Enable rx queue interrupts if the app requests them, and vNIC has enough interrupt resources. Use interrupt vector 0 for link status and errors. Use vector 1 for rx queue 0, vector 2 for rx queue 1, and so on. So, with n rx queues, vNIC needs to have at n + 1 interrupts. For VIC, enabling and disabling rx queue interrupts are simply mask/unmask operations. VIC's credit based interrupt moderation is not used, as the app wants to explicitly control when to enable/disable interrupts. This version requires MSI-X (vfio-pci). Sharing one interrupt for link status and rx queues is possible, but is rather complex and has no user demands. Signed-off-by: Hyong Youb Kim <hyonkim@cisco.com> Reviewed-by: John Daley <johndale@cisco.com>