/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #ifdef RTE_EXEC_ENV_LINUX #include <linux/if.h> #include <linux/if_tun.h> #endif #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <rte_mempool.h> #include <rte_mbuf.h> #include <rte_ethdev.h> #include <rte_swx_port_ethdev.h> #include <rte_swx_port_fd.h> #include <rte_swx_port_ring.h> #include <rte_swx_port_source_sink.h> #include <rte_swx_table_em.h> #include <rte_swx_table_wm.h> #include <rte_swx_pipeline.h> #include <rte_swx_ctl.h> #include "obj.h" /* * mempool */ TAILQ_HEAD(mempool_list, mempool); /* * link */ TAILQ_HEAD(link_list, link); /* * ring */ TAILQ_HEAD(ring_list, ring); /* * tap */ TAILQ_HEAD(tap_list, tap); /* * pipeline */ TAILQ_HEAD(pipeline_list, pipeline); /* * obj */ struct obj { struct mempool_list mempool_list; struct link_list link_list; struct ring_list ring_list; struct pipeline_list pipeline_list; struct tap_list tap_list; }; /* * mempool */ #define BUFFER_SIZE_MIN (sizeof(struct rte_mbuf) + RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM) struct mempool * mempool_create(struct obj *obj, const char *name, struct mempool_params *params) { struct mempool *mempool; struct rte_mempool *m; /* Check input params */ if ((name == NULL) || mempool_find(obj, name) || (params == NULL) || (params->buffer_size < BUFFER_SIZE_MIN) || (params->pool_size == 0)) return NULL; /* Resource create */ m = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create( name, params->pool_size, params->cache_size, 0, params->buffer_size - sizeof(struct rte_mbuf), params->cpu_id); if (m == NULL) return NULL; /* Node allocation */ mempool = calloc(1, sizeof(struct mempool)); if (mempool == NULL) { rte_mempool_free(m); return NULL; } /* Node fill in */ strlcpy(mempool->name, name, sizeof(mempool->name)); mempool->m = m; mempool->buffer_size = params->buffer_size; /* Node add to list */ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&obj->mempool_list, mempool, node); return mempool; } struct mempool * mempool_find(struct obj *obj, const char *name) { struct mempool *mempool; if (!obj || !name) return NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH(mempool, &obj->mempool_list, node) if (strcmp(mempool->name, name) == 0) return mempool; return NULL; } /* * link */ static struct rte_eth_conf port_conf_default = { .link_speeds = 0, .rxmode = { .mq_mode = RTE_ETH_MQ_RX_NONE, .mtu = 9000 - (RTE_ETHER_HDR_LEN + RTE_ETHER_CRC_LEN), /* Jumbo frame MTU */ .split_hdr_size = 0, /* Header split buffer size */ }, .rx_adv_conf = { .rss_conf = { .rss_key = NULL, .rss_key_len = 40, .rss_hf = 0, }, }, .txmode = { .mq_mode = RTE_ETH_MQ_TX_NONE, }, .lpbk_mode = 0, }; #define RETA_CONF_SIZE (RTE_ETH_RSS_RETA_SIZE_512 / RTE_ETH_RETA_GROUP_SIZE) static int rss_setup(uint16_t port_id, uint16_t reta_size, struct link_params_rss *rss) { struct rte_eth_rss_reta_entry64 reta_conf[RETA_CONF_SIZE]; uint32_t i; int status; /* RETA setting */ memset(reta_conf, 0, sizeof(reta_conf)); for (i = 0; i < reta_size; i++) reta_conf[i / RTE_ETH_RETA_GROUP_SIZE].mask = UINT64_MAX; for (i = 0; i < reta_size; i++) { uint32_t reta_id = i / RTE_ETH_RETA_GROUP_SIZE; uint32_t reta_pos = i % RTE_ETH_RETA_GROUP_SIZE; uint32_t rss_qs_pos = i % rss->n_queues; reta_conf[reta_id].reta[reta_pos] = (uint16_t) rss->queue_id[rss_qs_pos]; } /* RETA update */ status = rte_eth_dev_rss_reta_update(port_id, reta_conf, reta_size); return status; } struct link * link_create(struct obj *obj, const char *name, struct link_params *params) { struct rte_eth_dev_info port_info; struct rte_eth_conf port_conf; struct link *link; struct link_params_rss *rss; struct mempool *mempool; uint32_t cpu_id, i; int status; uint16_t port_id; /* Check input params */ if ((name == NULL) || link_find(obj, name) || (params == NULL) || (params->rx.n_queues == 0) || (params->rx.queue_size == 0) || (params->tx.n_queues == 0) || (params->tx.queue_size == 0)) return NULL; port_id = params->port_id; if (params->dev_name) { status = rte_eth_dev_get_port_by_name(params->dev_name, &port_id); if (status) return NULL; } else if (!rte_eth_dev_is_valid_port(port_id)) return NULL; if (rte_eth_dev_info_get(port_id, &port_info) != 0) return NULL; mempool = mempool_find(obj, params->rx.mempool_name); if (mempool == NULL) return NULL; rss = params->rx.rss; if (rss) { if ((port_info.reta_size == 0) || (port_info.reta_size > RTE_ETH_RSS_RETA_SIZE_512)) return NULL; if ((rss->n_queues == 0) || (rss->n_queues >= LINK_RXQ_RSS_MAX)) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < rss->n_queues; i++) if (rss->queue_id[i] >= port_info.max_rx_queues) return NULL; } /** * Resource create */ /* Port */ memcpy(&port_conf, &port_conf_default, sizeof(port_conf)); if (rss) { port_conf.rxmode.mq_mode = RTE_ETH_MQ_RX_RSS; port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf = (RTE_ETH_RSS_IP | RTE_ETH_RSS_TCP | RTE_ETH_RSS_UDP) & port_info.flow_type_rss_offloads; } cpu_id = (uint32_t) rte_eth_dev_socket_id(port_id); if (cpu_id == (uint32_t) SOCKET_ID_ANY) cpu_id = 0; status = rte_eth_dev_configure( port_id, params->rx.n_queues, params->tx.n_queues, &port_conf); if (status < 0) return NULL; if (params->promiscuous) { status = rte_eth_promiscuous_enable(port_id); if (status != 0) return NULL; } /* Port RX */ for (i = 0; i < params->rx.n_queues; i++) { status = rte_eth_rx_queue_setup( port_id, i, params->rx.queue_size, cpu_id, NULL, mempool->m); if (status < 0) return NULL; } /* Port TX */ for (i = 0; i < params->tx.n_queues; i++) { status = rte_eth_tx_queue_setup( port_id, i, params->tx.queue_size, cpu_id, NULL); if (status < 0) return NULL; } /* Port start */ status = rte_eth_dev_start(port_id); if (status < 0) return NULL; if (rss) { status = rss_setup(port_id, port_info.reta_size, rss); if (status) { rte_eth_dev_stop(port_id); return NULL; } } /* Port link up */ status = rte_eth_dev_set_link_up(port_id); if ((status < 0) && (status != -ENOTSUP)) { rte_eth_dev_stop(port_id); return NULL; } /* Node allocation */ link = calloc(1, sizeof(struct link)); if (link == NULL) { rte_eth_dev_stop(port_id); return NULL; } /* Node fill in */ strlcpy(link->name, name, sizeof(link->name)); link->port_id = port_id; rte_eth_dev_get_name_by_port(port_id, link->dev_name); link->n_rxq = params->rx.n_queues; link->n_txq = params->tx.n_queues; /* Node add to list */ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&obj->link_list, link, node); return link; } int link_is_up(struct obj *obj, const char *name) { struct rte_eth_link link_params; struct link *link; /* Check input params */ if (!obj || !name) return 0; link = link_find(obj, name); if (link == NULL) return 0; /* Resource */ if (rte_eth_link_get(link->port_id, &link_params) < 0) return 0; return (link_params.link_status == RTE_ETH_LINK_DOWN) ? 0 : 1; } struct link * link_find(struct obj *obj, const char *name) { struct link *link; if (!obj || !name) return NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH(link, &obj->link_list, node) if (strcmp(link->name, name) == 0) return link; return NULL; } struct link * link_next(struct obj *obj, struct link *link) { return (link == NULL) ? TAILQ_FIRST(&obj->link_list) : TAILQ_NEXT(link, node); } /* * ring */ struct ring * ring_create(struct obj *obj, const char *name, struct ring_params *params) { struct ring *ring; struct rte_ring *r; unsigned int flags = RING_F_SP_ENQ | RING_F_SC_DEQ; /* Check input params */ if (!name || ring_find(obj, name) || !params || !params->size) return NULL; /** * Resource create */ r = rte_ring_create( name, params->size, params->numa_node, flags); if (!r) return NULL; /* Node allocation */ ring = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ring)); if (!ring) { rte_ring_free(r); return NULL; } /* Node fill in */ strlcpy(ring->name, name, sizeof(ring->name)); /* Node add to list */ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&obj->ring_list, ring, node); return ring; } struct ring * ring_find(struct obj *obj, const char *name) { struct ring *ring; if (!obj || !name) return NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH(ring, &obj->ring_list, node) if (strcmp(ring->name, name) == 0) return ring; return NULL; } /* * tap */ #define TAP_DEV "/dev/net/tun" struct tap * tap_find(struct obj *obj, const char *name) { struct tap *tap; if (!obj || !name) return NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH(tap, &obj->tap_list, node) if (strcmp(tap->name, name) == 0) return tap; return NULL; } struct tap * tap_next(struct obj *obj, struct tap *tap) { return (tap == NULL) ? TAILQ_FIRST(&obj->tap_list) : TAILQ_NEXT(tap, node); } #ifndef RTE_EXEC_ENV_LINUX struct tap * tap_create(struct obj *obj __rte_unused, const char *name __rte_unused) { return NULL; } #else struct tap * tap_create(struct obj *obj, const char *name) { struct tap *tap; struct ifreq ifr; int fd, status; /* Check input params */ if ((name == NULL) || tap_find(obj, name)) return NULL; /* Resource create */ fd = open(TAP_DEV, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); if (fd < 0) return NULL; memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI; /* No packet information */ strlcpy(ifr.ifr_name, name, IFNAMSIZ); status = ioctl(fd, TUNSETIFF, (void *) &ifr); if (status < 0) { close(fd); return NULL; } /* Node allocation */ tap = calloc(1, sizeof(struct tap)); if (tap == NULL) { close(fd); return NULL; } /* Node fill in */ strlcpy(tap->name, name, sizeof(tap->name)); tap->fd = fd; /* Node add to list */ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&obj->tap_list, tap, node); return tap; } #endif /* * pipeline */ #ifndef PIPELINE_MSGQ_SIZE #define PIPELINE_MSGQ_SIZE 64 #endif struct pipeline * pipeline_create(struct obj *obj, const char *name, int numa_node) { struct pipeline *pipeline; struct rte_swx_pipeline *p = NULL; int status; /* Check input params */ if ((name == NULL) || pipeline_find(obj, name)) return NULL; /* Resource create */ status = rte_swx_pipeline_config(&p, numa_node); if (status) goto error; status = rte_swx_pipeline_port_in_type_register(p, "ethdev", &rte_swx_port_ethdev_reader_ops); if (status) goto error; status = rte_swx_pipeline_port_out_type_register(p, "ethdev", &rte_swx_port_ethdev_writer_ops); if (status) goto error; status = rte_swx_pipeline_port_in_type_register(p, "ring", &rte_swx_port_ring_reader_ops); if (status) goto error; status = rte_swx_pipeline_port_out_type_register(p, "ring", &rte_swx_port_ring_writer_ops); if (status) goto error; #ifdef RTE_PORT_PCAP status = rte_swx_pipeline_port_in_type_register(p, "source", &rte_swx_port_source_ops); if (status) goto error; #endif status = rte_swx_pipeline_port_out_type_register(p, "sink", &rte_swx_port_sink_ops); if (status) goto error; status = rte_swx_pipeline_port_in_type_register(p, "fd", &rte_swx_port_fd_reader_ops); if (status) goto error; status = rte_swx_pipeline_port_out_type_register(p, "fd", &rte_swx_port_fd_writer_ops); if (status) goto error; status = rte_swx_pipeline_table_type_register(p, "exact", RTE_SWX_TABLE_MATCH_EXACT, &rte_swx_table_exact_match_ops); if (status) goto error; status = rte_swx_pipeline_table_type_register(p, "wildcard", RTE_SWX_TABLE_MATCH_WILDCARD, &rte_swx_table_wildcard_match_ops); if (status) goto error; /* Node allocation */ pipeline = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pipeline)); if (pipeline == NULL) goto error; /* Node fill in */ strlcpy(pipeline->name, name, sizeof(pipeline->name)); pipeline->p = p; pipeline->timer_period_ms = 10; /* Node add to list */ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&obj->pipeline_list, pipeline, node); return pipeline; error: rte_swx_pipeline_free(p); return NULL; } struct pipeline * pipeline_find(struct obj *obj, const char *name) { struct pipeline *pipeline; if (!obj || !name) return NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH(pipeline, &obj->pipeline_list, node) if (strcmp(name, pipeline->name) == 0) return pipeline; return NULL; } /* * obj */ struct obj * obj_init(void) { struct obj *obj; obj = calloc(1, sizeof(struct obj)); if (!obj) return NULL; TAILQ_INIT(&obj->mempool_list); TAILQ_INIT(&obj->link_list); TAILQ_INIT(&obj->ring_list); TAILQ_INIT(&obj->pipeline_list); TAILQ_INIT(&obj->tap_list); return obj; }