The current meson option 'machine' should only specify the ISA, which is not sufficient for Arm, where setting ISA implies other settings as well (and is used in Arm configuration as such). Use the existing 'platform' meson option to differentiate the type of the build (native/generic) and set ISA accordingly, unless the user chooses to override it with a new option, 'cpu_instruction_set'. The 'machine' option set the ISA in x86 builds and set native/default 'build type' in aarch64 builds. These two new variables, 'platform' and 'cpu_instruction_set', now properly set both ISA and build type for all architectures in a uniform manner. The 'machine' option also doesn't describe very well what it sets. The new option, 'cpu_instruction_set', is much more descriptive. Keep 'machine' for backwards compatibility. Signed-off-by: Juraj Linkeš <> Acked-by: Bruce Richardson <>
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# Please keep these options sorted alphabetically.
option('check_includes', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
'build "chkincs" to verify each header file can compile alone')
option('cpu_instruction_set', type: 'string', value: 'auto',
description: 'Set the target machine ISA (instruction set architecture). Will be set according to the platform option by default.')
option('developer_mode', type: 'feature', description:
'turn on additional build checks relevant for DPDK developers')
option('disable_drivers', type: 'string', value: '', description:
'Comma-separated list of drivers to explicitly disable.')
option('disable_libs', type: 'string', value: '', description:
'Comma-separated list of libraries to explicitly disable. [NOTE: not all libs can be disabled]')
option('drivers_install_subdir', type: 'string', value: 'dpdk/pmds-<VERSION>', description:
'Subdirectory of libdir where to install PMDs. Defaults to using a versioned subdirectory.')
option('enable_docs', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
'build documentation')
option('enable_drivers', type: 'string', value: '', description:
'Comma-separated list of drivers to build. If unspecified, build all drivers.')
option('enable_driver_sdk', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
'Install headers to build drivers.')
option('enable_kmods', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
'build kernel modules')
option('examples', type: 'string', value: '', description:
'Comma-separated list of examples to build by default')
option('flexran_sdk', type: 'string', value: '', description:
'Path to FlexRAN SDK optional Libraries for BBDEV device')
option('ibverbs_link', type: 'combo', choices : ['static', 'shared', 'dlopen'], value: 'shared', description:
'Linkage method (static/shared/dlopen) for Mellanox PMDs with ibverbs dependencies.')
option('include_subdir_arch', type: 'string', value: '', description:
'subdirectory where to install arch-dependent headers')
option('kernel_dir', type: 'string', value: '', description:
'Path to the kernel for building kernel modules. Headers must be in $kernel_dir or $kernel_dir/build. Modules will be installed in /lib/modules.')
option('machine', type: 'string', value: 'auto', description:
'Alias of cpu_instruction_set.')
option('max_ethports', type: 'integer', value: 32, description:
'maximum number of Ethernet devices')
option('max_lcores', type: 'integer', value: 128, description:
'maximum number of cores/threads supported by EAL')
option('max_numa_nodes', type: 'integer', value: 32, description:
'maximum number of NUMA nodes supported by EAL')
option('platform', type: 'string', value: 'native', description:
'Platform to build, either "native", "generic" or a SoC. Please refer to the Linux build guide for more information.')
option('enable_trace_fp', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
'enable fast path trace points.')
option('tests', type: 'boolean', value: true, description:
'build unit tests')
option('use_hpet', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
'use HPET timer in EAL')