Current RSS implementation is not easy to scale and maintain.
The patch refactor the code base on below design:
1. iavf_pattern_match_item->input_set_mask is the superset of
2. iavf_pattern_match_item->meta is the virtchnl_proto_hdrs template.
3. iavf_hash_parse_pattern will generate pattern hint.
4. iavf_hash_parse_action will refine the virtchnl_proto_hdrs base on
pattern hint and ETH_RSS_xxx.
5. The refine process include
1) refine field selector of l2, l3, l4.
2) insert gtpu proto_hdr at the beginning base on pattern hint.
3) refine field selector for gtpu header.
The patch reduce the code from 4000+ line to less than 1000.
Signed-off-by: Qi Zhang <>
Acked-by: Jeff Guo <>