buildtools/ printed paths with OS directory separator, which is "/" on Unices and "\" on Windows, while Meson code always expected "/". This resulted in all drivers being disabled on Windows. Replace "\" with "/" in script output. Forward slash is a valid, although non-default, separator on Windows, so no paths can be broken by this substitution. Fixes: ab9407c3addd ("build: allow using wildcards to disable drivers") Cc: Signed-off-by: Dmitry Kozlyuk <> Acked-by: Bruce Richardson <>
21 lines
567 B
Executable File
21 lines
567 B
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation
import sys
import os
from glob import iglob
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: {0} <path-glob>[,<path-glob>[,...]]".format(sys.argv[0]))
root = os.path.join(os.getenv('MESON_SOURCE_ROOT', '.'),
os.getenv('MESON_SUBDIR', '.'))
for path in sys.argv[1].split(','):
if path:
for p in iglob(os.path.join(root, path)):
if os.path.isdir(p):
print(os.path.relpath(p).replace('\\', '/'))