/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <rte_atomic.h> #include <rte_debug.h> #include <rte_eal.h> #include <rte_eventdev.h> #include "evt_options.h" #include "evt_test.h" struct evt_options opt; struct evt_test *test; static void signal_handler(int signum) { int i; static uint8_t once; if ((signum == SIGINT || signum == SIGTERM) && !once) { once = true; printf("\nSignal %d received, preparing to exit...\n", signum); if (test != NULL) { /* request all lcores to exit from the main loop */ *(int *)test->test_priv = true; rte_wmb(); if (test->ops.ethdev_destroy) test->ops.ethdev_destroy(test, &opt); rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore(); if (test->ops.test_result) test->ops.test_result(test, &opt); if (opt.prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_ETH_RX_ADPTR) { RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(i) rte_eth_dev_close(i); } if (test->ops.eventdev_destroy) test->ops.eventdev_destroy(test, &opt); if (test->ops.mempool_destroy) test->ops.mempool_destroy(test, &opt); if (test->ops.test_destroy) test->ops.test_destroy(test, &opt); } /* exit with the expected status */ signal(signum, SIG_DFL); kill(getpid(), signum); } } static inline void evt_options_dump_all(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opts) { evt_options_dump(opts); if (test->ops.opt_dump) test->ops.opt_dump(opts); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { uint8_t evdevs; int ret; signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argv); if (ret < 0) rte_panic("invalid EAL arguments\n"); argc -= ret; argv += ret; evdevs = rte_event_dev_count(); if (!evdevs) rte_panic("no eventdev devices found\n"); /* Populate the default values of the options */ evt_options_default(&opt); /* Parse the command line arguments */ ret = evt_options_parse(&opt, argc, argv); if (ret) { evt_err("parsing on or more user options failed"); goto error; } /* Get struct evt_test *test from name */ test = evt_test_get(opt.test_name); if (test == NULL) { evt_err("failed to find requested test: %s", opt.test_name); goto error; } if (test->ops.test_result == NULL) { evt_err("%s: ops.test_result not found", opt.test_name); goto error; } /* Verify the command line options */ if (opt.dev_id >= rte_event_dev_count()) { evt_err("invalid event device %d", opt.dev_id); goto error; } if (test->ops.opt_check) { if (test->ops.opt_check(&opt)) { evt_err("invalid command line argument"); evt_options_dump_all(test, &opt); goto error; } } /* Check the eventdev capability before proceeding */ if (test->ops.cap_check) { if (test->ops.cap_check(&opt) == false) { evt_info("unsupported test: %s", opt.test_name); evt_options_dump_all(test, &opt); ret = EVT_TEST_UNSUPPORTED; goto nocap; } } /* Dump the options */ if (opt.verbose_level) evt_options_dump_all(test, &opt); /* Test specific setup */ if (test->ops.test_setup) { if (test->ops.test_setup(test, &opt)) { evt_err("failed to setup test: %s", opt.test_name); goto error; } } /* Test specific mempool setup */ if (test->ops.mempool_setup) { if (test->ops.mempool_setup(test, &opt)) { evt_err("%s: mempool setup failed", opt.test_name); goto test_destroy; } } /* Test specific ethdev setup */ if (test->ops.ethdev_setup) { if (test->ops.ethdev_setup(test, &opt)) { evt_err("%s: ethdev setup failed", opt.test_name); goto mempool_destroy; } } /* Test specific eventdev setup */ if (test->ops.eventdev_setup) { if (test->ops.eventdev_setup(test, &opt)) { evt_err("%s: eventdev setup failed", opt.test_name); goto ethdev_destroy; } } /* Launch lcores */ if (test->ops.launch_lcores) { if (test->ops.launch_lcores(test, &opt)) { evt_err("%s: failed to launch lcores", opt.test_name); goto eventdev_destroy; } } rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore(); /* Print the test result */ ret = test->ops.test_result(test, &opt); nocap: if (ret == EVT_TEST_SUCCESS) { printf("Result: "CLGRN"%s"CLNRM"\n", "Success"); } else if (ret == EVT_TEST_FAILED) { printf("Result: "CLRED"%s"CLNRM"\n", "Failed"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (ret == EVT_TEST_UNSUPPORTED) { printf("Result: "CLYEL"%s"CLNRM"\n", "Unsupported"); } return 0; eventdev_destroy: if (test->ops.eventdev_destroy) test->ops.eventdev_destroy(test, &opt); ethdev_destroy: if (test->ops.ethdev_destroy) test->ops.ethdev_destroy(test, &opt); mempool_destroy: if (test->ops.mempool_destroy) test->ops.mempool_destroy(test, &opt); test_destroy: if (test->ops.test_destroy) test->ops.test_destroy(test, &opt); error: return EXIT_FAILURE; }