The page size is often retrieved from the macro PAGE_SIZE. If PAGE_SIZE is not defined, it is either using hard coded default, or getting the system value from the UNIX-only function sysconf(). Such definitions are replaced with the generic function rte_mem_page_size() defined for each supported OS. Removing PAGE_SIZE definitions will fix dlb drivers for musl libc, because #ifdef checks were missing, causing redefinition errors. Signed-off-by: Thomas Monjalon <thomas@monjalon.net> Acked-by: Andrew Boyer <aboyer@pensando.io> Acked-by: Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybchenko@oktetlabs.ru> Acked-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com> Acked-by: Timothy McDaniel <timothy.mcdaniel@intel.com>