This is a new type of reader-writer lock that provides better fairness guarantees which better suited for typical DPDK applications. A pflock has two ticket pools, one for readers and one for writers. Phase-fair reader writer locks ensure that neither reader nor writer will be starved. Neither reader or writer are preferred, they execute in alternating phases. All operations of the same type (reader or writer) that acquire the lock are handled in FIFO order. Write operations are exclusive, and multiple read operations can be run together (until a write arrives). A similar implementation is in Concurrency Kit package in FreeBSD. For more information see: "Reader-Writer Synchronization for Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems", http://www.cs.unc.edu/~anderson/papers/ecrts09b.pdf Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org> Acked-by: Honnappa Nagarahalli <honnappa.nagarahalli@arm.com> Acked-by: Konstantin Ananyev <konstantin.ananyev@intel.com>