acl_search_t *acl, int index) { struct ipv4_hdr *ipv4_hdr; struct rte_mbuf *pkt = pkts_in[index]; if (RTE_ETH_IS_IPV4_HDR(pkt->packet_type)) { ipv4_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(pkt, struct ipv4_hdr *, sizeof(struct ether_hdr)); /* Check to make sure the packet is valid (RFC1812) */ if (is_valid_ipv4_pkt(ipv4_hdr, pkt->pkt_len) >= 0) { /* Update time to live and header checksum */ --(ipv4_hdr->time_to_live); ++(ipv4_hdr->hdr_checksum); /* Fill acl structure */ acl->data_ipv4[acl->num_ipv4] = MBUF_IPV4_2PROTO(pkt); acl->m_ipv4[(acl->num_ipv4)++] = pkt; } else { /* Not a valid IPv4 packet */ rte_pktmbuf_free(pkt); } } else if (RTE_ETH_IS_IPV6_HDR(pkt->packet_type)) { /* Fill acl structure */ acl->data_ipv6[acl->num_ipv6] = MBUF_IPV6_2PROTO(pkt); acl->m_ipv6[(acl->num_ipv6)++] = pkt; } else { /* Unknown type, drop the packet */ rte_pktmbuf_free(pkt); } } #else static inline void prepare_one_packet(struct rte_mbuf **pkts_in, struct acl_search_t *acl, int index) { struct rte_mbuf *pkt = pkts_in[index]; if (RTE_ETH_IS_IPV4_HDR(pkt->packet_type)) { /* Fill acl structure */ acl->data_ipv4[acl->num_ipv4] = MBUF_IPV4_2PROTO(pkt); acl->m_ipv4[(acl->num_ipv4)++] = pkt; } else if (RTE_ETH_IS_IPV6_HDR(pkt->packet_type)) { /* Fill acl structure */ acl->data_ipv6[acl->num_ipv6] = MBUF_IPV6_2PROTO(pkt); acl->m_ipv6[(acl->num_ipv6)++] = pkt; } else { /* Unknown type, drop the packet */ rte_pktmbuf_free(pkt); } } #endif /* DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS */ static inline void prepare_acl_parameter(struct rte_mbuf **pkts_in, struct acl_search_t *acl, int nb_rx) { int i; acl->num_ipv4 = 0; acl->num_ipv6 = 0; /* Prefetch first packets */ for (i = 0; i < PREFETCH_OFFSET && i < nb_rx; i++) { rte_prefetch0(rte_pktmbuf_mtod( pkts_in[i], void *)); } for (i = 0; i < (nb_rx - PREFETCH_OFFSET); i++) { rte_prefetch0(rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkts_in[ i + PREFETCH_OFFSET], void *)); prepare_one_packet(pkts_in, acl, i); } /* Process left packets */ for (; i < nb_rx; i++) prepare_one_packet(pkts_in, acl, i); } static inline void send_one_packet(struct rte_mbuf *m, uint32_t res) { if (likely((res & ACL_DENY_SIGNATURE) == 0 && res != 0)) { /* forward packets */ send_single_packet(m, (uint8_t)(res - FWD_PORT_SHIFT)); } else{ /* in the ACL list, drop it */ #ifdef L3FWDACL_DEBUG if ((res & ACL_DENY_SIGNATURE) != 0) { if (RTE_ETH_IS_IPV4_HDR(m->packet_type)) dump_acl4_rule(m, res); else if (RTE_ETH_IS_IPV6_HDR(m->packet_type)) dump_acl6_rule(m, res); } #endif rte_pktmbuf_free(m); } } static inline void send_packets(struct rte_mbuf **m, uint32_t *res, int num) { int i; /* Prefetch first packets */ for (i = 0; i < PREFETCH_OFFSET && i < num; i++) { rte_prefetch0(rte_pktmbuf_mtod( m[i], void *)); } for (i = 0; i < (num - PREFETCH_OFFSET); i++) { rte_prefetch0(rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[ i + PREFETCH_OFFSET], void *)); send_one_packet(m[i], res[i]); } /* Process left packets */ for (; i < num; i++) send_one_packet(m[i], res[i]); } /* * Parses IPV6 address, exepcts the following format: * XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX (where X - is a hexedecimal digit). */ static int parse_ipv6_addr(const char *in, const char **end, uint32_t v[IPV6_ADDR_U32], char dlm) { uint32_t addr[IPV6_ADDR_U16]; GET_CB_FIELD(in, addr[0], 16, UINT16_MAX, ':'); GET_CB_FIELD(in, addr[1], 16, UINT16_MAX, ':'); GET_CB_FIELD(in, addr[2], 16, UINT16_MAX, ':'); GET_CB_FIELD(in, addr[3], 16, UINT16_MAX, ':'); GET_CB_FIELD(in, addr[4], 16, UINT16_MAX, ':'); GET_CB_FIELD(in, addr[5], 16, UINT16_MAX, ':'); GET_CB_FIELD(in, addr[6], 16, UINT16_MAX, ':'); GET_CB_FIELD(in, addr[7], 16, UINT16_MAX, dlm); *end = in; v[0] = (addr[0] << 16) + addr[1]; v[1] = (addr[2] << 16) + addr[3]; v[2] = (addr[4] << 16) + addr[5]; v[3] = (addr[6] << 16) + addr[7]; return 0; } static int parse_ipv6_net(const char *in, struct rte_acl_field field[4]) { int32_t rc; const char *mp; uint32_t i, m, v[4]; const uint32_t nbu32 = sizeof(uint32_t) * CHAR_BIT; /* get address. */ rc = parse_ipv6_addr(in, &mp, v, '/'); if (rc != 0) return rc; /* get mask. */ GET_CB_FIELD(mp, m, 0, CHAR_BIT * sizeof(v), 0); /* put all together. */ for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(v); i++) { if (m >= (i + 1) * nbu32) field[i].mask_range.u32 = nbu32; else field[i].mask_range.u32 = m > (i * nbu32) ? m - (i * 32) : 0; field[i].value.u32 = v[i]; } return 0; } static int parse_cb_ipv6_rule(char *str, struct rte_acl_rule *v, int has_userdata) { int i, rc; char *s, *sp, *in[CB_FLD_NUM]; static const char *dlm = " \t\n"; int dim = has_userdata ? CB_FLD_NUM : CB_FLD_USERDATA; s = str; for (i = 0; i != dim; i++, s = NULL) { in[i] = strtok_r(s, dlm, &sp); if (in[i] == NULL) return -EINVAL; } rc = parse_ipv6_net(in[CB_FLD_SRC_ADDR], v->field + SRC1_FIELD_IPV6); if (rc != 0) { acl_log("failed to read source address/mask: %s\n", in[CB_FLD_SRC_ADDR]); return rc; } rc = parse_ipv6_net(in[CB_FLD_DST_ADDR], v->field + DST1_FIELD_IPV6); if (rc != 0) { acl_log("failed to read destination address/mask: %s\n", in[CB_FLD_DST_ADDR]); return rc; } /* source port. */ GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_SRC_PORT_LOW], v->field[SRCP_FIELD_IPV6].value.u16, 0, UINT16_MAX, 0); GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_SRC_PORT_HIGH], v->field[SRCP_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u16, 0, UINT16_MAX, 0); if (strncmp(in[CB_FLD_SRC_PORT_DLM], cb_port_delim, sizeof(cb_port_delim)) != 0) return -EINVAL; /* destination port. */ GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_DST_PORT_LOW], v->field[DSTP_FIELD_IPV6].value.u16, 0, UINT16_MAX, 0); GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_DST_PORT_HIGH], v->field[DSTP_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u16, 0, UINT16_MAX, 0); if (strncmp(in[CB_FLD_DST_PORT_DLM], cb_port_delim, sizeof(cb_port_delim)) != 0) return -EINVAL; if (v->field[SRCP_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u16 < v->field[SRCP_FIELD_IPV6].value.u16 || v->field[DSTP_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u16 < v->field[DSTP_FIELD_IPV6].value.u16) return -EINVAL; GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_PROTO], v->field[PROTO_FIELD_IPV6].value.u8, 0, UINT8_MAX, '/'); GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_PROTO], v->field[PROTO_FIELD_IPV6].mask_range.u8, 0, UINT8_MAX, 0); if (has_userdata) GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_USERDATA], v->data.userdata, 0, UINT32_MAX, 0); return 0; } /* * Parse ClassBench rules file. * Expected format: * '@'<src_ipv4_addr>'/'<masklen> <space> \ * <dst_ipv4_addr>'/'<masklen> <space> \ * <src_port_low> <space> ":" <src_port_high> <space> \ * <dst_port_low> <space> ":" <dst_port_high> <space> \ * <proto>'/'<mask> */ static int parse_ipv4_net(const char *in, uint32_t *addr, uint32_t *mask_len) { uint8_t a, b, c, d, m; GET_CB_FIELD(in, a, 0, UINT8_MAX, '.'); GET_CB_FIELD(in, b, 0, UINT8_MAX, '.'); GET_CB_FIELD(in, c, 0, UINT8_MAX, '.'); GET_CB_FIELD(in, d, 0, UINT8_MAX, '/'); GET_CB_FIELD(in, m, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * CHAR_BIT, 0); addr[0] = IPv4(a, b, c, d); mask_len[0] = m; return 0; } static int parse_cb_ipv4vlan_rule(char *str, struct rte_acl_rule *v, int has_userdata) { int i, rc; char *s, *sp, *in[CB_FLD_NUM]; static const char *dlm = " \t\n"; int dim = has_userdata ? CB_FLD_NUM : CB_FLD_USERDATA; s = str; for (i = 0; i != dim; i++, s = NULL) { in[i] = strtok_r(s, dlm, &sp); if (in[i] == NULL) return -EINVAL; } rc = parse_ipv4_net(in[CB_FLD_SRC_ADDR], &v->field[SRC_FIELD_IPV4].value.u32, &v->field[SRC_FIELD_IPV4].mask_range.u32); if (rc != 0) { acl_log("failed to read source address/mask: %s\n", in[CB_FLD_SRC_ADDR]); return rc; } rc = parse_ipv4_net(in[CB_FLD_DST_ADDR], &v->field[DST_FIELD_IPV4].value.u32, &v->field[DST_FIELD_IPV4].mask_range.u32); if (rc != 0) { acl_log("failed to read destination address/mask: %s\n", in[CB_FLD_DST_ADDR]); return rc; } GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_SRC_PORT_LOW], v->field[SRCP_FIELD_IPV4].value.u16, 0, UINT16_MAX, 0); GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_SRC_PORT_HIGH], v->field[SRCP_FIELD_IPV4].mask_range.u16, 0, UINT16_MAX, 0); if (strncmp(in[CB_FLD_SRC_PORT_DLM], cb_port_delim, sizeof(cb_port_delim)) != 0) return -EINVAL; GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_DST_PORT_LOW], v->field[DSTP_FIELD_IPV4].value.u16, 0, UINT16_MAX, 0); GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_DST_PORT_HIGH], v->field[DSTP_FIELD_IPV4].mask_range.u16, 0, UINT16_MAX, 0); if (strncmp(in[CB_FLD_DST_PORT_DLM], cb_port_delim, sizeof(cb_port_delim)) != 0) return -EINVAL; if (v->field[SRCP_FIELD_IPV4].mask_range.u16 < v->field[SRCP_FIELD_IPV4].value.u16 || v->field[DSTP_FIELD_IPV4].mask_range.u16 < v->field[DSTP_FIELD_IPV4].value.u16) return -EINVAL; GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_PROTO], v->field[PROTO_FIELD_IPV4].value.u8, 0, UINT8_MAX, '/'); GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_PROTO], v->field[PROTO_FIELD_IPV4].mask_range.u8, 0, UINT8_MAX, 0); if (has_userdata) GET_CB_FIELD(in[CB_FLD_USERDATA], v->data.userdata, 0, UINT32_MAX, 0); return 0; } static int add_rules(const char *rule_path, struct rte_acl_rule **proute_base, unsigned int *proute_num, struct rte_acl_rule **pacl_base, unsigned int *pacl_num, uint32_t rule_size, int (*parser)(char *, struct rte_acl_rule*, int)) { uint8_t *acl_rules, *route_rules; struct rte_acl_rule *next; unsigned int acl_num = 0, route_num = 0, total_num = 0; unsigned int acl_cnt = 0, route_cnt = 0; char buff[LINE_MAX]; FILE *fh = fopen(rule_path, "rb"); unsigned int i = 0; if (fh == NULL) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: Open %s failed\n", __func__, rule_path); while ((fgets(buff, LINE_MAX, fh) != NULL)) { if (buff[0] == ROUTE_LEAD_CHAR) route_num++; else if (buff[0] == ACL_LEAD_CHAR) acl_num++; } if (0 == route_num) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Not find any route entries in %s!\n", rule_path); fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); acl_rules = calloc(acl_num, rule_size); if (NULL == acl_rules) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: failed to malloc memory\n", __func__); route_rules = calloc(route_num, rule_size); if (NULL == route_rules) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: failed to malloc memory\n", __func__); i = 0; while (fgets(buff, LINE_MAX, fh) != NULL) { i++; if (is_bypass_line(buff)) continue; char s = buff[0]; /* Route entry */ if (s == ROUTE_LEAD_CHAR) next = (struct rte_acl_rule *)(route_rules + route_cnt * rule_size); /* ACL entry */ else if (s == ACL_LEAD_CHAR) next = (struct rte_acl_rule *)(acl_rules + acl_cnt * rule_size); /* Illegal line */ else rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s Line %u: should start with leading " "char %c or %c\n", rule_path, i, ROUTE_LEAD_CHAR, ACL_LEAD_CHAR); if (parser(buff + 1, next, s == ROUTE_LEAD_CHAR) != 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s Line %u: parse rules error\n", rule_path, i); if (s == ROUTE_LEAD_CHAR) { /* Check the forwarding port number */ if ((enabled_port_mask & (1 << next->data.userdata)) == 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s Line %u: fwd number illegal:%u\n", rule_path, i, next->data.userdata); next->data.userdata += FWD_PORT_SHIFT; route_cnt++; } else { next->data.userdata = ACL_DENY_SIGNATURE + acl_cnt; acl_cnt++; } next->data.priority = RTE_ACL_MAX_PRIORITY - total_num; next->data.category_mask = -1; total_num++; } fclose(fh); *pacl_base = (struct rte_acl_rule *)acl_rules; *pacl_num = acl_num; *proute_base = (struct rte_acl_rule *)route_rules; *proute_num = route_cnt; return 0; } static void dump_acl_config(void) { printf("ACL option are:\n"); printf(OPTION_RULE_IPV4": %s\n", parm_config.rule_ipv4_name); printf(OPTION_RULE_IPV6": %s\n", parm_config.rule_ipv6_name); printf(OPTION_SCALAR": %d\n", parm_config.scalar); } static int check_acl_config(void) { if (parm_config.rule_ipv4_name == NULL) { acl_log("ACL IPv4 rule file not specified\n"); return -1; } else if (parm_config.rule_ipv6_name == NULL) { acl_log("ACL IPv6 rule file not specified\n"); return -1; } return 0; } static struct rte_acl_ctx* setup_acl(struct rte_acl_rule *route_base, struct rte_acl_rule *acl_base, unsigned int route_num, unsigned int acl_num, int ipv6, int socketid) { char name[PATH_MAX]; struct rte_acl_param acl_param; struct rte_acl_config acl_build_param; struct rte_acl_ctx *context; int dim = ipv6 ? RTE_DIM(ipv6_defs) : RTE_DIM(ipv4_defs); /* Create ACL contexts */ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s%d", ipv6 ? L3FWD_ACL_IPV6_NAME : L3FWD_ACL_IPV4_NAME, socketid); acl_param.name = name; acl_param.socket_id = socketid; acl_param.rule_size = RTE_ACL_RULE_SZ(dim); acl_param.max_rule_num = MAX_ACL_RULE_NUM; if ((context = rte_acl_create(&acl_param)) == NULL) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to create ACL context\n"); if (parm_config.scalar && rte_acl_set_ctx_classify(context, RTE_ACL_CLASSIFY_SCALAR) != 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to setup classify method for ACL context\n"); if (rte_acl_add_rules(context, route_base, route_num) < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "add rules failed\n"); if (rte_acl_add_rules(context, acl_base, acl_num) < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "add rules failed\n"); /* Perform builds */ memset(&acl_build_param, 0, sizeof(acl_build_param)); acl_build_param.num_categories = DEFAULT_MAX_CATEGORIES; acl_build_param.num_fields = dim; memcpy(&acl_build_param.defs, ipv6 ? ipv6_defs : ipv4_defs, ipv6 ? sizeof(ipv6_defs) : sizeof(ipv4_defs)); if (rte_acl_build(context, &acl_build_param) != 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to build ACL trie\n"); rte_acl_dump(context); return context; } static int app_acl_init(void) { unsigned lcore_id; unsigned int i; int socketid; struct rte_acl_rule *acl_base_ipv4, *route_base_ipv4, *acl_base_ipv6, *route_base_ipv6; unsigned int acl_num_ipv4 = 0, route_num_ipv4 = 0, acl_num_ipv6 = 0, route_num_ipv6 = 0; if (check_acl_config() != 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to get valid ACL options\n"); dump_acl_config(); /* Load rules from the input file */ if (add_rules(parm_config.rule_ipv4_name, &route_base_ipv4, &route_num_ipv4, &acl_base_ipv4, &acl_num_ipv4, sizeof(struct acl4_rule), &parse_cb_ipv4vlan_rule) < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to add rules\n"); acl_log("IPv4 Route entries %u:\n", route_num_ipv4); dump_ipv4_rules((struct acl4_rule *)route_base_ipv4, route_num_ipv4, 1); acl_log("IPv4 ACL entries %u:\n", acl_num_ipv4); dump_ipv4_rules((struct acl4_rule *)acl_base_ipv4, acl_num_ipv4, 1); if (add_rules(parm_config.rule_ipv6_name, &route_base_ipv6, &route_num_ipv6, &acl_base_ipv6, &acl_num_ipv6, sizeof(struct acl6_rule), &parse_cb_ipv6_rule) < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to add rules\n"); acl_log("IPv6 Route entries %u:\n", route_num_ipv6); dump_ipv6_rules((struct acl6_rule *)route_base_ipv6, route_num_ipv6, 1); acl_log("IPv6 ACL entries %u:\n", acl_num_ipv6); dump_ipv6_rules((struct acl6_rule *)acl_base_ipv6, acl_num_ipv6, 1); memset(&acl_config, 0, sizeof(acl_config)); /* Check sockets a context should be created on */ if (!numa_on) acl_config.mapped[0] = 1; else { for (lcore_id = 0; lcore_id < RTE_MAX_LCORE; lcore_id++) { if (rte_lcore_is_enabled(lcore_id) == 0) continue; socketid = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore_id); if (socketid >= NB_SOCKETS) { acl_log("Socket %d of lcore %u is out " "of range %d\n", socketid, lcore_id, NB_SOCKETS); free(route_base_ipv4); free(route_base_ipv6); free(acl_base_ipv4); free(acl_base_ipv6); return -1; } acl_config.mapped[socketid] = 1; } } for (i = 0; i < NB_SOCKETS; i++) { if (acl_config.mapped[i]) { acl_config.acx_ipv4[i] = setup_acl(route_base_ipv4, acl_base_ipv4, route_num_ipv4, acl_num_ipv4, 0, i); acl_config.acx_ipv6[i] = setup_acl(route_base_ipv6, acl_base_ipv6, route_num_ipv6, acl_num_ipv6, 1, i); } } free(route_base_ipv4); free(route_base_ipv6); #ifdef L3FWDACL_DEBUG acl_config.rule_ipv4 = (struct acl4_rule *)acl_base_ipv4; acl_config.rule_ipv6 = (struct acl6_rule *)acl_base_ipv6; #else free(acl_base_ipv4); free(acl_base_ipv6); #endif return 0; } /***********************end of ACL part******************************/ struct lcore_conf { uint16_t n_rx_queue; struct lcore_rx_queue rx_queue_list[MAX_RX_QUEUE_PER_LCORE]; uint16_t n_tx_port; uint16_t tx_port_id[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS]; uint16_t tx_queue_id[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS]; struct rte_eth_dev_tx_buffer *tx_buffer[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS]; } __rte_cache_aligned; static struct lcore_conf lcore_conf[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; /* Enqueue a single packet, and send burst if queue is filled */ static inline void send_single_packet(struct rte_mbuf *m, uint8_t port) { uint32_t lcore_id; struct lcore_conf *qconf; lcore_id = rte_lcore_id(); qconf = &lcore_conf[lcore_id]; rte_eth_tx_buffer(port, qconf->tx_queue_id[port], qconf->tx_buffer[port], m); } #ifdef DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS static inline int is_valid_ipv4_pkt(struct ipv4_hdr *pkt, uint32_t link_len) { /* From http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1812.txt section 5.2.2 */ /* * 1. The packet length reported by the Link Layer must be large * enough to hold the minimum length legal IP datagram (20 bytes). */ if (link_len < sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr)) return -1; /* 2. The IP checksum must be correct. */ /* this is checked in H/W */ /* * 3. The IP version number must be 4. If the version number is not 4 * then the packet may be another version of IP, such as IPng or * ST-II. */ if (((pkt->version_ihl) >> 4) != 4) return -3; /* * 4. The IP header length field must be large enough to hold the * minimum length legal IP datagram (20 bytes = 5 words). */ if ((pkt->version_ihl & 0xf) < 5) return -4; /* * 5. The IP total length field must be large enough to hold the IP * datagram header, whose length is specified in the IP header length * field. */ if (rte_cpu_to_be_16(pkt->total_length) < sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr)) return -5; return 0; } #endif /* main processing loop */ static int main_loop(__attribute__((unused)) void *dummy) { struct rte_mbuf *pkts_burst[MAX_PKT_BURST]; unsigned lcore_id; uint64_t prev_tsc, diff_tsc, cur_tsc; int i, nb_rx; uint8_t portid, queueid; struct lcore_conf *qconf; int socketid; const uint64_t drain_tsc = (rte_get_tsc_hz() + US_PER_S - 1) / US_PER_S * BURST_TX_DRAIN_US; prev_tsc = 0; lcore_id = rte_lcore_id(); qconf = &lcore_conf[lcore_id]; socketid = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore_id); if (qconf->n_rx_queue == 0) { RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD, "lcore %u has nothing to do\n", lcore_id); return 0; } RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD, "entering main loop on lcore %u\n", lcore_id); for (i = 0; i < qconf->n_rx_queue; i++) { portid = qconf->rx_queue_list[i].port_id; queueid = qconf->rx_queue_list[i].queue_id; RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD, " -- lcoreid=%u portid=%hhu rxqueueid=%hhu\n", lcore_id, portid, queueid); } while (1) { cur_tsc = rte_rdtsc(); /* * TX burst queue drain */ diff_tsc = cur_tsc - prev_tsc; if (unlikely(diff_tsc > drain_tsc)) { for (i = 0; i < qconf->n_tx_port; ++i) { portid = qconf->tx_port_id[i]; rte_eth_tx_buffer_flush(portid, qconf->tx_queue_id[portid], qconf->tx_buffer[portid]); } prev_tsc = cur_tsc; } /* * Read packet from RX queues */ for (i = 0; i < qconf->n_rx_queue; ++i) { portid = qconf->rx_queue_list[i].port_id; queueid = qconf->rx_queue_list[i].queue_id; nb_rx = rte_eth_rx_burst(portid, queueid, pkts_burst, MAX_PKT_BURST); if (nb_rx > 0) { struct acl_search_t acl_search; prepare_acl_parameter(pkts_burst, &acl_search, nb_rx); if (acl_search.num_ipv4) { rte_acl_classify( acl_config.acx_ipv4[socketid], acl_search.data_ipv4, acl_search.res_ipv4, acl_search.num_ipv4, DEFAULT_MAX_CATEGORIES); send_packets(acl_search.m_ipv4, acl_search.res_ipv4, acl_search.num_ipv4); } if (acl_search.num_ipv6) { rte_acl_classify( acl_config.acx_ipv6[socketid], acl_search.data_ipv6, acl_search.res_ipv6, acl_search.num_ipv6, DEFAULT_MAX_CATEGORIES); send_packets(acl_search.m_ipv6, acl_search.res_ipv6, acl_search.num_ipv6); } } } } } static int check_lcore_params(void) { uint8_t queue, lcore; uint16_t i; int socketid; for (i = 0; i < nb_lcore_params; ++i) { queue = lcore_params[i].queue_id; if (queue >= MAX_RX_QUEUE_PER_PORT) { printf("invalid queue number: %hhu\n", queue); return -1; } lcore = lcore_params[i].lcore_id; if (!rte_lcore_is_enabled(lcore)) { printf("error: lcore %hhu is not enabled in " "lcore mask\n", lcore); return -1; } socketid = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore); if (socketid != 0 && numa_on == 0) { printf("warning: lcore %hhu is on socket %d " "with numa off\n", lcore, socketid); } } return 0; } static int check_port_config(const unsigned nb_ports) { unsigned portid; uint16_t i; for (i = 0; i < nb_lcore_params; ++i) { portid = lcore_params[i].port_id; if ((enabled_port_mask & (1 << portid)) == 0) { printf("port %u is not enabled in port mask\n", portid); return -1; } if (portid >= nb_ports) { printf("port %u is not present on the board\n", portid); return -1; } } return 0; } static uint8_t get_port_n_rx_queues(const uint8_t port) { int queue = -1; uint16_t i; for (i = 0; i < nb_lcore_params; ++i) { if (lcore_params[i].port_id == port && lcore_params[i].queue_id > queue) queue = lcore_params[i].queue_id; } return (uint8_t)(++queue); } static int init_lcore_rx_queues(void) { uint16_t i, nb_rx_queue; uint8_t lcore; for (i = 0; i < nb_lcore_params; ++i) { lcore = lcore_params[i].lcore_id; nb_rx_queue = lcore_conf[lcore].n_rx_queue; if (nb_rx_queue >= MAX_RX_QUEUE_PER_LCORE) { printf("error: too many queues (%u) for lcore: %u\n", (unsigned)nb_rx_queue + 1, (unsigned)lcore); return -1; } else { lcore_conf[lcore].rx_queue_list[nb_rx_queue].port_id = lcore_params[i].port_id; lcore_conf[lcore].rx_queue_list[nb_rx_queue].queue_id = lcore_params[i].queue_id; lcore_conf[lcore].n_rx_queue++; } } return 0; } /* display usage */ static void print_usage(const char *prgname) { printf("%s [EAL options] -- -p PORTMASK -P" "--"OPTION_RULE_IPV4"=FILE" "--"OPTION_RULE_IPV6"=FILE" " [--"OPTION_CONFIG" (port,queue,lcore)[,(port,queue,lcore]]" " [--"OPTION_ENBJMO" [--max-pkt-len PKTLEN]]\n" " -p PORTMASK: hexadecimal bitmask of ports to configure\n" " -P : enable promiscuous mode\n" " --"OPTION_CONFIG": (port,queue,lcore): " "rx queues configuration\n" " --"OPTION_NONUMA": optional, disable numa awareness\n" " --"OPTION_ENBJMO": enable jumbo frame" " which max packet len is PKTLEN in decimal (64-9600)\n" " --"OPTION_RULE_IPV4"=FILE: specify the ipv4 rules entries " "file. " "Each rule occupy one line. " "2 kinds of rules are supported. " "One is ACL entry at while line leads with character '%c', " "another is route entry at while line leads with " "character '%c'.\n" " --"OPTION_RULE_IPV6"=FILE: specify the ipv6 rules " "entries file.\n" " --"OPTION_SCALAR": Use scalar function to do lookup\n", prgname, ACL_LEAD_CHAR, ROUTE_LEAD_CHAR); } static int parse_max_pkt_len(const char *pktlen) { char *end = NULL; unsigned long len; /* parse decimal string */ len = strtoul(pktlen, &end, 10); if ((pktlen[0] == '\0') || (end == NULL) || (*end != '\0')) return -1; if (len == 0) return -1; return len; } static int parse_portmask(const char *portmask) { char *end = NULL; unsigned long pm; /* parse hexadecimal string */ pm = strtoul(portmask, &end, 16); if ((portmask[0] == '\0') || (end == NULL) || (*end != '\0')) return -1; if (pm == 0) return -1; return pm; } static int parse_config(const char *q_arg) { char s[256]; const char *p, *p0 = q_arg; char *end; enum fieldnames { FLD_PORT = 0, FLD_QUEUE, FLD_LCORE, _NUM_FLD }; unsigned long int_fld[_NUM_FLD]; char *str_fld[_NUM_FLD]; int i; unsigned size; nb_lcore_params = 0; while ((p = strchr(p0, '(')) != NULL) { ++p; if ((p0 = strchr(p, ')')) == NULL) return -1; size = p0 - p; if (size >= sizeof(s)) return -1; snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%.*s", size, p); if (rte_strsplit(s, sizeof(s), str_fld, _NUM_FLD, ',') != _NUM_FLD) return -1; for (i = 0; i < _NUM_FLD; i++) { errno = 0; int_fld[i] = strtoul(str_fld[i], &end, 0); if (errno != 0 || end == str_fld[i] || int_fld[i] > 255) return -1; } if (nb_lcore_params >= MAX_LCORE_PARAMS) { printf("exceeded max number of lcore params: %hu\n", nb_lcore_params); return -1; } lcore_params_array[nb_lcore_params].port_id = (uint8_t)int_fld[FLD_PORT]; lcore_params_array[nb_lcore_params].queue_id = (uint8_t)int_fld[FLD_QUEUE]; lcore_params_array[nb_lcore_params].lcore_id = (uint8_t)int_fld[FLD_LCORE]; ++nb_lcore_params; } lcore_params = lcore_params_array; return 0; } /* Parse the argument given in the command line of the application */ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv) { int opt, ret; char **argvopt; int option_index; char *prgname = argv[0]; static struct option lgopts[] = { {OPTION_CONFIG, 1, 0, 0}, {OPTION_NONUMA, 0, 0, 0}, {OPTION_ENBJMO, 0, 0, 0}, {OPTION_RULE_IPV4, 1, 0, 0}, {OPTION_RULE_IPV6, 1, 0, 0}, {OPTION_SCALAR, 0, 0, 0}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; argvopt = argv; while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argvopt, "p:P", lgopts, &option_index)) != EOF) { switch (opt) { /* portmask */ case 'p': enabled_port_mask = parse_portmask(optarg); if (enabled_port_mask == 0) { printf("invalid portmask\n"); print_usage(prgname); return -1; } break; case 'P': printf("Promiscuous mode selected\n"); promiscuous_on = 1; break; /* long options */ case 0: if (!strncmp(lgopts[option_index].name, OPTION_CONFIG, sizeof(OPTION_CONFIG))) { ret = parse_config(optarg); if (ret) { printf("invalid config\n"); print_usage(prgname); return -1; } } if (!strncmp(lgopts[option_index].name, OPTION_NONUMA, sizeof(OPTION_NONUMA))) { printf("numa is disabled\n"); numa_on = 0; } if (!strncmp(lgopts[option_index].name, OPTION_ENBJMO, sizeof(OPTION_ENBJMO))) { struct option lenopts = { "max-pkt-len", required_argument, 0, 0 }; printf("jumbo frame is enabled\n"); port_conf.rxmode.jumbo_frame = 1; /* * if no max-pkt-len set, then use the * default value ETHER_MAX_LEN */ if (0 == getopt_long(argc, argvopt, "", &lenopts, &option_index)) { ret = parse_max_pkt_len(optarg); if ((ret < 64) || (ret > MAX_JUMBO_PKT_LEN)) { printf("invalid packet " "length\n"); print_usage(prgname); return -1; } port_conf.rxmode.max_rx_pkt_len = ret; } printf("set jumbo frame max packet length " "to %u\n", (unsigned int) port_conf.rxmode.max_rx_pkt_len); } if (!strncmp(lgopts[option_index].name, OPTION_RULE_IPV4, sizeof(OPTION_RULE_IPV4))) parm_config.rule_ipv4_name = optarg; if (!strncmp(lgopts[option_index].name, OPTION_RULE_IPV6, sizeof(OPTION_RULE_IPV6))) { parm_config.rule_ipv6_name = optarg; } if (!strncmp(lgopts[option_index].name, OPTION_SCALAR, sizeof(OPTION_SCALAR))) parm_config.scalar = 1; break; default: print_usage(prgname); return -1; } } if (optind >= 0) argv[optind-1] = prgname; ret = optind-1; optind = 1; /* reset getopt lib */ return ret; } static void print_ethaddr(const char *name, const struct ether_addr *eth_addr) { char buf[ETHER_ADDR_FMT_SIZE]; ether_format_addr(buf, ETHER_ADDR_FMT_SIZE, eth_addr); printf("%s%s", name, buf); } static int init_mem(unsigned nb_mbuf) { int socketid; unsigned lcore_id; char s[64]; for (lcore_id = 0; lcore_id < RTE_MAX_LCORE; lcore_id++) { if (rte_lcore_is_enabled(lcore_id) == 0) continue; if (numa_on) socketid = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore_id); else socketid = 0; if (socketid >= NB_SOCKETS) { rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Socket %d of lcore %u is out of range %d\n", socketid, lcore_id, NB_SOCKETS); } if (pktmbuf_pool[socketid] == NULL) { snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "mbuf_pool_%d", socketid); pktmbuf_pool[socketid] = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create(s, nb_mbuf, MEMPOOL_CACHE_SIZE, 0, RTE_MBUF_DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE, socketid); if (pktmbuf_pool[socketid] == NULL) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot init mbuf pool on socket %d\n", socketid); else printf("Allocated mbuf pool on socket %d\n", socketid); } } return 0; } /* Check the link status of all ports in up to 9s, and print them finally */ static void check_all_ports_link_status(uint8_t port_num, uint32_t port_mask) { #define CHECK_INTERVAL 100 /* 100ms */ #define MAX_CHECK_TIME 90 /* 9s (90 * 100ms) in total */ uint8_t portid, count, all_ports_up, print_flag = 0; struct rte_eth_link link; printf("\nChecking link status"); fflush(stdout); for (count = 0; count <= MAX_CHECK_TIME; count++) { all_ports_up = 1; for (portid = 0; portid < port_num; portid++) { if ((port_mask & (1 << portid)) == 0) continue; memset(&link, 0, sizeof(link)); rte_eth_link_get_nowait(portid, &link); /* print link status if flag set */ if (print_flag == 1) { if (link.link_status) printf("Port %d Link Up - speed %u " "Mbps - %s\n", (uint8_t)portid, (unsigned)link.link_speed, (link.link_duplex == ETH_LINK_FULL_DUPLEX) ? ("full-duplex") : ("half-duplex\n")); else printf("Port %d Link Down\n", (uint8_t)portid); continue; } /* clear all_ports_up flag if any link down */ if (link.link_status == ETH_LINK_DOWN) { all_ports_up = 0; break; } } /* after finally printing all link status, get out */ if (print_flag == 1) break; if (all_ports_up == 0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); rte_delay_ms(CHECK_INTERVAL); } /* set the print_flag if all ports up or timeout */ if (all_ports_up == 1 || count == (MAX_CHECK_TIME - 1)) { print_flag = 1; printf("done\n"); } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct lcore_conf *qconf; struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info; struct rte_eth_txconf *txconf; int ret; unsigned nb_ports; uint16_t queueid; unsigned lcore_id; uint32_t n_tx_queue, nb_lcores; uint8_t portid, nb_rx_queue, queue, socketid; /* init EAL */ ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argv); if (ret < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid EAL parameters\n"); argc -= ret; argv += ret; /* parse application arguments (after the EAL ones) */ ret = parse_args(argc, argv); if (ret < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid L3FWD parameters\n"); if (check_lcore_params() < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "check_lcore_params failed\n"); ret = init_lcore_rx_queues(); if (ret < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "init_lcore_rx_queues failed\n"); nb_ports = rte_eth_dev_count(); if (check_port_config(nb_ports) < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "check_port_config failed\n"); /* Add ACL rules and route entries, build trie */ if (app_acl_init() < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "app_acl_init failed\n"); nb_lcores = rte_lcore_count(); /* initialize all ports */ for (portid = 0; portid < nb_ports; portid++) { /* skip ports that are not enabled */ if ((enabled_port_mask & (1 << portid)) == 0) { printf("\nSkipping disabled port %d\n", portid); continue; } /* init port */ printf("Initializing port %d ... ", portid); fflush(stdout); nb_rx_queue = get_port_n_rx_queues(portid); n_tx_queue = nb_lcores; if (n_tx_queue > MAX_TX_QUEUE_PER_PORT) n_tx_queue = MAX_TX_QUEUE_PER_PORT; printf("Creating queues: nb_rxq=%d nb_txq=%u... ", nb_rx_queue, (unsigned)n_tx_queue); ret = rte_eth_dev_configure(portid, nb_rx_queue, (uint16_t)n_tx_queue, &port_conf); if (ret < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot configure device: err=%d, port=%d\n", ret, portid); rte_eth_macaddr_get(portid, &ports_eth_addr[portid]); print_ethaddr(" Address:", &ports_eth_addr[portid]); printf(", "); /* init memory */ ret = init_mem(NB_MBUF); if (ret < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "init_mem failed\n"); for (lcore_id = 0; lcore_id < RTE_MAX_LCORE; lcore_id++) { if (rte_lcore_is_enabled(lcore_id) == 0) continue; /* Initialize TX buffers */ qconf = &lcore_conf[lcore_id]; qconf->tx_buffer[portid] = rte_zmalloc_socket("tx_buffer", RTE_ETH_TX_BUFFER_SIZE(MAX_PKT_BURST), 0, rte_eth_dev_socket_id(portid)); if (qconf->tx_buffer[portid] == NULL) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Can't allocate tx buffer for port %u\n", (unsigned) portid); rte_eth_tx_buffer_init(qconf->tx_buffer[portid], MAX_PKT_BURST); } /* init one TX queue per couple (lcore,port) */ queueid = 0; for (lcore_id = 0; lcore_id < RTE_MAX_LCORE; lcore_id++) { if (rte_lcore_is_enabled(lcore_id) == 0) continue; if (numa_on) socketid = (uint8_t) rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore_id); else socketid = 0; printf("txq=%u,%d,%d ", lcore_id, queueid, socketid); fflush(stdout); rte_eth_dev_info_get(portid, &dev_info); txconf = &dev_info.default_txconf; if (port_conf.rxmode.jumbo_frame) txconf->txq_flags = 0; ret = rte_eth_tx_queue_setup(portid, queueid, nb_txd, socketid, txconf); if (ret < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "rte_eth_tx_queue_setup: err=%d, " "port=%d\n", ret, portid); qconf = &lcore_conf[lcore_id]; qconf->tx_queue_id[portid] = queueid; queueid++; qconf->tx_port_id[qconf->n_tx_port] = portid; qconf->n_tx_port++; } printf("\n"); } for (lcore_id = 0; lcore_id < RTE_MAX_LCORE; lcore_id++) { if (rte_lcore_is_enabled(lcore_id) == 0) continue; qconf = &lcore_conf[lcore_id]; printf("\nInitializing rx queues on lcore %u ... ", lcore_id); fflush(stdout); /* init RX queues */ for (queue = 0; queue < qconf->n_rx_queue; ++queue) { portid = qconf->rx_queue_list[queue].port_id; queueid = qconf->rx_queue_list[queue].queue_id; if (numa_on) socketid = (uint8_t) rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore_id); else socketid = 0; printf("rxq=%d,%d,%d ", portid, queueid, socketid); fflush(stdout); ret = rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(portid, queueid, nb_rxd, socketid, NULL, pktmbuf_pool[socketid]); if (ret < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "rte_eth_rx_queue_setup: err=%d," "port=%d\n", ret, portid); } } printf("\n"); /* start ports */ for (portid = 0; portid < nb_ports; portid++) { if ((enabled_port_mask & (1 << portid)) == 0) continue; /* Start device */ ret = rte_eth_dev_start(portid); if (ret < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "rte_eth_dev_start: err=%d, port=%d\n", ret, portid); /* * If enabled, put device in promiscuous mode. * This allows IO forwarding mode to forward packets * to itself through 2 cross-connected ports of the * target machine. */ if (promiscuous_on) rte_eth_promiscuous_enable(portid); } check_all_ports_link_status((uint8_t)nb_ports, enabled_port_mask); /* launch per-lcore init on every lcore */ rte_eal_mp_remote_launch(main_loop, NULL, CALL_MASTER); RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_SLAVE(lcore_id) { if (rte_eal_wait_lcore(lcore_id) < 0) return -1; } return 0; }