- When running the default configuration of autotest of the make test it'd take 900 seconds (15 minutes) for the script TIMEOUT and marks Failed for a specific device test that is not supported on the system under test. - Adding the checking for those tests, print out as "Skipped [Not Run]" quickly return and continue for next test Fixes: da0af48a67a5 ("test: add skipped return result") Cc: stable@dpdk.org Signed-off-by: Thinh Tran <thinhtr@linux.vnet.ibm.com> Reviewed-by: David Christensen <drc@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
347 lines
9.8 KiB
347 lines
9.8 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright(c) 2010-2014 Intel Corporation
# Test functions
import pexpect
# default autotest, used to run most tests
# waits for "Test OK"
def default_autotest(child, test_name):
result = child.expect(["Test OK", "Test Failed",
"Command not found", pexpect.TIMEOUT,
"Test Skipped"], timeout=900)
if result == 1:
return -1, "Fail"
elif result == 2:
return -1, "Fail [Not found]"
elif result == 3:
return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
elif result == 4:
return 0, "Skipped [Not Run]"
return 0, "Success"
# autotest used to run dump commands
# just fires the command
def dump_autotest(child, test_name):
return 0, "Success"
# memory autotest
# reads output and waits for Test OK
def memory_autotest(child, test_name):
lines = 0
error = ''
while True:
regexp = "IOVA:0x[0-9a-f]*, len:([0-9]*), virt:0x[0-9a-f]*, " \
index = child.expect([regexp, "Test OK", "Test Failed",
pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=10)
if index == 3:
return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
elif index == 1:
elif index == 2:
return -1, "Fail"
lines = lines + 1
size = int(child.match.groups()[0], 10)
if size <= 0:
error = 'Bad size'
if lines <= 0:
return -1, "Fail [No entries]"
if error != '':
return -1, "Fail [{}]".format(error)
return 0, "Success"
def spinlock_autotest(child, test_name):
i = 0
ir = 0
while True:
index = child.expect(["Test OK",
"Test Failed",
"Hello from core ([0-9]*) !",
"Hello from within recursive locks "
"from ([0-9]*) !",
pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=5)
# ok
if index == 0:
# message, check ordering
elif index == 2:
if int(child.match.groups()[0]) < i:
return -1, "Fail [Bad order]"
i = int(child.match.groups()[0])
elif index == 3:
if int(child.match.groups()[0]) < ir:
return -1, "Fail [Bad order]"
ir = int(child.match.groups()[0])
# fail
elif index == 4:
return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
elif index == 1:
return -1, "Fail"
return 0, "Success"
def rwlock_autotest(child, test_name):
i = 0
while True:
index = child.expect(["Test OK",
"Test Failed",
"Hello from core ([0-9]*) !",
"Global write lock taken on main "
"core ([0-9]*)",
pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=10)
# ok
if index == 0:
if i != 0xffff:
return -1, "Fail [Message is missing]"
# message, check ordering
elif index == 2:
if int(child.match.groups()[0]) < i:
return -1, "Fail [Bad order]"
i = int(child.match.groups()[0])
# must be the last message, check ordering
elif index == 3:
i = 0xffff
elif index == 4:
return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
# fail
return -1, "Fail"
return 0, "Success"
def ticketlock_autotest(child, test_name):
i = 0
ir = 0
while True:
index = child.expect(["Test OK",
"Test Failed",
"Hello from core ([0-9]*) !",
"Hello from within recursive locks "
"from ([0-9]*) !",
pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=5)
# ok
if index == 0:
# message, check ordering
elif index == 2:
if int(child.match.groups()[0]) < i:
return -1, "Fail [Bad order]"
i = int(child.match.groups()[0])
elif index == 3:
if int(child.match.groups()[0]) < ir:
return -1, "Fail [Bad order]"
ir = int(child.match.groups()[0])
# fail
elif index == 4:
return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
elif index == 1:
return -1, "Fail"
return 0, "Success"
def mcslock_autotest(child, test_name):
i = 0
ir = 0
while True:
index = child.expect(["Test OK",
"Test Failed",
"lcore ([0-9]*) state: ([0-1])"
"MCS lock taken on core ([0-9]*)",
"MCS lock released on core ([0-9]*)",
pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=5)
# ok
if index == 0:
# message, check ordering
elif index == 2:
if int(child.match.groups()[0]) < i:
return -1, "Fail [Bad order]"
i = int(child.match.groups()[0])
elif index == 3:
if int(child.match.groups()[0]) < ir:
return -1, "Fail [Bad order]"
ir = int(child.match.groups()[0])
# fail
elif index == 4:
return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
elif index == 1:
return -1, "Fail"
return 0, "Success"
def logs_autotest(child, test_name):
log_list = [
"TESTAPP1: error message",
"TESTAPP1: critical message",
"TESTAPP2: critical message",
"TESTAPP1: error message",
for log_msg in log_list:
index = child.expect([log_msg,
"Test OK",
"Test Failed",
pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=10)
if index == 3:
return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
# not ok
elif index != 0:
return -1, "Fail"
index = child.expect(["Test OK",
"Test Failed",
pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=10)
return 0, "Success"
def timer_autotest(child, test_name):
index = child.expect(["Start timer stress tests",
"Test Failed",
pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=5)
if index == 1:
return -1, "Fail"
elif index == 2:
return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
index = child.expect(["Start timer stress tests 2",
"Test Failed",
pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=5)
if index == 1:
return -1, "Fail"
elif index == 2:
return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
index = child.expect(["Start timer basic tests",
"Test Failed",
pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=5)
if index == 1:
return -1, "Fail"
elif index == 2:
return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
lcore_tim0 = -1
lcore_tim1 = -1
lcore_tim2 = -1
lcore_tim3 = -1
while True:
index = child.expect(["TESTTIMER: ([0-9]*): callback id=([0-9]*) "
"count=([0-9]*) on core ([0-9]*)",
"Test OK",
"Test Failed",
pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=10)
if index == 1:
if index == 2:
return -1, "Fail"
elif index == 3:
return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
id = int(child.match.groups()[1])
cnt = int(child.match.groups()[2])
lcore = int(child.match.groups()[3])
return -1, "Fail [Cannot parse]"
# timer0 always expires on the same core when cnt < 20
if id == 0:
if lcore_tim0 == -1:
lcore_tim0 = lcore
elif lcore != lcore_tim0 and cnt < 20:
return -1, "Fail [lcore != lcore_tim0 (%d, %d)]" \
% (lcore, lcore_tim0)
if cnt > 21:
return -1, "Fail [tim0 cnt > 21]"
# timer1 each time expires on a different core
if id == 1:
if lcore == lcore_tim1:
return -1, "Fail [lcore == lcore_tim1 (%d, %d)]" \
% (lcore, lcore_tim1)
lcore_tim1 = lcore
if cnt > 10:
return -1, "Fail [tim1 cnt > 30]"
# timer0 always expires on the same core
if id == 2:
if lcore_tim2 == -1:
lcore_tim2 = lcore
elif lcore != lcore_tim2:
return -1, "Fail [lcore != lcore_tim2 (%d, %d)]" \
% (lcore, lcore_tim2)
if cnt > 30:
return -1, "Fail [tim2 cnt > 30]"
# timer0 always expires on the same core
if id == 3:
if lcore_tim3 == -1:
lcore_tim3 = lcore
elif lcore != lcore_tim3:
return -1, "Fail [lcore_tim3 changed (%d -> %d)]" \
% (lcore, lcore_tim3)
if cnt > 30:
return -1, "Fail [tim3 cnt > 30]"
# must be 2 different cores
if lcore_tim0 == lcore_tim3:
return -1, "Fail [lcore_tim0 (%d) == lcore_tim3 (%d)]" \
% (lcore_tim0, lcore_tim3)
return 0, "Success"
def ring_autotest(child, test_name):
index = child.expect(["Test OK", "Test Failed",
pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=2)
if index == 1:
return -1, "Fail"
elif index == 2:
return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
return 0, "Success"