For Kunpeng930, the NIC engine support 1280 tqps being taken over by a PF. In this case, a maximum of 1281 interrupt resources are also supported in this PF. To support the maximum number of queues, several patches are made. But the interrupt related modification are missing. So, in RX interrupt mode, a large number of queues will be aggregated into one interrupt due to insufficient interrupts. It will lead to waste of interrupt resources and reduces usability. To utilize all these interrupt resources, related IMP command has been extended. And, the I/O address of the extended interrupt resources are different from the existing ones. So, a function used for calculating the address offset has been added. Fixes: 76d794566d43 ("net/hns3: maximize queue number") Fixes: 27911a6e62e5 ("net/hns3: add Rx interrupts compatibility") Cc: stable@dpdk.org Signed-off-by: Chengchang Tang <tangchengchang@huawei.com>